74. Gone

George woke up to a mild headache. He felt weak and light headed even while lying down. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping.

He frowned a little. Why was he feeling so comfortable under the tree where he was sleeping? He slowly opened his eyes. Oh, he must be really tired to actually feel this comfortable sleeping under a tr...

Wait a minute... Where was he?

His eyes that were groggily opened at first, shot wide open in surprise.


Where was he? He remembered and he was sure he was sleeping under a tree. What happened?

For a minute he thought he had been arrested. His heart thummed against his ribs, almost falling out in fright. He started panicking. No! It couldn't be!

Then he heard voices. He heard a feminine voice speaking of giving some injections to the stranger who was brought in a few minutes ago to relieve his pain.

He heard another join, a male, talking about how this stranger was robbed clean and injured.