Let The Game Begin...

"According to our investigations, there was a particular incident that caused the demonification of mankind." 

 "So that means even the demon race used to be humans?" I replied to shadow who was seated in front of me with some really old and wood-smelling books. 

 "Well, there were a lot of things to it but was mainly caused by the rings and one other factor." 

 "What other factor?" 

 "The red gem, an antodium crystal." 

 "What's that?" 

 "A crystal, its original nature is colorless like water, it has an attribute that allows it to be able to take on the nature of anything." 

 "Explain that... take on the nature of anything as how?" 

 "It means, if exposed to fire, will take on the attributes and nature of a fire both in terms of appearance and traits, but still maintaining its state as a crystal" 

 "So that means, it will burn me if I touch it even though it is a crystal," I asked. 
