I'm died, again...

Note: The little soul has changed to the little spirit

I continued to investigate, but I couldn't see any other changes, and I couldn't do much more since I didn't know how high the mana level was.

I asked the Little Spirit if she could show me anything, but she didn't have anything to show me, and I honestly didn't know what came after the high level.

And a strange phenomenon occurred, the Little Spirit that was grazing above my head was now sitting on my shoulder.

"Hey, what are you? Pikachu?" she continued to sit with her legs crossed, ignoring me as I tried to shoo her away with my hand, but I gave up when she bit my finger.

She proudly celebrated her victory, puffing out her chest, "Yes, yes, you won. Anyway..."

Wait a minute, can this spirit actually explain the classification system in writing? After I thought this to myself, she came down from my shoulder and drew something on the ground with her hand, like a source machine on Earth.

"So...why do you have so many classification systems?" she shrugged and I got my answer. But I have to admit, the power balance is unnecessarily high, the basic power difference between low level and mid level is ten times.

And this is followed by high level, transcendent level, Great Spirit, Spirit King, and Spirit God.

The mana level of about 5 Great Spirits is equal to that of the Demon King. But that doesn't mean they can be defeated, there is simply an unnecessary power gap.

When she finished her work, she climbed back on my shoulder and fell asleep. I didn't really care about the strength of the soldiers anymore, or rather, I didn't have time to look after them. Actually...the strong ones are impressive.

How can I say it? I'm not going to bother counting the soldiers, but their average level is C+. Which can be considered good, actually.

And hours later, I found myself in the throne room feeling bored. I think I'm tired of this king thing... Wait a minute, what if I pretended to be a 'hero' in the next round?

Hmm...my strength is not bad, and the next round will be a little weaker in overall difficulty. So, it's a possibility. After all, they're going to call everyone in the world.

"Sigh" My heart warms inexplicably at the sight of Nymph lying seductively next to me, dressed like a dancer and with her above-average breasts - she's truly beautiful.

"Should I... hook up with Nymph?" Hmm... Even for me, this is a difficult decision. After all, if I know myself - and I do - I'll get attached. My only fear is that.

I took a deep breath and thought, "I guess I won't do it." Maybe I'll do it when these events are over... Ahh, why do the girls I love have a tendency to die?

And a long time passed again, from the life energy flowing within me I could tell I had about a year left.

During this time, there was no attack, it's like the calm before the storm. I have no worries, my emotions are slowly deteriorating. The effect of Ifrit's death is slowly fading and I'm returning to my old self.

Something that distracted my thoughts was the arrival of a very familiar smell to my nose. Yes, it's that mushroom. He came for revenge and won't leave empty-handed.

Ehh, let him come. I don't care anymore. And hours later, three dullahans, one minotaur, and a medusa came in. Medusa is really interesting, I didn't even think of her.

"Really interesting", seeing a medusa isn't something we see every day. I only have Nymph with me, Lif probably died.

"Anyway, she was already dead."

I can't underestimate them, even if it's just a little, because after all, it's a medusa... A real problem.

She looked at me and said nothing, I gestured to Nymph and she started attacking with her roots. But Medusa blocked it very easily.

I stood up and jumped with a strong leap! Yes, I didn't expect to fly so much, but I did.

But while in the air, the snakes in Medusa's hair tried to attack me, but my small soul wouldn't allow it and with a very strong fire spell, she stopped Medusa. She even managed to melt part of the ground!

"This is really interesting, but the 'paralysis' ability that Medusa has is a huge problem.

The spells that the little soul knows are fireball, firewall, and breath. Since she only knows three spells, her abilities are a bit limited.

I landed on the ground and gained momentum after throwing a fistful of fire at a dullahan and breaking through his armor.

The Minotaur swung his axe so hard that I thought I couldn't avoid it, but thanks to the Nymph, she blocked it for me.

I looked at her, but her body was literally turned to stone! Well, her body didn't turn completely to stone like in myths, but she lost her ability to move!

Both dullahans swung their swords from opposite directions, and I realized I couldn't escape. I asked the little soul to create a firewall outside of my arms, and she did it immediately.

"Clank!!" and suddenly the sound of metal hitting metal was heard. I wanted to make a counterattack without waiting, but the Minotaur swung his axe even harder this time, and my arm fell to the ground.

The pain was fresh, very fresh. The air was piercing my flesh, and clean blood was flowing out every second. There's no way to describe this pain, but I couldn't stay here.

"In a battlefield, one second determines your fate." It's true, if I stay here now, I'll die.

Painful but true, I closed the wound with a fire spell to stop my severed arm from bleeding, and if I use weight enhancement, my death will be certain due to this open wound.

In a way, my strength was halved. Well, what's the point of resisting when my death is certain? I don't know, but I'm resisting.

Minutes later, with my right kidney outside and the little soul's mana almost depleted -Medusa can also freeze spells- their victory was assured.

"The little soul's mana held up well, although the mana consumption was very high in the end."

I stopped and looked up at the ceiling, then at the room. Both sides suffered heavy losses - my side was almost wiped out - and after taking a deep breath, these words came out of my mouth.

"...It's over." I sat on the ground holding my wound...and took a breath. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was still here.

I told the little soul what to do after I died, and before I could finish my sentence, my head started to spin, and I saw Medusa cut off my head with the Minotaur's axe.

"No pain. Very strange." I fell to the ground and rolled a bit, then my consciousness was lost.

But now...a very strange phenomenon is happening, my consciousness hasn't been lost, and I've been pulled into a strange mushroom that I created--...