Demon Intrusion I

 Walking around the city with Hemarc showing and telling me different things helped a little. 

It was unfair, to be given a purpose even before one is birthed. I am not sure how hostile Marie Claude would be to me. She after all is one that prioritizes the importance of her specie above any other thing. Plus she makes it clear every now and then that the only reason she is still staying is that I have her powers. She had mentioned that the blood magic was something she learned from some human and is not really her powers as a vampire. 

 With what I just heard, I am provoked into thinking that perhaps it is her real magic that I took away and was it the cause of Dimes array or me. Well, I can't be sure about that until I master up to seventy percent of Anastasia's powers, which is the point I obtain universal sight. An upgrade of clairvoyance; an ability to look beyond this world.