Chapter 13

John thinks " I remember when I first met him. It was one of my first days there."

The scene shifts

John was walking in the halls at his new school his black bag on one shoulder and two kids were messing with him, they were both taller and wider and preventing him from using his locker when Max appeared

He was in his locker looking at the interior when he closed it and looked at John with strange eyes slightly shattered with insanity.

Max walked slightly towards them "Hi, yo" he said pointing finger guns "I'm Max, who are you, buddy?" He asked John and turned to the others "Wassup," he looked them up and down "Damn, you are tall have any tips?" Max said at this time still in his five-foot growth phase and waiting for his growth spurt

The kids looked at him "Haha, nah." the shorter of the duos said and looked at his partner "Shoot we got to do something for the science project" he said stretching his arm over the other and walking off

"Damn, wish they could tell me? Hey, what's your name" Max asked then his face changed realizing he already asked that then forcing another smile. "So, how are you?" he said


"He was pretty cool then I thought he was just nice one of the first friends I got at school but then I started hearing the rumors" John started thinking how to explain what he had heard then " Apparently he fought a lot of people and one, One time he fought four guys in a bathroom at once and won hurt them all and almost sliced off a guys dick with a knife, throwing it an inch away as a warning."


Max was going on his every day in high school just relaxing. It was a good day, even though he had made some 'enemies' if you'd call them that just people who were insulted by him not being scared.

He walked into the bathroom took a piss and started leaving when four other teens came up

"Remember what you did," one said

"No, And Sorry can't fight right now haven't washed my hands." He said turning and placing his hand under the sink waiting for the sensor to wash and got through cleaning one of his hands before one of the kids ran at him

Max glanced then quickly wiped his hands on his clothes to dry them 'damn I can only use my left maybe the back of the other." He thought avoiding the first punch thrown at him by ducking to his right

'I shouldn't use my feet the ground may be slippery plus my kicks are slow.' He thought maybe my mumbling a bit. He straightened up and focused on fighting.

The first kid dressed in a white t-shirt with a black image and black jeans went to punch with and overhand Max parried it with his left and punched him in the ribs making the white shirt slightly hunch over

Max grabbed the back of the white shirt's head and slammed it into his knee then lightly pushing him to knock him off balance, deciding against slamming his head into the sink assuming it would take too much time, and focusing on his other opponents.

Another who went to fight him was dressed in loose black pants and a thin blue shirt. He ran at Max when his back was turned.

Max punched the white shirt in the stomach to remove him and ducked before the other could punch his head. Max turned using the ball of his foot, then used the energy to elbow the blue shirt's solar plexus.

forgetting about his restriction, Max then used his right hand to shove the man to the side by pushing his head left and then he proceeded to jab him in the nose temporarily incapacitating him.

The third person was a few inches behind the second. That man had a red shirt and plain pants. Max was losing his patience. He stepped forward, grabbed number three's head, and put his foot between the man's legs tripping him and slamming the side of the man's head into a urinal.

The urinal cracked and a few drops left it but the man didn't die barely had any brain damage, none noticeable at all.

And then there was one, the weak one.

The last kid was dressed in a black hoody and baggy shorts.

The kid panicked and backed up "Hey, back up!" He pulled out a small knife from his hoodie pocket.

Max stood still for a second before stepping forward. The kid used his right hand to try stabbing Max but unfortunately for him, Max sidestepped grabbed the knife, and slammed the kid's face against the wall he then proceeded to pull him back and trip him with his foot, letting him fall four feet from away.

Max looked at the knife, it was a standard thing probably stainless steel nothing really interesting about it. Except for its slight hue.

Max turned to the kid "You know… that was rude but this entire thing never happened and when your friends wake up or manage to start thinking straight from…." Max gestured towards them as they lay either unconscious or concussed. "Their nap and also just huuuh" Max let out a sigh and looked at the knife

He stared at its slightly bronze appearance and tried to get a reflection of himself. The boy on the ground started to push himself back while still sitting, legs open "Oh, and your knife" Max said while looking at him and threw it towards the boy a few inches below him, slightly away from his manhood.


Both Max and the boy looked as the knife embedded itself in the tiled floor. Max looked up and started walking away. "have a good day." Max muttered with a wave

'That actually stuck in the ground' Max thought as he walked in the halls surprised that him just trying to toss the blade rudely allowed him to look that cool reminiscing in the slight distorting twang as it imbedded itself penetrating the floor.

He was unaware of how those people perceived him anyone who watched would think he was a monster but for a second one of the kids saw Max's eye,as the composed man almost lost his calm

He saw what went on in his mind when he stopped feeling anything he saw a demon within the glint of Max's eyes but he was knocked out shortly after and forgot about it.

"And there was the classroom incident"

Max nearly strangled a kid during a lecture because he was talking too loud

Max stood at his desk in a large circular room tapping his pencil on his desk having a very bad day and almost losing his mind what made it worse was a blonde kid a friend of Alex was talking loudly and insulting the teacher and Max got up and walked to his desk going up the steps and looking at the kid beside his desk for second before grabbing the collar of his shirt "Can you be quiet?" Max asked though the kid thought of hitting Max he looked into Max's eyes

The kid then realized what Max was thinking 'If you touch me I'll slice off your fingers' and put his hand down

Max looked at him let go, then took a deep breath and just left the room for a bit

Although Max usually remained calm and even for a time considered himself a pacifist, he himself did not know if he would have sliced off the person's fingers


And there was an incident that even John didn't know


Max was walking to or from somewhere when two large men dressed in black approached him with the intent of robbing him.

" give me your fucking money!" The one in front shouted a large man who was built like a wall

"No," Max said

"What?" he asked

"No, thank you," Max said adding pleasantries, as if his manners would help make it logical for them.

"Really," the man said and Max relaxed sensing danger, and stepped back

The man got into a crappy fighting pose ready to fight and his friend was just behind himbringing his hands up "I'm just going to beat the shit out of you then" he said arrogantly 'Im going to kill you.' Max thought 'I will kill you.'

The man threw a right hook Max ducked then moved forward and slid an inch from the side of the man's arm, inches from the aggravator's chest.

Max went for an uppercut but not at the puncher. It slid under the man's arm while he was punching. It punched the behind him, clean in the jaw, dazing him severely. Max slid back as the fighter retracted his fist.

Max jabbed the man in his torso knocking the wind out of him and then went for a slow punch lightly pushing him, then elbowing him on his left side in the ribs then going for a left hook to the man's jaw (perfectly held back to keep the robber conscious) and then kicked the man back

launching him into his partner both toppling down


Max stated at them lying on the ground. The one in the front was knocked unconscious mostly from the damage from that last hook. The other was unconscious from the uppercut and from his head slamming into the concrete.

Max stood above them waiting and then left after he realized he had just done that.

Of course, those all didn't matter as much as the murder incident…