152. Handing over I

Derek sauntered towards Mr Mills who wore a broad smile upon seeing him.

"My boy!" He beamed and stood up, pushing the chair back with his body. He opened his arms wide for an embrace, something Derek least expected.

Derek felt nostalgic for a second, remembering back in the days when Mr Mills would visit them in the old mansion. Derek had become so used to this 'big uncle', that he would always run and throw himself in his embrace whenever he came over.

Derek went into Mr Mills' arms, embracing him and wrapping his arms around him in a hug. He heard the man release a sigh before gently tapping his back.

"How are you doing, Derek?" Mr Mills asked pulling himself from the hug but not letting go of him.

"I'm doing well... big uncle." Derek replied, not knowing how else to call him. He had never taken his name on his lips before, as far as he could remember.

Mr Mills finally let go and they both sat down opposite each other.