A warm welcome

Savine wasn't wearing anything fancy – only the bare minimum required of the party - but she went all out on the makeup.

With some eyeliners and some toners, she added a bit of sharpness everywhere on her face, hiding her childish parts and supporting her more mature features. Though she still had her babyfat, no one could see it on her face now. Thankfully, her body was quite tall, so Savine did not look too short, ruining the image she was trying to go for. 

All in all, Savine looked like a somewhat short 18-year-old, but that was enough to make people take her seriously. Kids and teenagers were never taken seriously. Savine could make do with her charisma and bearing, but first impressions of her were always going to be biased. Against certain people, that could be an advantage, but Savine did not wish to play these games with others. If people could respect her from the start, that would be most convenient.