
"The place where the battle will take place is a beach-like area, but isn't it too absurd? Two races with no connection whatsoever are fighting... I can't even understand the logic behind it. I mean, it's really absurd. What do the Arachnes gain from this? It's not a region they can control, do they want to expand their territorial influence? No, that would be ridiculous." -I shook my head and looked ahead-

There's no need to dwell on this for now. I'm approaching the battlefield with 4 drakes and 2 wyverns. One drake and wyvern are currently concealed. Despite Arachnes not betraying me, I brought them along secretly for now. The wyvern, strengthened with the angelic soul, should be in the power of a juvenile dragon. That means a dragon that's 200 years old.

It can't defeat the queen, but it can likely keep her occupied for a considerable time. My purpose in this war is not to fight. My soldiers will fight, and after channeling the 900 units of life energy in my body into the corpses through mushrooms, I'll create a corpse explosion!

In other words, dynamite. When life energy combines with dead energy, it explodes. One unit of energy can destroy approximately a 3-meter area.

And after deploying my soldiers to the battlefield, I got back on the drake's back and looked at the battlefield. By the sea. I have 4 drakes and 2 wyverns. In addition, there are 100 Arachnes, 8 superior Arachnes, and one queen. But not only them, there are also 3 more mercenaries and creatures enslaved by the Arachnes.

The Arachnes started setting up defense lines and traps. Actually, the battlefield is... Horrible, don't these Arachnes know anything about war morale? Some individuals are really demoralized. About 20 minutes later, the Sahugis arrived...

'600... 900... Fuck' I turned to the Arachne Queen, and she looked at me as if nothing had happened. This bitch... This isn't a war, it's a suicide mission. Even though they're on land, all of them are creatures close to level S! And damn the armored ones. Close-range fighters like me went first, but there were only 50 of us against their 900! Most of them were at the back, why are most of these Arachnes wizards? Fuck... This is a suicide mission in an open field.

I looked around, but I couldn't see anything other than the open field. Fuck, fuck, fuck!! If you want a defensive battle, do it in a narrow area! If Sun Tzu saw this stupidity, he would shove that book up their asses!

I got off the drake and climbed onto the wyvern, approaching the Arachne Queen. I entered with anger and rage, the guards at the door saw me coming, but did nothing. The queen looked at me with contemptuous eyes, and step by step, I approached her. When I reached for the back of the queen's neck, she wanted to do something but chose to wait.

"Stupid bitch! Where the fuck are you conducting a defensive battle in an open field! Tell those fucking wizards to create parallel stone columns, each 4 meters wide."

I let go of the girl's collar and returned to the battlefield. The queen's face was angry, but I don't care. I'm not going to suicide. The stupid bitch's tactics...

7 minutes after returning to the battle, they created parallel stone columns, each 20 cm wide. We are fighting a pitched battle with 900 people. Our 50-person army has reduced to 20, but thanks to the reinforcements coming from behind, we reduced the enemy's numbers to 400. I'm busy spreading sports on the bodies of the dead. Even if I want to escape now, it's impossible. If I run away, I'll be left with only 1 wyvern...

My soldiers are exhausted, but there are no more losses. The little spirit and I haven't done anything yet.

About 20 minutes later, with the loss of 3 drakes and 2 wyverns, our total front-line soldiers reduced to 6 people, and the enemy still had 300 people. We made a tactical retreat, but they didn't let us in.

I looked at the 4 people beside me, and we're all looking at each other. 2 monster guys, 1 black elf, and 1 orc.

'Fuck, even if I use both of my aces... It's not guaranteed that I can get out of here. Only 8 Arachnes died...'

"...Hey... Trusting these bitches was a mistake, wasn't it?" I asked the others, and they nodded their heads, probably suppressed by battle fatigue.

I smiled faintly, a bit maliciously. I had another skill. "xxxx xxxx xxx," yes, speaking to spirits... But there was no response.

The enemy soldiers are very close, the drake is very tired. Even if the elf shoots arrows from a distance, it's not very effective. The support from the castle has decreased. They still have around 250 soldiers. I can't create miracles. I can't touch dead bodies. That's still my most important card. Then... I have to summon my reserve soldiers.

The incoming drake was about 3 meters tall, and the drake I was on was almost 2 meters tall. And the incoming wyvern... 8 meters tall, probably classified as S+. 

But despite these, it wasn't so easy, especially with the elite soldiers of the enemy still standing. Both of my drakes died, and the right wing of the wyvern was shattered. Only the orc and I remained, and I also have open wounds. I'm very tired, very... But there's one more thing I have to do. 'Kill the bitch.'

We defeated the enemy; I climbed on top of the enemy king's corpse and looked at the battlefield. It's very gruesome, incredibly so. The orc looked at me. "Human... We're going to die soon, aren't we?" he said, even though I had only known him for 2 hours. In the battle, we had our backs to each other.

