The White Dragon II

"When was the last time I even saw you? Two hundred years? Three?"

"I don't care"

"Then why are you suddenly here?"

"I heard of the migration..."

"And how is it supposed to be any of your business?"

"Reondor, you have grown quite cold over the years, haven't you?"

"That's quite the contrary, aren't you the one who said 'I don't care'

"Whatever, I know you are running from the scaleless dragon and I am here to offer my help."

"But that is not what her highness said to the elders"

The two female guards that stood a bit away from Sakura who was now standing behind Memrie, whispered one to another.

"What? The scaleless dragon. Why will I run away from the scaleless dragon?"

Her expression changed, she was surprised by Reondor's question. Before now she was sure Reondor was running away from the scaleless dragon.

"Then why did you run away from Kearlet cliff?"