106. Stuck in the city


Derek went back home after the lunch with Rejoice. She had blabbered on and on about her modelling career and how her father intended to hand all the family fortunes over to her.

Rejoice had asked Derek to take her to his home, but he had politely declined with an excuse that he was on a mission and was not supposed to go home. 

__Flash back__

"I won't be long, I promise. I just want to know where you stay, please, Derek." Rejoice pleaded with Derek to take her to his home. She had held unto Derek's hand that was on the table in both hands and was looking at him with puppy eyes and flattering her eyelashes.

Derek released his hand and massaged his forehead in frustration. He knew Rejoice had obsession issues. Right from when she set her eyes on him at the rehab centre, she had not given him any breathing space. He could remember how happy he was when the time finally came for him to leave the rehab.