
 Eventually, we were taken into the city but as captives based on their condition that we might be a danger to them. Even though the dwarves were short creatures they had massive buildings that were definitely not for short people. The streets of their city were tight with different kinds of mechanics here and there, the difference between this place and Voyicuria was that this place had more mechanics so much that it barely even gives space on the streets. Even the air was busy, as flying motors moved from building to building. 

It was like a medieval-themed metaverse. 

 We were brought before the king, whose face was blocked by the large cup of booze. I didn't need to confirm, the atmosphere had a thick smell of alcohol when you enter a tavern. 

 "Urgh? Rogath? Who are these?" The king asked as he slammed the cup on the table beside him. 

 "Your highness I have brought back some humans." The dwarf responded politely bowing his head.