Proving oneself

There was a brief silence after Savine described the procedure. Gray's face was turning more and more crumpled with each second, but Balint was seriously considering the options. 

"…How will you- cough, cough!"

Savine waved to indicate she understood the question.

"Right. First I'll have to make you sleep. You also won't be feeling any pain. Then, I'll make a cut on your chest. About this long. Then I'll have to cut your breastbone and a few of your ribs to find access to your heart. For a few minutes, I'll have to manually keep your blood flowing while I remove the tumor. Of course, I can't just leave you with part of your heart missing, so I'll have to regrow it a bit to make sure everything's normal. Ah, I guess I can make the necessary bits and pieces before I start the operation.

"After all that, I'll reconnect your bloodflow back to your heart, connect your ribs and breastbone, and close up the wound I made. Easy peasy."
