50. Let her live

Soundtrack recommended for this chapter: Turn hell hound- Jed Kurzel.


Derek snapped his head to the source of the sound, then another shot came again.

Sh*t. He never saw that coming. He dunked into the bushes and stilled as the person kept shooting mindlessly. And then the gunshots increased. Did his guys join?

He moved to the other side, away from the gunshots, to take a clearer view of what was going on. Where was that damn shooter?

Oh, there. He saw a young guy shooting like his life depended on it. And why would he shoot when there's no one in sight? What stupidity was that? Clearly, he was not trained in shooting.

Then he felt someone moving towards him, he pulled his gun and turned sharply.

"Its me!! It's just me, boss." Isaac was quick to save his ass. Derek never missed a shot, so he would have been dead meat by now.

"Where are the others?" Derek asked in a whisper.