"Yes... But it can't be helped, can it? Mount the wyvern. I have a plan."

He nodded and mounted the wyvern. I sat on the corpses and fixed my hair with blood. About 4 minutes later, the queen and the others arrived. She looked at me and spoke.

"Even if you come to my room and act all arrogant, at the end of the day, you're in this state~"

'She still underestimates me. Perfect~' I gestured with my hand, and the wyvern began to move away. It went about 300 meters away.

"So, you want the wyvern to survive." She clasped her hands above her chest and still looked at me. She has white hair and red eyes. Truly beautiful.

"You're wrong. The one who will die here is you." After hearing this, she chuckled lightly and then looked back at me.

"How is that going to happen? The little human's last survival effort will be interesting~"

After a sly smile, her soldiers surrounded me. "Hey, did you notice any difference between drakes and wyverns?"

She tilted her head slightly. "Difference? No... Wait a minute... There was no life energy coming from them... Are you a dark sorcerer?"

A dark sorcerer? I'm an idiot; why didn't I learn dark magic when I first came here? "Hmm? You can't exactly say that, but, I mean, what I'm doing is against the will of the gods. Hey, I have a question for you."

"Tell me, you get a reward for killing the enemy king."

"Why were you fighting with these creatures?"

She suddenly looked surprised, and I felt a bit sad. "Humans are committing massacres here, and they've disrupted the ecosystem too much. Prey no longer comes to our traps. And I want to increase our dominance in this river."

"So, you're going to kill me, aren't you?"

Without letting her finish her sentence, I said, "Boom." and I detonated all 900 or so corpses here at once, protecting myself with the small spirit's magic. How could I have known that the thing that killed Life would save me? I wonder where it is now... The explosion was so loud and bright; it was like an atomic bomb.

"But it's strange, even if I close my eyes, I can still see clearly. It must be because it's too bright."

"I'm looking at who's superior now~" I emerged from the shield created by the Small Spirit and looked around. Craters within a range of 1 to 3 meters covered the entire battlefield, and the Queen was still alive! But her hands and part of her face were missing; her mana had run out, and she didn't even have the energy to respond. I walked slowly towards her and killed her. I sprinkled mushrooms and turned her into my soldiers.

I spent the life energy from the surviving corpses to heal her, and the Wyvern seemed to have killed the Orc. I think killing that Orc was on my mind as well...

"Very nice." I sat down lightly and looked at the remaining two corpses. The Wyvern and the Arachne... Both of them are really powerful. Even if I wanted to get more soldiers, my mental strength couldn't handle it.

When did I become this much stronger? Probably because of that mushroom. I learned to direct life energy, and that's how I became like this...

"Small spirit, are you okay?" It nodded and turned into a sleep over my head; it must have consumed a large amount of mana to prevent such a huge explosion.

Well, you might be wondering how I kept the Wyvern and Drake so far away. I got stronger! Yes, our connection is a bit strange.

So, explaining it is kind of impossible, but I'll try.

Now, my current range is 32 meters. Consider it as a sphere. It's a quite wide area but not enough. Initially, the Drake and Wyvern went about 170 meters away. Normally, I shouldn't be able to control them from there, but when I focus my attention like a line on a specific place, I can control them even from there. But this covers my 32-meter range.

In a way, instead of feeling a 32-meter area, I feel an area that is like a straight line. Even though it seems easier, it's more difficult. After all, it's a long distance.

I sighed and looked ahead. Would it make sense to settle in the Arachne dungeon? Probably yes, but also no. The simple reason is that all the Arachnes are dead, and I can't revive the remaining ones.

"Heah, how pitiful..." I take back my words; these mushrooms are worse than the ability to summon the dead.

I mounted the Wyvern, and I almost forgot what I had to do! There are still fresh corpses on the battlefield. Let's get some life energy~

After about 2 hours, I absorbed 942 units of energy. It's a pity, but understandable. After all, I detonated the corpses filled with about three thousand life energies, and most of the life energy disappeared with the explosion. I'm even pleased with what I got.

I got back on the Wyvern's back and returned with the Arachne Queen to their old cave. Probably surviving thanks to traps would be easy, but almost the entire Arachne area will be destroyed. After all, there is only one Arachne left now.

She's also dead, partially. Anyway, after organizing the area, it became a nice shelter. The Small Spirit went to play with the Arachne Queen, and I was left alone again.

I wonder how much time has passed. I really don't know. 1 year? 2 years? I have no idea. Since there is no mirror here, I had looked at my body on the battlefield... I became a disgusting thing, very disgusting. In terms of body features, I resemble a human, but mostly not. Similar to a Chimera.

Hmm? Didn't the Arachne Queen know how to use magic? She nodded her head in agreement. "Well, do you know the inventory spell?" She nodded again in agreement, "Teach it to the Small Spirit."

Yes, my current goal is to get out of this dungeon. It might be a bit challenging, but that's not a problem.