The Death

Almost 2 days later, I managed to get a decent sleep. The spider spent 3 units of life energy to create a two-person bed. The bed is extremely flexible and comfortable. It also produced a pillow and a cuddle pillow.

I guess hugging something while sleeping is an old habit of mine. Even though I felt regret after killing my family, there was nothing I could do about it. 'The extent of my regret is a different matter anyway... And I don't really want to bring up that topic.'

I used to not want to show this side of me to anyone, but after experiencing tons of things here, it became easier to talk about them to someone. I've learned about death, life, anger, revenge, despair, and unrequited love here.

Even if it's unrequited, it's not a problem for me. As I buried myself in the cuddle pillow, the Little Spirit must have sensed these thoughts and started teasing me.

"Hey, yesterday's brat. Your mouth works a lot for your age!" I said while pinching her cheeks, and she allowed me to do so. She could have abstracted herself and avoided it, but she let me.

"Hey, I hope you won't hit on my future girlfriend." She turned her head to the side and looked at the ceiling.

"Did a male spirit enter you..." It's quite obvious that she's female in appearance, but there's no physical sign indicating any male characteristics.

"Are you imitating me too much?" Turning her head without understanding, she looked to the side. I guess I haven't raised this little spirit very well.

"I'm sorry." she looked at me in surprise, nodded immediately, and then hugged me. I hugged her back. She tried to console me, but I don't even know if spirits have genders.

So... I didn't really care. As I buried my head in the pillow, I struggled a bit more for sleep. I'm still happy that I can have such a peaceful and comfortable sleep after about a year.

And for about 3 weeks, I did nothing except getting out of bed. Really nothing. I just went to the toilet and the bathroom.

Thanks to Wyvern and Arachne, I now have a total of 2300 units of energy. I feel even safer now because I've set up new traps around the castle. And, out of boredom, I found a way to merge with spirits, even though it's a really bad path.

At least for angel spirits, I thought it was a coincidence when my right arm broke, but no, it wasn't. Angel spirits are almost incompatible and reject with almost all spirits. Also, my right arm is almost healed now. And I am renewing my body even better than before.

Anyway. The only way to merge with these angel spirits is to directly inject a very small part of the angel spirit, about one in a hundred thousand, into my soul. Even that much causes significant harm to me, but when I fully recover and repeat this process 2-3 times, my soul and body get used to it.

So yes, it's a very long process, but eventually, they can merge with me. And I'm storing the acquired spirits in the ground floor's fungus, along with life energy.

Technically, that's how it is. Well... I'm bored. I don't need to hunt; even if I just lie here, I'll see the end of this cycle, but... I'm bored.

After about 8 more sleeps, I felt a momentary connection from the outside. 'Did I have a 3rd monster?' I thought about it for a moment, but when Arachne's body hit the castle and came up to where I was, I understood that something was wrong. I quickly got up and ran to Arachne.

When I looked at her body, I found a very large scar. It probably takes 3 weeks to heal. I ordered her to stay in place, and I told Wyvern to fly away. I have to lure her into a trap somehow, but how am I going to do that? And beyond that, if she can do this to a dungeon boss of SS class, she must be at a hero level.

Or an ancient dragon. When I turned my head in the direction of the broken wall, I saw a flying girl in the air. And just as I saw her, she threw a punch at me. Reflexively, I blocked it with my hands instantly (thanks, master). Actually, the punch wasn't strong at all. After the punch, the absurd force that followed threw me out of the castle. I could only stop when a crater about 1 meter in diameter was formed on the ground.

The little spirit managed to hold onto my hair and could barely stay on my head. And I guess if it weren't for her protective spell, I would be in an even worse situation. A few seconds later, when the girl saw that I was still alive, she attacked me with a spell like dragon breath, but it didn't affect me much because of the fire-prone little spirit I had.

The little spirit shook her head as if she understood my thoughts. 'We're screwed.' We can't use the flying spell this time.

'Who did I offend this time to deserve this... Damn it.' She continued to physically attack me without even giving me a chance to breathe, and I couldn't even retaliate against her.

After a long clash, I called back Wyvern and ordered it to assist. We fought in the air for a while when I mounted it, but even Wyvern's skin couldn't withstand this woman's attacks. The little spirit's mana was also halved.

