The Demon King's request

"Well, what exactly do you want from me? As you know, I'm not as strong as the heroes, nor am I as strong as a C-level adventurer. Exactly what do you want from me?"

I seriously addressed these questions to the person who calls himself the demon king. I want to find out, if I'm not weak, why is this happening to me.

"I ask you to be loyal to me, when the time comes, fight by my side and let us slaughter those who have imprisoned me here."

"Who imprisoned you here?"

"The ones who brought you here... As you say, the ones who kidnapped you."

"What can I do? I am weak"

"Yes, and you are very weak. You can't even be a slave in the devil's country. But that could change over time."

"Do you mean that you are too weak to be a slave to me?"

"Exactly so, the will of the world began to refuse me. This conversation ends here."

S/he snapped his finger and I flew back meters, the world blurred and all my senses began to go. Words are not enough for me to describe what I'm feeling right now.

"... What have I been... Through?"

I tried to stand up, but I was dizzy, I think it's a side effect of going to the spiritual realm. Involuntarily I opened my soul notebook, or it opened itself. I don't know exactly either.

[Occupation: Amateur martial artist]

[Race: Superior Human]

[Blood: Venom↑]

[Blessings: Bifron]

[Abilities: Willpower, Optical Time, Metal Hand]

Bifron, I think, is the name of the blessing of the person who introduces himself as the Demon King.

Bifron: Your friendship with demons increases, evil beings love you.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this, at least I'll get along easier with evil beings.

I opened the iron fist book and continued to work. Strangely enough, I'm doing the foot movements more smoothly now.

"But it is still insufficient."

Even if I'm stronger now than I was before, I can't beat a cyclops or a dragon because of the weight difference.

The real face of this weight difference is that no matter how strong you are, you will be crushed when tons of heavy loads are placed on you.

"So much training is enough."

Inemni down time... I got off slowly and asked the receptionist where Cecil was.

"S/he went hunting with his party."

"... Could you give me a book that shows the frequency of monsters here?"

"We don't have anything like that, but we have a map that shows the possible locations of the monsters."

I took the book in my hand and decided after reviewing it.

"Is there an orc hunting mission around here or something?"

"There is. We give 2 silver pieces for each pair of orc testicle."

"Why are Orc testicles so expensive?"

"Because... Is working..."

The receptionist girl was very embarrassed... I didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I'm taking this task."

I got ready and left, I had to buy a new sword and some important things.

That's why I went out to buy materials, rumor has it that it's more profitable to go to a blacksmith and get it made than to buy it at the store.

"Clink! Clink!! Clink!! Clink!!!"

When I entered the blacksmith shop, the sounds of iron forging spread all over the place. They were very rough, but they sounded so harmonious.

After hours of waiting, the sounds suddenly stopped. By that time, I had Decisively finished the book iron fist.

The blacksmith had come out of his workshop at last.

"How can I help you?"

"I want to make a suitable weapon for myself."

"Come here, I'll take your measurements."

He took out the measuring instrument that tailors use... But I can't give information here because I don't know the names of everything.

He started taking measurements of my arm and my body.

"What kind of weapon do you want? Is it something like a long sword or something like a dagger?"

"I would be happy if something like a short sword happened."

"Hmm... Finally, show your fighting style and strength."

"I fight more with my fists, and what am I going to show my strength on?"

"Do you see that obsidian over there? Hit him correctly without using any technique"


I gathered my strength in my muscles and threw my fist.


"Yes, obsidian is hard, but it cannot be processed."

"Why did you ask me to hit obsidian?"

"Pleasure. Anyway, I'll do it in 4 days, you'll get it when you arrive. 60 silver price, prepare until then."

And he kicked me out of the door instantly.

"I guess it's okay. Let's go!"

I bought a temporary sword, a pair of leather gloves and boots. When the guy says smart clothes or something, 1 gold has already gone.

I left the city and went to the area where the orcs are.

"There is only one orc"

This could be a good chance for me.

it is 3 meters in size and has large and sturdy branches in its hands, which they take from trees.

"It's time to attack!"

I did my footwork and kicked an orc's left leg, but it didn't seem to feel it very much.

"What are you, a Hulk or something?!"


Why does an orc make a fucking roaring sound? This time I also started swinging punches repeatedly at his stomach, but it got Decently off with his bulk very easily.

It waved his stick at me and I flew for meters.

'It's very difficult because of the mass'

Why are these bastards so fucking fat, and most of their bodies are saggy. Most of their bodies are probably covered with the right layer just because. Why would people or girls want the assholes of such a pig-like creature? This fat guy is like reading or watching hentai. Either way, it's disgusting.

Time passed, and I killed more than 5 orcs.

'I can't feel my hands'

Although I wear leather gloves, my hand has become like this. Orcs have very hard bodies. In fact, if they had this hardness on their skin, they would have made very beautiful armor, but unfortunately, their bodies are just fat

"From the kernels of really too big. Almost my fingernail."

And how the fuck am I supposed to keep those orc balls!? Hmm... Should I skin the Orc and put the assholes in it? I don't want to touch these disgusting things one bit.

after a 2-hour effort, I performed a swimming procedure, albeit a bad one. It was very difficult to swim the living body, I was so afraid to apply too much force in the middle or something that I cut it very badly.

"It's time to come back"


"10 orc testicle."

"Okey... 10 silver"

"Thanks. By the way, does the guild have a bathhouse or something?"

"None... There will be traditional games this month and the participation of the guild is mandatory. We will put up a banner for more information about this."

"Why is it mandatory?"

"Because we are organizing the event."


We had a little chat and then I left. Then I stopped by the bathhouse and tried to get rid of that filthy orc smell.

"It smells bad, but the money is good."

And it's becoming a nice training for me, it's a little more difficult to avoid and attack orcs.

The days went on like this, and it was time to get my sword.

"Clink. Clink!! Clink!!!!"

He was captured by these sounds again, it hurts the ear, but it's beautiful.

"Have you come?"

"Yes, and I think it's over."

"It was over yesterday, and I was waiting for you to come. Give me your money and go."

I gave him the money, and after he took my sword, he kicked me out the door.

"... Workaholic old man."

I'm looking at the sword... Beautiful. I think I need to get a sharpening stone and oil to take care of the sword.

These have an average price of 20 silver pieces. i gave 15 silver for oil

I went back to the guild and noticed that Cecil had bought an arrow.


"Hmm? Yes?"

"You're not sorry, it's a little unusual"

"I'm earning nicely at the party I just joined. It doesn't come out very often, so"

"... I'm happy for you"

And the conversation was over here, since there was no topic to talk about, we both left, and I began to study my movements, until night.

Author: Yasir00


Translated: Yandex & Yasir00