An Impromptu Meeting

"Master the only one that probably thinks that you have not enough..."

She said with a warm smile, warmer than the one I've been receiving before now, that one was full of pretense and frustration.

"Look at all this master, it was built on your money and coordinated by your people, even now, you are spending your all to make sure that the city stays safe, Challan told us of what it is costing you to keep the barrier on, yet you don't complain or say anything about it."

'Oh... Challan, what lies have you fed these people, it's not even a big deal'

I could only let out a gentle smile and think on the brawl I will have with Challan later on.

But honestly, I was proud of this city and proud of everyone... 

Making something out of nothing was huge enough but making a metrapolis city out of barren lands and that too in just a year... it's a miracle.

"Maybe we should organize a fun event after all this is over."