118. He looks like George...

Author's note:

A special thanks to @Tres_Aguila. The k you so so much for your gift. 

And thanks to everyone else for reading, voting, gifting, and for leaving comments and reviews <3




Rejoice was laughing and crying at the same time. Derek's attitude had really hurt her. But she didn't want to think about it. Love conquers all, she assured herself. She wouldn't let this little thing destroy her love for him. No, she won't. She would over look this small offense.

She had heard before that love is painful sometimes. It was true after all. She cried. 

She reached for her bag and removed her small purse. She had not smoked in a long while, but right now, she needed something to calm her nerves. Her raging nerves that was trying to force her to go find Derek right at that moment and kiss those damn lips for his.