A Dead Wyvern

We barely made it upstairs, though. But it was an extra weight because the Lif was fainted... Hey, I barely made it through using earth magic.

The stone area formed by Lif is a little more than about 1 meter large, enough for both of us to fit in, but it's a little cramped.

I drop the Lif, took the stone she used for spatial storage, and took the sleeping bag out of it.

I laid it down and started waiting. The best thing to do at such a moment will probably be to train the soul mana.

And the most 'clean' type of magic that can be done in such an environment is wind. So I took the mana from the spirit and channeled it as wind magic.

With my hands in the air and working the wind magic so that it doesn't come out of my palm, 'I can use the spirit magic now, but the magic level is low.' i thought.

But my idea was largely wrong, after all, when I first came, I couldn't even do magic. If my past self had heard the thoughts just now, he would have spat in my face! So I should just want to get stronger. After all, time is on my side!

After hours, the spirit became exhausted and fell asleep. So I stopped and fell into a deep sleep, probably because I hadn't slept in a day.

When I woke up, I was like, 'at least when I'm conscious. I've heard ' Lif's self-made, and probably embarrassing, conversations. That's why I also moved a little, and after giving the first sign for her to shush, after I woke up.

"... Good morning, Lif." I said this while rubbing my hands over my eyes.

After waiting for a while, she said, "Good morning.". She probably measured whether I had heard him or not, but she failed.

'I wonder if she meant what she said?'we'll probably find out tonight.

We made eye contact for a while, and she said a little angrily, "How long are you planning to go to bed for." said.

Because she said, I got up and got down. Or rather, I jumped!

I jumped from a place of about 20 meters and felt unbearable pain in my foot. Although I slowed down my fall with a wind spell, I couldn't get away unscathed.

Lif? She is somehow intact! he jumped from 20 meters, but she doesn't seem to be in pain like me. Either by wind magic or by his physical skills, and probably both!

"Well, Lif. Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"No, who told you that you can leave it like a straw, a lady!" I think she's a little nervous, say. I have something to shoot today.

"Ahhh, whatever."

"Hmm? Well, that's interesting..." It's like she muttered something, but I couldn't quite hear, "My little soul has come back to me, and what do you think he might have found?" she held the soul like a bird in her hand and asked me questions.

And yes, those little souls also had such a method of use.

"What can it be? Is it a dragon or something?!"

"Actually, you came close." I think my heart misfired.

"A-am I close?! You've got to be kidding me!! Even if it's a baby dragon, they're still very strong!!" I'm not kidding, an adult dragon is classified as an SS-class and is at a level that can destroy an advanced city, even if it's not the capital.

But since they put spells and scents around the city to ward off the ehderhas, dragon attacks almost never appear anymore. At least that's all I know.

'But it's still not like encountering a dragon in the wild!'

"Slow down, slow down. It's just a dead wyvern."

I took a slow breath and calmed down. I shook my head and it's about 2 hours to go. Yes, we prepared for 2 whole hours.

"Well, are we going to get off this cliff the same way?"

She slowly studied me, and it must have occurred to her last time that it was a little strange.

"Give me your hand." I did as she said and stretched out my right hand, and after a while a strange spell covered me.

"Wouldn't it tire your mind to do such a thing?" after all, it is not often that magicians do such a thing.

"No, I feel a little guilty for laughing at you when you fell last time. You wouldn't laugh if you were me." She scratched his face as if he was a little embarrassed.

'No, I'd laugh.' After going through all this inside, she pinched me hard.

'It's so hard to understand girls!!'

After that, we jumped down and I instantly realized the beauty of this magic!!

Soon after, we arrived at the bottom.

"Don't be too nervous, I'm not going to be angry with you for abusing my goodwill." she told me these things with an expressionless face on her face.

"I guess you're right." Even though it passed through me the opposite way, only these things passed through my mouth.

About 1 hour later, we arrived at the place where the wyvern was.

I got on top of the wyvern, "Lif, look. Don't you think these mushrooms are very strange? How could they invade the body even though the Wyvern is dead?" I asked, it's really very strange. It might be considered normal for them to invade and control things on that upper floor, but this...

"You're right, there's no record of mushrooms doing anything like this before. Not from the fungi that do such a thing, nor from this type of fungus."

"I mean, a whole lot of this kind. And you're saying we were the first to find mushrooms that did something like this?"

"Although I don't want to admit it... Yes, but it looks like this place has been around for thousands of years... They've managed to hide from us druids, even and even from the world tree elves who keep a record of everything!"

"Weren't you living isolated from the whole world?" I'm confused.

"In part, we are exchanging with some races for trade..." she looked at my face and sighed when he saw my uncomprehending face, "Look, Aquirus, I'll simplify it for you. You will not see a single race that does not trade, if there is even a single self-sufficient state. Sooner or later he is doomed to collapse, after all, while other races develop by trading from each other, he cannot develop because he is self-sufficient, and when he finds out that he has been left behind, it is too late for everything."

