I make a magic

"Are you the demon?" Lif asked.

Shaking my head, I said, "No, I'm not..." I replied. "Besides, it wasn't devilry I did." I said this while observing the village behind.

"Yes, it was, in human and druidic stories it is called 'devilry'."

"The demon would be sorry to hear that, he's not such a bad person. Vengeful, though. That's not the point, when are you thinking of leaving me?"

After Lif has tied my hands, she 'forcibly' carries me on her back. I'm really in a bit of an embarrassing position.

"And you're asking too! You're all burned up, man!! Even if you are a homonculus, it is very difficult for you to recover."

"First of all, I'm not a homonculus. Secondly, I'm recovering, but it will take a little longer, about 1 week or so."

"Even elf can't heal that fast!! Do you have orc blood or something?" She looked at me with her head up in disbelief, but when I told her to look at the road, she grunted and looked in front of him.

"As I said, I am human, but a slightly superior version of it." I think I was a little proud when I said that, this world has ruined me.

The spirit sleeping in my hair is tugging at my hair. It's a little disturbing.

"Are these spirits always so lazy?"

"No, spirits work endlessly. But you're the only one above its." My bones throbbed because of a sudden movement.

"How so?" I directed my question to Lif because it interested me.

"Spirits live in a hierarchical order. Most people get spirits from nature, this situation causes you to have temporary spirits."

After jumping hard over the log on the ground, my burn wounds ached like crazy. Even though I tried to hide my pain, Lif seems to understand.

"... I'm sorry, I guess I should have jumped thinking about you. Other people create their own spirit, but these spirit are not very useful because they are the lowest level. And those spirit become stronger together with their owners, and the simplest way to strengthen them is to live life-and-death moments without stopping."

"Anyway, seriously, untie my hands. I can walk." I said to Lif

"Come on, it's impossible for you to walk. The village guard cut leg muscles very nicely. You'd have screwed up if I hadn't come to help." she shouted.

"Hmm? Do you worry for me?"


"Oops is so sweet." I wanted to stroke her hair, but the aura she exuded scared me a little.

Besides, my hands are tied. What a big loss. The Lifs smells strangely good. Even the nobles don't smell that good.

Lowered me to the ground. Although I can't run, I'm able to walk.

"I won't be surprised anymore, even if you say that you can go back in time, I won't be surprised anymore."

"... Such a thing is impossible."

According to the demon, this is not a case of going back in time. So it's true what I said.

"You're walking slowly, you can't keep up the pace like this."

"I guess you're right, we haven't had dinner, have we?"

"Now when you tell me..." She fixed his eyes on the forest, "I'll be back soon." she said and walked away.

She left me here and disappeared into the forest, although it's night time, my eyes see well.

'It would be better if it wasn't for this shitty burning pain.' I closed my wounds, which were open after I tore the clothes I took from the people I killed.

Although my body has been burned so much, it is healing, and even when it is fully healed, it may even be more durable than before.

'I'm much stronger than when I first came here, I can survive here now.'

After a short time, Lif returned with 2 rabbits in his hand.

"I'm lighting the fire, you wait here" With her hand she pointed to the stone for me to sit down.

"I guess you forgot how you burned the rabbit yesterday?" Lifting my left eyebrow, I looked at Lif.

"Exceptions do not spoil the pedestal." I understand a little bit about the shame of not being able to look me in the eye, but I wouldn't want to eat a charred rabbit again.

"You prepare everything, I have the rest."

After a long time, it was cooked the way I wanted and we ate with pleasure.

"Let's keep moving." said Lif.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I also want to find a village as soon as possible and replenish my stock of arrows."

"I doubt there will be a solid arrow around here, it is necessary to buy something to manage until a big city."

"Come on, jump on my back, I'll speed up a little."

"Are you going to use the wind spirit?"

"Yes, the alpha here is disturbed by our arrival" She looked nervously at a corner of the forest. "The sooner we get going the better."

"How did you know?"

"Compared to a human, a druid's perception is a thousand times stronger, besides, I perceive more clearly thanks to spirits."

