A show of force

"What do you think Savine is?" she asked. "And I'm asking seriously."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm just asking for what do you see her as."

"A monster."

"Figuratively? Or literally."


"Then what do you think of her literally."

"She's some kind of parasite," he said after some thought. "I know it. I know because she took over my sister's body. …I loved my sister just like any other brother. And I could tell immediately one day that she was a completely different person. Don't argue me on this," he added. "At first, Savine didn't even react to my sister's name. We would call her 'Ney' and she wouldn't even notice."

"I trust you," Eliseline said. "Alright. You think of her as a parasite. But what is her true form? Is she a soul that pushed out your sister's soul, or is she a worm-like creature like other parasites that take over their host slowly, or is she something completely else?"

"…I don't know."