146. Danger

Brenda and Marco left after spending some time with Elaine, teasing her most of the time, which she expected. They stayed till lunch time, helped her prepare something for lunch and they all ate together before leaving. Now that she was alone, she couldn't help but ponder over the advice they gave her.

Throw in her everything? Was that not scary? And risky? Per the many things she had heard about love and heartbreaks, something you should never do is to love someone with all your heart. It wasn't a good idea. It wasn't something healthy to do.

At least, keep a reasonable percentage of your heart to yourself just in case...

But was that even possible? How can one love partly? She couldn't seem to do it because right now she knew she had already made the mistake of falling head first in love with Hayford. She didn't even know when and how or why or who or which... Damn!