I think it makes sense what they say, after all, most Druids are archers or shamans. But they do this job very well, that's separate. In addition, their appearance is also very beautiful, but...

"Are the breasts of most Druids small?"

She stopped for a moment, but after sighing, she continued.

"Yes, long life leads to a decrease in reproductive ability, which is why our genitals mature later and are much smaller compared to humans."

"But if I remember correctly, your mother's were big."

That size is at least G size.

"That exception, that big wife is so adept at magic that she grows her own breasts with magic, on top of it..."

"On top?"

"I'll keep that much." after saying that, she looked at her own breast and sighed a big sigh.

'I think she's upset because her breasts are small. It's not really my business, though.'I thought, as I continued on my way, I practiced mana by channeling the mana I received from the little spirit, but I guess I still don't understand how it works.

"Don't force yourself when directing the mana, think of it as your own limb and flow it steadily like the flow of the river."

"How long do you think it takes on average for me to learn to direct meaning?" I asked, it would be useful to get advice from someone who knows the business.

"It takes 10 days for you to create a simple spell with this level."

"Is it that long..."

"If you work 1-2 hours a day, it will take that long, considering you, you work at least 6 hours a day. Besides, this is my guess, it's up to your will to get my guess wrong."

I realized my powerlessness again. I've grown strong enough to survive here, but I want more.

'I need to get stronger, and as soon as possible.'

And after about 5 days I started to be able to do a simple level spell

"I can do it, but it's very difficult to control."

"It is so, it was really very difficult for me to control the spell as well."

"And how old did you learn to control when you were?"

After smiling slightly on the ground, she said, "I think it was when I was 7 years old." said

Surprised, she said, "Aren't the Druids already blessed with mana? I mean, shouldn't you have found out sooner?" I said.

She continued to look at the ground and said, "No, being blessed with mana won't help you control it any better. I've heard this thought from other human villages as well," her voice was a little strange as he finished the sentence.

"If you don't want to bring it up, don't open it, it's not that important to keep the conversation going. Sometimes even just quietly looking at the fire means a lot." I finished my speech quite confidently.

"... I know, I'm also dozens of years older than you, but sometimes when I think about the past, it feels like the bolts in my mouth are loosening."

"I know that feeling, everyone's past is bad. Just... I'm sorry, I want to do motivation, but I'm suffering from the same situation." I said these things while I was looking at the fire and doing magic in my hand.

And neither of us spoke again that night. In the evening, my sleep was interrupted because of Lif's hug.

'Why do these druids turn to the 5-year-old brat being given tablets while she's sleeping.'

I can use basic level magic now, it can't be tried to do exactly because I get the meaning from this little spirit.

I went to pee, and when I came back, she was always naked. If you look at Lif closely, there is almost no hair on her cheeks, arms and legs.

'How did I notice all this in this darkness?'I thought, I guess I still haven't gotten used to this body.

"Hey, is there really a need for such a workout?"

"Yes, there is, if there is a problem, I will intervene Decently. Probably." She said these things while making an OK sign with her hand.

"Thank you very much!!"

What I'm doing right now, Lif is going to shoot arrows at me from a distance, and I'm just going to change the direction of those arrows with magic.


I instantly changed the direction with simple level wind and earth spells.

'Well, that was close.'

"If you had at least said it had begun!!"


There were 2 arrows coming at the same time, but because there were 2, the speed was slow, and with the fire spell, I burned them both at the same time.

About 20 arrows later, I was sweating blood and made my first mistake.


The arrow that grazed my stomach passed as it came.

'Fortunately, I had changed the direction with the wind magic.'

But she didn't stop with that and kept shooting arrows until she ran out of arrows in his hand.

What's the matter with 'Lif' when she was tearing part of my outfit?!'I thought, but it's like she heard my inner thought.

"The fastest method of learning a spell is practice. Strangely enough, your senses are better than a normal person." this is the first time she praises me openly.

'How long had it been since I'd been praised by someone?'

She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something more, but then closed it back.

'I guess I'll never find out.'