Damn it, damn it, damn it... Is this round going to end quickly too? What should I do? Or what can I do?

I looked at the girl's body and saw that she indeed had a beautiful body. But she doesn't resemble the heroes. Were there such powerful individuals in this world? Could she be a Grand Mage? It's a wild guess, but why not?

When the mage created a strange sword and swung it at me, instinctively, I jumped off Wyvern and fell to the ground. When the sword made a vertical slash, Wyvern was cut in half.

While trying to recover, I instinctively felt that I would die, and at that moment, Arachne entangled the mage with her webs. I probably gave the order unconsciously. Essentially, spider webs are four times stronger than steel. But Queen Arachne's webs are probably even stronger. And indeed, they managed to hold the mage for a few seconds.

Then hundreds of magic rings appeared. The last time I saw Yuu, she could create a maximum of four rings. Although she may have hidden it from us during her development. 'I don't know.'

But when I looked at that woman, I felt fear to my bones. I have to escape, and urgently. But how? How, how, how... How?

Suddenly, a massive sea of flames rushed towards the mage from Arachne, destroying everything in its path. Seconds later, Arachne's body was still alive, but she had no more movement.

Then she looked back at me and disappeared suddenly. Instinctively, I swung my tail to the left at full speed and protected my face with my hands, but with the force of the punch to my stomach and the subsequent violence, I was thrown meters away, and when I woke up, I was among the debris.

Suddenly, the girl flew towards me, and without even finding the opportunity to protect myself with my hands, I was dragged among tons of rocks with tons of punches, then deep into the depths of the cave. I can only feel what's happening, but unconsciously, I gave my soul to the Little Spirit.

I don't know how or why I did this. When I woke up, I didn't feel anything. I mean, my consciousness is awake, but I can't fully perceive what's happening. I didn't go to the devil's side, and I can't feel any of the five senses. But I know I'm in a strange place.

Suddenly, two cameras appeared in front of me, one showing the girl who probably killed me. In the other, my body. I can't interfere in any way; I can only watch. When I looked at my body, it was so beaten that it was unrecognizable, and suddenly, it threw my body into a spatial dimension.

Then it threw the other corpses into the spatial storage as well. After a short rest, it set out to search the castle. About 40 minutes later, it came to the place where I stored angel spirits and life energy and activated the magic circles directly, but suddenly, it fell to the ground clutching its chest.

I couldn't fully understand what happened. I can only watch. Basically, the mushroom where I stored life energy is like a second brain. It has no will of its own, but because it's a mushroom, it has a strange precognitive ability.

I'm still sure I'm in control, but I still don't understand the source of what's happening to the wizard.

So, it's very interesting. After a few minutes, despite stumbling, it managed to stand up, and every time it tried to use magic, it fell to the ground with great pain. Again and again. After repeating about 8 times, it was getting closer to completing the magic each time. I need to do something, but what? I don't know; I wish she were with me like back then. Well, even if she were with me, she would still save me in life-or-death moments.

At least, I think so. Well, I don't have any intention of explaining my past here.

Even if I did, I don't have time... Okay, okay, I did, but I'm too lazy. But really, what should I do now? Is there any clue? No matter how much I think, I can't see any clues.

What could it be? For Satan's sake, what could it be? Every passing second brings me closer to death. And thinking in this damn mushroom is so difficult.

'Found it, instinct, and Little Spirit.'

I'll leave the job to them and go into hibernation.

When I woke up, I tried to look around, but there was nothing. Or everything was beyond my perception. I can't feel the Little Spirit or my own body. I'm like in a coma. It's hard to estimate how long I've been unconscious.

I don't know exactly; a fear took over me. The sense of death seized me, and I panicked. I calmed down after a few minutes, but it's still hard to fully grasp. I mean, I've transitioned into some kind of spiritual state—maybe.

And doing anything other than not feeling or thinking is impossible. I swear if I stay here any longer, I'll go crazy.

Hours chased hours. And more hours, maybe minutes. Perception is difficult. Guessing is impossible. But one thing is certain. I'm not in my body. Or that previous mushroom. More hours and more. After giving up thinking for hours, I sensed a very small thing. It was so tiny, but I could perceive it... Ah, it was my imagination.

