SlaughterHouse On Two Legs

 "I'm sorry young master." 

 "I understand you had to do your organization thing. It's fine, I get it, you could have been honest with me that the reason you've been beside me all these years was so you can observe me." 

 "I apologize." 

 "Naaaah, it's fine, I get it. I mean thanks to you I'm now the crown of the peacock." 


 "What?" I looked at Aria who just let out a small laugh. 

 "Master is unknowingly looking cute right now." She said and it embarrassed me. 



 The madam came inside with a dude in black ninja assassin-looking attire. 

 "This is the shadow. They consist of thirteen members and their work is to collect information within any area you enter within less time as possible while sticking close to you but away from everyone's sight, with a call from you, they will appear. They also are quite skilled, skilled enough to stealthily take out a level 17." She said.