We don't have to say everything we think. In conversation with others we use many expressions of words and even gestures that are not in line with the will element from the mind. That doesn't always mean "untruth" or a bad performance. For example,some of your friends really don't like the color of the jacket he wears in your opinion, but since you know his affinities, personal appearance and styling trends, you will usually say that he fits. We are emotional beings and do not want to hurt others, as well as being hurt by others. Therefore, our consciousness as an indicator of everything gives us clear beliefs of our personal and we show it first through words.This process already leans into the field of 'desire' because we actually already want and recognize desire through the expression of self, personal attitude and behavior. When you fool your mind by placing other words that are out of sync with the order of consciousness, you are actually sparing other inconveniences. Imagine saying everything in front of others that comes to your mind!It would really be a lot of inconvenience. The principles of expressing or building character are a separate topic, they are listed here only as an auxiliary explanation of getting to know the power of thought on which your desire and finding the motive depends. Simply put, if you say I have a desire, and it is not guided by channels of consciousness or truth, you have in fact deceived your own mind and the root of desire does not exist at all. With this we discover that for the very emergence or very appearance of desire, there must be an order of the mind that creates feelings and the appearance of motives. What are feelings as a prerequisite for the appearance of desire? These are first of all the feeling of knowing who you really are, then the feeling of purpose-life model and the feeling that you are striving for change. '
Sense of cognition '
is a feeling that you awaken and develop as you mature and when it reaches a high degree you become ready for desire. Knowing who you are reveals that you know consciously that you are a human being, a creation of God. In the transient world, you are gifted as a human being with the most beautiful body form and mind. You know transience through aging, dying, the incredible passage of time, by understanding that behind the transient there are dimensions of the spiritually permanent. In fact your soul through life in bodily form matures spiritual levels depending on how much you activate and use your mind. Know that your mind is all you need to learn to manage on which healthy interactions with others depend, empathy, emotional intelligence, happiness, achievements or acceptance of life in the form it is given to you in a special way. Cognition is not lost and contact with life. Cognition is belonging to life.
Sense of purpose'-
Growing up we learn, experiences are a part of you, but what changes you is getting to know your own purpose in life. You grew up learning from others, primarily parents, and through education - schools, religious institutions, etc. who have dedicated certain family, cultural, religious, historical, psychological guidelines to you. In addition, you have gone through your own experiences, applying what you have learned, choosing a profession, experiencing love, family, and constant instinct, you strive to complete the fulfillment of your individual world. Described represents the promotion of your 'life purpose' which is generally common to all of us, and that is the realization of an individual life path through learned guidelines. Determining the purpose of living is what you are willing and determined to subordinate your own life to!A sense of striving for change'-
It represents a motive. When you have realized and are living the purpose of life by living and developing yourself, a sense of change arises. That feeling of change is your potential that wants to complete the purpose of living and realize your function or you.
We instinctively gain a sense of change through development experience and life. Change is very close to the emergence of a clear 'desire' that awakens and charts its own path. Increasingly striving for change, the universe is constantly in motion and changing. Yet the feeling of the new does not come so often. We spend a lot of time living a well-established sequence of life events until we encounter an opportunity for change. How do I understand this more clearly, that is, what kind of change do I mean? We do not all go at the same speed through mastering cognition, purpose and thus change. It is influenced by your capacity and energy to learn faster and develop enough experience to move to a higher level of your consciousness.For example, someone realized faster that regardless of education, origin, material status, better physiognomy, the necessary changes within oneself should be activated, such as a sense of ego that must be completely eliminated because it hinders a step forward into greater creative potential. On the other hand, one needs a multitude of consecutive life lessons to destroy the big ego or negative emotions to the point of feeling the change. Such a different evolution primarily goes through the energy of the being, the DNA of the lineage, and largely through cognition, that is, the family influence in the development of the personality. When you mature for change and when the very feeling of change in coming becomes so recognizable the degree of desire creation appears, and that is the motive! The question has always been what motivates people and how to find a motive for fulfilling goals or desires?
No matter how much it was explained that we find the motive strictly in one thing, person, religion, etc., it may be true but not complete. Therefore, the full arrival of the motive for desire matures when you have exceptionally passed the test of cognition and then determined the purpose of living. You then simply get a motif packed into a notion of imagined desire-life goals. This happens because you can no longer stay in the shell of what you have learned, and your potential awakens you!
With this you begin to gain the energy of the motive by recognizing it in something or someone such as religion, loved one, inspiration in celebrities, historical figures, etc. Nothing is as strong and a great rotor of desire as the motive. Once you know it and get it, you feel your desires and see no obstacles to their realization.When, as an extremely good law student, I had a somewhat developed knowledge, I did not recognize or determine the purpose of my own life. My ego was so pronounced that I had to spend most of my time proving myself to others, to get attention from others in order for the ego to be satisfied for a short time. Most of the student get-togethers ended in great disappointment when others failed to feed my hungry ego. In my inability to realize the presence of the ego, my life turned into great deep pain due to the mismatch of cognition and the purpose of my own existence. It was not enough for someone to comfort me, and in doing so he already had to sacrifice his own dignity and experience humiliation. It all came down to a couple of friends looking for a way to understand my unkind character. In the whirlwind of such a life, I lost or did not notice love, friendship, a sincere smile and a hug. Developing my cognition and purpose of life took a long time. Even when I became a master of martial arts, the ego did not stop, and my performances and performance of sports activities did not have the spirit of sports. The motive did not exist - the ego sought its own. Over time, such phases and attacks of ego began to bring me to the peak of pain, hopelessness and enjoyment of vice, and when I came to the brink of judging myself due to the constant search for happiness by some miracle began the process of learning, or change that revealed my purpose of life
Everything that appears to us in life in the form of adversity and difficulty are in fact guidelines on how to better complete the purpose of life but only if we express a willing element to know. My miracle of finding purpose is reflected in the fact that I was constantly trying to stop and eliminate pain and ego, that is, to find a happy path with questions, why? For what? thereby invoking the aid forces that finally came. The knowledge and purpose of living cannot be woven from non-acceptance of self, ego, jealousy, envy and lies, but we get it all as emotions that I call 'battlefields' and that must be conquered, and transformed; non-acceptance of self into acceptance, ego into mercy, jealousy into love, envy into support, lie into truth.
Ovi procesi transformacije su bolni ali vrijedni prosvjetljenja u ostvarivanju potencijala za ispunjenje zelje i zdravog sretnog življenja. Samo kad se upotpuni svrha življenja, želja može tražiti put ka ostvarenju. Mnogi ljudi se zaustave na nekim od emocija 'bojnih polja' te teško izlaze na put prema promjeni. Ipak jasno je da svaki čovjek ma koliko imao težak set emocija 'bojnih polja' može da pronađe svrhu življenja i aktivira vlastiti kreativni potencijal. Kada bolestan čovjek dobije motiv za ozdravljenje realizacija te želje uvijek će zavisti od jačine osvojenih emocija 'bojnih polja'. Stoga želja svoj kapacitet ostvarenja pronalazi u izvornoj svrsi življenja.