"What the hell are you doing here?" I yell. "River, let him go!!"
"Hayes and I have things to discuss, baby sis." My older brother says calmly as if he isn't holding Aiden up against the wall. "Future alpha to future alpha."
River's arms are bulging, keeping the pressure around Aiden's collar. They are close in height, so my mate's feet are still on the floor, but his upper body is glued behind him. My brother looks at me with blue eyes so close in color to mine that it's impossible to deny we are siblings. But, like Colton, he got my dad's dark brown hair instead of my mom's deep red tone.
Cami whistles beside me. "Your family has won the genetic lottery, my friend."
I ignore my wise-ass bestie, moving closer to the two boys.
"River, stop it. Now."
My mate is quiet through all this, not even seeming bothered to be held up against the wall.
My older brother is staring at him with violence in his eyes.
"I will call your girlfriend and tell her about the great 2004 accident." I threaten River in my most serious voice.
He turns to me. "You wouldn't."
I smirk. "Watch me."
My phone is out of my pocket in a second, and I run from the room, knowing he will follow.
When I hear my brother's footsteps behind me as I exit the dorm building, I know my plan worked.
"Violet, get back here!" He calls out.
I ignore him, continuing to run until trees surround me. River catches up to me quickly once I slow down.
I whirl around to glare at him accusingly, putting my phone back in my back pocket. "What are you doing here? And who the hell told you?"
My older brother takes a leisurely walk until he stands closer to me. "How about a hug first, baby sis? I missed you."
I smile, walking into his open arms. "I missed you too, River."
He let go of me after a few seconds, proceeding to mess up my hair with his hand. "I see that you're still short."
"Ha-ha. So funny." I mock. "Now fess up."
"Well," He begins. "Mom is actually the one who made me come all the way out here, claiming you were ignoring her, which, according to her, meant you were in trouble. Guess her mother instincts really work."
Dammit, I should have called her.
"And Colton told you about Aiden?"
"No. I used my alpha voice on Noah after I got to the cabin, and Colton told me that we need to kill the future alpha of Shadow pack, no questions asked."
I cringe inwards at how well I can imagine that scenario. "Look, I understand both of you want to protect me. But I want to deal with this myself."
"Violet, he deserves to pay for what he did. And the mating pull wouldn't let you hurt him as much as he needs to be hurt." My brother says, hatred coloring his face.
"You're right." My mate's voice interrupts us. Aiden is standing at the woods entrance, hands at his sides.
"Glad you agree." River quips, crossing his arms. "So, when can we start?"
My eyes widen. "Woah, hold up. We're still talking about this."
"What is there to talk about, baby sis? I want to beat him up. He wants me to beat him up. So I'll do it. Everyone's happy."
"This is not about what either of you wants," I argue, vexed. "Aiden hurt me. That means that I'm the one who decides how to punish him for it."
River shakes his head. "That's a nice sentiment, nugget. But considering how close you were on that room, you're not doing a very good job."
"Screw you, River. You have no idea what a true mate feels like. It's not that simple."
"And that's why Colton and I should handle this. You can't think clearly around him."
His words are causing anger to build up inside me steadily.
"He's my freaking mate! Was he a complete and utter jackass? Who should be in a pit crawling with snakes and no sunlight? Totally! But he's my true mate. So I need to give him a chance."
My eyes water. "If I don't allow him to earn my forgiveness, I suffer too. My wolf suffers. And we've suffered enough."
Aiden looks distraught. He takes one step forward, seeming to want to come closer to me, but stays in his place when my brother shoots him a threatening look.
I'm aware that Aiden doesn't deserve my forgiveness yet. But he's trying now. He's saying all the right words and doing all the right things. While his reasons for rejecting me were absurd and his behavior despicable, I believe that there is a more significant depth to his motives...one that I intend to find out.
I need to get to know him better. Because if the goddess chose Aiden as my mate, there must be more to him than the jerk who rejected me. And I've seen glimpses of how sweet he can be.
"River, I came to Woodbridge to discover myself. To grow up and find my independence. While I never expected this, I need to work things out for myself." I urge him to understand.
My brother releases a deep gush of air. "You're the youngest, Violet. Our baby sister. We have been protecting you our whole lives. It's ingrained into who we are."
I give him a sad smile. "I know, big brother. But this is not something you can protect me from. This is between my mate and me."
River paces, indecision obviously plaguing him.
It seems his mind is made up when he moves to stand in front of Aiden in a second. Too fast for me to stop him.
He lands a hard punch square in my mate's jaw, the sound echoing throughout the woods. Aiden stumbles back a step, spitting blood on the floor but making no move to fight back.
"That is one." My brother growls. "If you ever hurt her again, there will be so many more."
"I understand." Aiden's voice sounds rough. It's not easy for an alpha wolf like him to get hit and do nothing. His wolf is probably pressing him like hell to assert his dominance. "But I'll never hurt her again."
River nods. "We'll see."