But since there's only my pure mind here, it must be somewhere. I don't know if I can find it, but it can find a way out. It's impossible for me to find; I don't have that much ability.

But it didn't come, I only saw it once. That was when she killed my mom and dad. Well, he can't be said to be nice. I still miss him. And this... Hmm, actually, this messed up my life.

Well, I'm not really angry at him. Someone like the person I wanted to be. And still not there...

Sighs I'm bored.

I don't know how much time has passed, but it has been a long time. And now I'm sure that person is not with me. So, I'm alone now.

If you ask when I learned this, I don't know. One voice inside me says I already knew this from the beginning. The other says she must still be somewhere because he was so amazing. I really don't know anymore. I think it was just my imagination, he...

My body - at least my mind - has integrated with this place, and half of my brain has merged with this void. I don't know mentally what kind of state I'm in, but now I don't care.

My mental power can now create physical images. I created a mushroom and looked at it. To make it resemble the mushroom I used to have, I shaped it, and in the end, it turned into something very different.

I don't exactly know, but it still looks a bit weird. Finally, I made a few small touches, and my mushroom was completed.

It looks very nice; I planted it in the soil here and then dealt with other things. I tried to make myself a girlfriend, but since they were still me, I immediately canceled the project.

So, technically, I was going to hit on myself. And that wouldn't be a good thing. There's no one to talk to or anything else. I'm getting bored now.

The longer I stay here, the more my mental resilience decreases; thinking is hard. Remembering is even harder. But imagining is easy.

I'm bored; I want to sleep now. But I'm afraid of not being able to wake up if I sleep. It's cold here, but it feels like that to me. I'm tired now. I'm cold, and it's dark here. My senses are shutting down; the devil will resurrect me later, right?

I don't think so; now I'm in that girl's subspace. I have a fifty-fifty chance. If she put me in the subspace of the existing universe, I'll survive. But if she puts me in that infamous spatial dimension... My journey ends here. And I know it will.

I'm cold, scared, and I'm going crazy... No matter how much I resist, my soul can't resist corruption. 20% of my soul is already lost. Thanks to the angel's soul and the mushroom, it's very slow, but my disappearance is a matter of time.

Since I don't have a concept of time, even if my survival time is one hour, 12 minutes have already passed. I wonder if people feel like this when they die. I don't know... I don't want to know.

I'm sleepy. And it's getting colder here...

When I woke up, half of my soul was gone. I guess I have about half an hour left. I've accepted my death now. I didn't leave any next generation or anything similar. The only thing that could be considered as the next generation is the little spirit. I can't say I taught it in a good way.

I guess I don't know anything about teaching... The things here have no chance of reaching the outside world... And probably the devil knows everything that happens here. Somehow, he has an influence over me.

It took me some time to put all my knowledge about my own mushroom on paper. I can feel that I have less than 20 minutes left. I wonder if I will survive. Or something else. Well, it's hard to know. But the little spirit had the authority to control the mushrooms.

All these speculations are just to make myself feel better, pathetic. But calculating time is also difficult. I guess it's a torture worse than death.

Well, I guess my fate didn't change much. Death and being forgotten in that cave were my fate. But it changed, and it continues to change. I guess I ruined everything, huh?

Who was it that brought me to this state? It was that bitch. Now she's probably playing the hero. Oh, I defeated the devil king and saved the world, huh? Now I have to save my own world. Along the way, I built a harem consisting of many men.

I'm in this state because of those babies playing heroism; I couldn't bring the reality of this world to light. And probably, I didn't understand the devil's benefit from me.

What benefit could such a superior being have from me? I still don't understand; I have no special ability. Or anything else. And that hidden god particle, what could it be? Could it be this mushroom? I don't think so.

I have 10 minutes left; my anger is growing. Towards those heroes. And all the hatred I feel for them. It's budding inside me.

I don't have the strength to resist injustice. But I don't want to die like this either. I can feel that all the angelic and other assimilating spirits have left. 6 minutes, my life has shortened.

But something seems to be happening. Something beyond my expectations. Last 2 minutes; I guess I was able to transfer these experiences to the little spirit. Even if the devil doesn't see what's happening, he knows.

I'm sure of that... And just minutes before my estimated death, my body was enveloped in something warm, and strangely, I felt relieved. Could this be death?