Chapter 3

~Tori's POV~

Sitting in the car gazing out the window my thoughts raced with plans for my kingdom. The first thing on my mind; however, was finding my mate. I can't help but imagine what they may look like. The only issue is, that I have no idea what gender I'm going to get. I'm Bisexual, I love the beauty of a woman yet nothing can replace the pleasure of a male. I've run into issues with my desires many times, I love women and I love men if there was an in-between then sign me up!

Angel, my wolf, soon spoke up "Do you think our searches in these packs will be successful?"

Oh, goddess, I hope so. I've been through several different packs already, and seen all the arrogant alphas' the adorable omegas' now I just crave for my soulmate more. Angel nodded quickly in my mind, I know she's just as anxious as I am for finding them.

I'm jolted from my thoughts when the car came to a stop. Groaning, I get out of the car after the door is opened for me. Glancing around I take in the three-floored pack house. Its walls were white, a wrap-around porch greeted me. Slowly I make my way towards it before I'm met halfway by Alpha Barkley, I take in his 6'2 frame. Tanned skin, black hair pulled back into a bun, and a sharp jawline. Next to him stood a woman around 5'4, short yet curvy, black raven hair dropping past her waist and the matching tanned skin. Now if I hadn't been so set on finding my mate I would've let myself appreciate her more except right away, I could tell her personality inside was anything but worth appreciating.

Alpha Barkley smiled "Welcome to my pack, your highness"

I smile and nod my head, Angel observed the man before she scoffed "He seems like a prick, if you don't mind I'm going to focus on the scents around us. Hopefully, we can leave for the next pack soon." With that Angel blocked me out while she focused on her mission. I was led in by the siblings, looking around as we stepped in we were met by a grand foyer. White-tiled floors, a grand staircase, and a dangling crystal chandelier. Making my way in, my heels clicked across the tiled floor.

To my right was an open space leading into the dining room, and to the left, a swinging door that I guess leads to the kitchen by the smell of it. The siblings soon led me to the room where I would be staying, sitting down on the bed I tried to check in with Angel. Of course, she didn't answer me, so with a sigh, I moved and texted my advisor to see if everything was alright back at the castle. Not even a minute later my phone buzzed, my advisor saying everything was running smoothly and if anything happens they would let me know instantly.

With that, I put my phone up satisfied, but now I was bored. Grumbling I laid back, before flipping to my side, then onto my stomach. Finally, I relented and decided to go explore, getting up I peeked into the hallway. Luckily no one was there, so I headed out. Instantly a song began to fly through my mind 'Into the unknown' from the movie frozen. It took me a while to stop bothering my mother with 'how to build a snowman' so this was my new catchy tune.

I walk into the hall, then grinned as I sped up hurrying towards the stairs. I practically flew down the stairs to the door. You can learn a lot about a pack by observing their pack lands and how their pack interacts. I paused instantly by the kitchen as a sweet scent caught my nose Angel flew forward instantly. "Cookies!" I laugh a bit shaking my head. "Angel, seriously? You ignore me yet when sweets are involved you become talkative. I feel like you love them more than me." I mentally pouted at her and could feel her roll her eyes. "Yeah, Yeah, I love you more than cookies. On a serious note go get some I'm famished." I grin as I slip through the kitchen door.

I froze almost instantly seeing this beautiful woman in front of me. Her brown hair hung to her lower back, although she seemed skinny her hair had a healthy shine to it. She stood at 6 feet so I had to crane my neck to look up at her from my 5'6 frame. I watched her knead the dough, her muscles flexed as she did. Oh goddess I could feel heat pooling in my panties, her beautiful blue eyes focused on her task. Sweat beaded on her forehead from the heat and activity. Her skin about near matched the cookie dough making me wonder if I tasted her would she taste like it too?