I let out a relieved breath, now that I know they won't kill each other.
"River, I need to finish talking to Aiden," I tell my brother, placing my hand on his arm. "Can you please go back to Colton's, and I'll meet you in a bit?"
"Sure." River agrees. "I still have to let our brother know that as much as I want to, I can't help him with his plan."
I narrow my eyes. "No. What you need to tell him is that his plan won't be put into action by anyone. Including him."
"Of course." My brother shrugs innocently.
I press my lips as he walks away, knowing I'm the one who is going to have to convince Colton to stay put.
"So," I turn my attention to Aiden. "My brother is right."
Aiden grimaces. "Which one? Cause as much as I deserve that Colton kills me; I still need time to earn your forgiveness."
I roll my eyes. "River."
He nods. "Alright. What is he right about?"
"I can't think clearly around you," I admit. "What you did to me was cruel, Aiden. It will take some time to make things right. But when I'm with you, the mating pull gets in the way and makes me want to forget just how much you hurt me."
"When I rejected you back, it was because I needed to convince myself to stay away from you. That's how bad I wanted to be with you. Even when all you were to me was a huge asshole. And now you're being sweet...and I'm afraid I'll forgive you much sooner than you deserve."
I'm pouring my heart out to him, looking for a way to save myself from falling. Because I still can't be sure he will be there to catch me if I do.
Aiden searches my eyes with his, the color of them matching the shades of the woods around us, from the light green leaves to the deep forest bushes.
"Okay." He says gently. "I have a proposal for you, then."
"A proposal?" I ask, confused.
"What type of proposal?"
Aiden smiles. "The type that protects you from me."
"I'm listening." Curiosity is eating away in my chest.
"I know that I hurt you deeply," He starts. "But we're mates, meaning we're meant to be together. That puts you in the terrible position of having to think twice about giving up on me, like I deserve."
He pauses, before continuing.
"I can't put a time limit on how much time you have to forgive me. But I can put a time limit on how long you can't forgive me for."
"What do you mean?" I question.
"School just started. That means we have a couple months until winter break. Meanwhile, I'm going to do my best to become worthy of your forgiveness, little knight. But until we reach winter break, you're not allowed to forgive me, no matter what." His voice sounds determined. "Even if you want to, I won't let you. It's my job to protect you and from now on, I'll do a good fucking job. I'll protect you from me. I'll protect you from the mating pull messing with your head. I'll protect you from yourself. From fucking anyone or anything that would hurt you."
I don't know what to say when he finishes.
Aiden steps closer to me, lifting his hand to cradle my face. "You have been hurt enough. No more, little wolf."
The contact helps appease my wolf inside me. She's very hurt too but, even more than me, she needs physical contact with her mate.
"We need rules and boundaries." I tell him. "So that I can keep my wolf happy while still having time and space to figure out my feelings."
"How about we let our wolves enjoy a run together? Maybe twice a week." He proposes, letting his hand drop.
My wolf feels overjoyed at that idea.
"Ok." I agree. "That sounds good."
"We can't kiss or anything further than that." I quickly add. "That would definitely mess with my head. What happened in the dorms can't happen again until I forgive you. It was too close a call"
Aiden nods in agreement. "No kissing, or anything further. But I would like to ask you for something else."
"What?" I ask in suspicion.
"A date." He reveals. "Once a week, minimum. Just to talk, get to know each other."
I contemplate his request.
Well, If I want to get to know him better, I do have to actually spend time with him. So his request seems fair.
"Ok, we can have dates. But no minimum. We only go if I feel like it."
Aiden laughs. "Deal."
"Anything else?" He asks, a satisfied glint in his eyes.
"I'll think about it."
"Good." My mate then points in the direction of the Cabins. "You going to meet your brothers?"
"Well, since we're going the same way, can I keep you company?"
I smirk. "No."
It's visible that he wants to argue. "Hmm, I definitely don't want to sound like a possessive jerk here. But after the shit that went down with Tyler Dagon last night, I'm just worried about you walking alone."
"I'm not going alone. I have a very loud bestie who will never forgive me if I don't bring her around to meet both of my brothers together."
Aiden chuckles. "Oh, okay then. I guess I'll see you later, little Knight. Please convince your brother to not try to kill me."
The corner of my lip lifts up. "I will. But if you mess up again, I'll kill you myself."
My tone makes the joke in my words obvious, but he's face is very serious when he speaks. "It won't happen again."
Its spoken like a promise, one I'm hoping he'll be able to keep.
I wave at him as I make my way toward the dorms, only hearing him leave when I'm already inside.
When I open the door to my room, Cami pounces on me. "What happened??"
"I'll tell you on the way." I answer.
"Okay...but where are going?"
I flash her a teasing smile. "We're going to go get breakfast."
She frowns. "Why don't we just eat here? I have fresh granola bars."
"Because we're eating with my brothers."
Her squeal almost ruptures my eardrums.