42. The crime scene

Joshua reversed and replayed several times, just to make sure his mind was not playing tricks on him, but it was the same. He tried fixing it, but it looked like they wiped the memory off by hacking into their security system.

The head of security stood there, stupefied. He felt so useless. How did he not notice all these? Oh God, now his job was definitely at stake.

"I'm sure you noticed this glitch too." Joshua's voice was laced with sarcasm and annoyance.

The man could only look down in embarrassment. He could be taken in for this negligence. He hoped not...

"Please... what happened? What did you see?" Mabel asked in worry. She had an inkling that Rory has been kidnapped but she was afraid to hear it out loud. She hoped it was something else, though she couldn't think of anything else.

Joshua stared ahead, his eyes hooded with his tightly creased brows and blazing dark with anger. His jaw and fists clenched.

"She's been kidnapped."