55. New strategy

"Are you sure she's okay?" Derek asked again for the seventh time. The doctors understood his worry so they answered each time.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry. The sedatives and the other medications she has been given will help her relax some more. When she's well rested, she'll come back to normal." They explained.

Derek was back at the glass wall, watching Rory. They had a hard time prying her from him earlier, she didn't want to leave his side. Derek had to calmly talk to her for a long time before she let go of him and allowed the doctors to attend to her. 

Now that she was fine, he couldn't help but think all that happened to her. They had attempted raping her?! They! Or was it just one person? Perhaps the one they were working for?

He went over and spoke with the doctors and left quickly. Spotting Jeremiah, he signalled him to come over.

"I hope you sent Charlotte yourself. You being here by this time..."