"I mean, I think I got it..."

It's like something is moving under my feet. And suddenly this movement increased in frequency and knocked me to the ground.

"Hey, you can't be serious. Do these mushrooms control this too?!" Lif shouted, I wish I could join her, but my back hurts a little.

I stood up slowly and studied the situation. The cave, which is about 30 meters in size, contains the body of a wyvern slightly smaller than a brontosaurus.

'It's not a very heartwarming situation.'

"Hey Lif, can we beat this thing?" I asked, if it can't use magic and its derivatives, I believe we have a chance.

"Maybe, it depends on the ability of fungi to control." I can feel the worry on Lif's face even from here.

"Aquirus, if you have a secret power or something similar that you are hiding from me, it's time to use it!" Lif said, the look on my face must have told him everything, so she fell silent and moved into a combat position.

The wyvern attacked with a firebrand, but it was not very difficult to escape because we saw his arrival.

"Aquirus, look at the wyvern's mouth!!"

As she said, I looked and a smile instantly appeared on my face. The mushrooms in this wyvern's mouth were burnt!!

So the wyvern can't use much magic. I got closer to him and my hand speed increased more due to the pressure difference I created with the ice magic.

But even if it's the body of a wyver, it's still very solid!! It was as if my hand had hit a metal and it bounced back instantly.

He tried to throw me back with his arm, but surprisingly his arm could not withstand the speed and was torn from the body!!

The mushroom was stunned for a few seconds, as if I wasn't expecting this, I took advantage of this gap and attacked towards him.

As if Lif was waiting for this gap, she shot his enchanted arrow with fire magic without waiting. But she only burned the meat and mushrooms, the skin remained intact!!

'It was a result I was expecting, after all, they're fire-breathing creatures. Let their skins be durable for two troubles.'

But that hard blow she made with his tail ate both me and Lif.

The Lif got up before me and went on the attack, I think she's used to these druid trainings.

When I came to myself, I got up without wasting time, but I think the wyvern seems to be doing some kind of magic.

"Lif, how can that thing do magic?!" he's just a dead body. I mean, technically, it's inconceivable that he can do magic.

"It's not that that matters! If we can't stop that thing, both of me--" her word was halfway through and the wyvern had already completed its spell, suddenly there was a big explosion and the Lif instantly rushed towards me!!

Because it was faster than the explosion, it caught up with me and tried to protect us both with spirit magic.

So I lost no time, grabbed the Lif and jumped backwards using all the strength in my body.

So I made a 3-layer magic shield, including soul magic and my own life force.

I blocked the pressure with wind magic in the first layer, earth magic in the second layer, and tried to block the heat with ice magic in the third layer at least a little.

With Lif's help, the two of us made the mana shield in harmony, but my mind gradually began to shut down during the first second of the explosion. In the third second, the earth shield shattered and I started using my life force because my soul mana was over.

And when the explosion was over, most of my body was burned, and I think my left arm is hanging down. I stopped screaming because I was used to this kind of pain, but Lif was worse than me.

Her beautiful face became unrecognizable, and her body suffered from this condition, some of her internal organs were visible, and her flesh began to burn inside itself.

I tried to use ice magic without losing speed, but it's impossible because my soul has run out of meaning.

So I used my life force and cooled down the environment a little bit. But that's all I can do, I've used up most of my life force in the war, and I know I don't have much time left either.

After all, the life force is basically your life span. This usually does not increase much after a person is born, but I am an exception. Without this condition, I could have lived for at least 160 years with my existing life force.

But now I have a maximum of 2 years. Although there's no need for more, after all, when I die, this life span of mine will return to its former state.

Anyway, I've been looking around, but seriously, I can't help it, even the wyvern's body disappeared without a trace after this explosion, and an area of about 50 meters is black!!

This thing was definitely a suicide spell, but it failed because Lif was a druid.

'My God, you're strong enough to stop a wyvern's suicide spell, Lif. You're really someone to admire.'

"Cough... Cough!!"

I heard a noise and instantly looked at Lif's body, even though she wasn't moving, her chest was going up and down.

'... She's alive.'

I put my hand on her head and I heard she chanting my name. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

'It's too hot in here, we have to go somewhere else.'

I looked around, but I only saw tunnels going down and up. It's impossible to go up in this state, I can only go down.

The moment I put Lif on my back, the wounds in my back ached directly. But I can't stand here, so when I got up to go downstairs without resisting, I realized something.

A cork is attached to my feet, I tried to forcibly remove it, but to no avail, it wraps me even tighter and tries to get into my skin. And this attack that I made will have triggered him to suddenly start attacking.

And that's when I realized, 'I'm done, I've lost.' yeah. This tour, which is the end of my journey.

But I was wrong, something strange happened when the fungus covered me all over and took over everywhere except my brain. It also began to give me the nutrients I need with its roots.

'That's the thing... Is he healing me?!'