180. Conscience


"Hayford?!" Esther was the first to speak, after seeing Hayford enter through the main hall to the dining area where they all sat around the table, having lunch.

The rest of them looked at Hayford with surprise, as they were not expecting him.

Hayford gave out a smile, which they didn't notice was stiff.

"Good morning, everyo— Whoa!!" He staggered back when Joshua suddenly came and crushing into him. His arms subconsciously held Joshua tight to stabilize himself.

"I fucking missed you, man!" Joshua said and broke from the hug, looking at Hayford with the broadest smile.

Hayford was not around when Joshua returned from his mission. This was because Hayford had left for another mission a few days before he arrived. Although they had been talking on phone, he really missed him in person.