60. Not again!


Special thanks to @barren_caMa. Thank you so much for the gift <3.

And thanks to everyone else for reading, voting, gifting, and for leaving comments and reviews :)


It was as if Derek was right behind her and caught her right in time before her butt could kiss the cold hard floor.

Derek knew she had not walked in days. Okay, it was just a little over twenty-four hours but it could still cause some tingling in the legs when you try to walk after such long hours of staying in bed.

Rory held her breath and shut her eyes tight, grabbing unto her gown for support. Feeling his arm firmly around her waist and her back against his firm, broad chest was not helping. 

"Are you okay?" Derek asked in worry. "Are you feeling dizzy?"

Rory nodded, feeling light-headed as well. Her shoulders were tensed and she felt stiff. Derek panicked when he saw that she wasn't breathing.

"Breathe, Aurora."