89. Distraction in a dress


Hayford got up from sleep, feeling exhausted. They had been chasing after this stranger who was alleged to be a kidnapper of that girl. It's been four days already but they had got no lead.

He knew from the day the kidnapper was able to slip through their hands from the clinic that it would be very difficult dealing with him. Because how was it possible that a sick man, almost dying at that, could escape within a short time when they found out he was not who they thought he was? It was something Hayford had been thinking about for days now.

The man was lying there just minutes ago and in the next second he was gone. Was he some sort of a superhuman or something?

The man seemed to have vanished into thin air. He left no traces behind. 

But at least, he had heard from Joshua that they were able to save one man from his gang and are planning to fetch for all the needed information from him.