Angel was howling in my head. "Hot damn! She can take me right here with no reservation!" I felt Angel roll over onto her back with her belly up. Finally, Angel and I can agree on something, this woman in front of us was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

The sexy warrior woman soon felt our eyes on her, she glanced up from her task to look at us. I let out a small gasp seeing a deep scar that went from the side of her eye down to her lip. She looked a bit shocked seeing me too as she quickly abandoned her task. Quickly she bowed her head "Apologies princess. Please forgive my mistake of not greeting you." I frowned watching the way she acted. Why is someone so well..large and powerful..and sexy so jumpy?

I watch as she fiddled with her hands nervously, someone hurt her but why? I soon gave a smile that seemed to shock her. "It's fine don't worry about it, it's my fault for interrupting your work. I just smelled something good and wanted to check it out." She slowly nodded a bit before speaking again "I understand your highness, I'll finish these quickly for you." Her voice had a slight rasp to it but it was enough to send tingles down my spine. "Please continue just ignore me," I told her before finding a spot to sit and wait, she jumped slightly watching me before slowly nodding and getting back to work.

I could sit here and watch her work all day. Angel panted "Same girl same."

My eyes roamed over her back, I could see muscles flexing as she went back to kneading the dough. What I'd give just to claw down that back of hers, I wonder what all those arms could do. Those pretty heart-shaped lips trailing kisses down my neck, those large hands exploring every inch of my body, those eyes burning into mine watching her bury her face into my-

I cleared my throat a bit, crossing my legs in an attempt to fix the dull throb as my pussy clenched with need. Goddess, I was soaked just thinking about it. "Hey Angel, is this woman our mate?" Angel hummed in thought "I don't know, I can't sense her wolf or anything. She smells amazing, but like I said.." She trailed off.

The door slammed open causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. Angel cursed from the surprise, "Does no one knock around here?!"

Looking over I noticed Alpha Barkley and Macy, and they didn't look happy. I was tucked away behind the counter in my chair so they couldn't see me. Alpha Barkley stormed over before a loud smack was heard. My eyes widened in shock seeing the beautiful woman being slapped, her face had whipped to the side from the force of it.

"I asked for everything to be done already! Why the hell are we still waiting?!" He snarled out. Macy looked bored leaning on the counter, looking at her nails like they were the most fascinating thing in the world. "Brother this is Lilliana we're talking about the one who still hasn't accepted the rejection. She's pathetic, and clearly can't do anything right."

The beautiful warrior angel was named Lilliana. What a wonderful name, it suited her perfectly. Lilliana had flinched at Macy's words, Alpha Barkley just growled. "Just accept the rejection already, my sister is too good for you anyway. People like you should just die, you are so useless not to mention a freak!" Lilliana looked down silently accepting the abuse.

I stood up anger flaring up in my eyes causing Alpha Barkley and Macy to falter slightly before changing their tone. "Your highness! What are you doing in here this place isn't for someone with your status." Alpha Barkley said sweetly. Ugh, I think I may puke.

Crossing my arms I looked at these wolves before shaking my head in disappointment. "If this is how you run your pack Alpha Barkley then I have to say I'm not impressed. If I see you abuse any others in my presence again I will revoke yours and your sister's right as Alpha." I said calmly which I was anything but. My anger was reaching its peak and I knew I'd need to go on a run to cool off. Barkley looked down "Of course your highness, I sincerely apologize."

Watching him I gave a nod and soon walked out, Alpha Barkley and Macy following behind. I glance back before the door closed to see Liliana raise a scarred hand to her face to rub away the stray tear that fell. My heart ached for her instantly, a whimper came from Angel seeing this strong-looking woman in pain. I sigh as I make my way back to my room.

If Lilliana was my mate, I'd love her unconditionally and kiss away her pain. I just wanted to hug her and shield her from all the bad people in the world. I didn't even know if she was our mate or not, but this protective instinct in me made it near impossible to get Lilliana off my mind.

I sigh and close my eyes sending a quick prayer to the Moon Goddess. Please let Lilliana be my mate, I'll do anything just let me take away her pain. With that, my eyes grew tired and I fell asleep laying on my stomach in bed.