

Lucius's attention was already on Savine. He was smiling, but his eyes weren't. He was being defensive because his family was beside him. There was also the weirdly mature valet beside Julius. Evans was his name.

She hadn't seen him since that debut party of Julius's and sure enough, he was still a mystery to Savine.

"Hello!" Savine spoke up. "I feel we've never spoken to each other."

His wife managed to keep a polite smile on her face, but the kid visibly flinched back. Savine could only imagine the stories that Lucius was telling his family. 

"I believe we've never spoken as well," Lucius's wife said. "My name is Camelia Fest."

"And I'm Savine Lorelei, soon to be Savine Gretenberg. Don't tell the Sovereign but I really don't like how the name rolls off the tongue. So just call me Savine."

"Your name is renowned everywhere," Camelia said mechanically. "There's no need to introduce yourself."