What do you think and how do you feel when you make a decision? I decided !? Isn't that a turn of the existing thinking towards an idea in a specific direction. Think about what the decision means to you? The time invested in the process of deciding on an idea or goal is invaluable in the development of your future. The power of decision is understood only by those who literally know how to decide. How many times have you made a decision? How many times have you not acted on the decision? Answer yourself honestly. Even acting as acting on a decision has nothing to do with the decision! Failure to implement the decision until its final fulfillment is failure to make a decision, and temporary or opposite action from what you want means that you did not make a decision at all. Being determined is a very responsible job that requires time to think and prepare awareness, a strong willingness to give up on the decision as well as the final decision after which the decision is made. Acting on a decision is nothing but implementing an idea driven by a decision. Being properly determined is an already fulfilled idea of a decision in the future. This way of making a wish come true will also lead you closer to establishing and shaping your own character traits. You will learn how to make a decision as a necessity to fulfill what you want! Decision is such a powerful force of thought that it provides undoubtedly fast results of the change you are looking for. The decision is in fact a brilliant means of success, an inseparable pillar, a carrier of success as well as support for each new success. How many are just bad habits and actions due to lack of knowledge on how to decide and change life in a positive direction. Statistical indicators of bad habits such as cigarette and alcohol addiction show an almost unbelievable mortality rate that is increasing every year. The number of people getting sick and losing their lives due to bad habits of vice addiction is truly staggering. Many of these habits in human lives are caused by a number of factors, and the inability to prevent and reduce harmful habits stems from a lack of individual willingness to make a decision.Decision-making is often reduced to attempts for a certain period of time, and then forms of earlier habits and actions occur. Such attempts can be destructive to a person, destroying his remaining self-confidence. Therefore, improper, reckless instant decision making can be much worse than not making it. Now you can say: Has anyone succeeded from multiple attempts? That! But it is not a decision, it is an attempt, and the moment the attempt is successfully completed it is preceded by the correct power of the decision. There is nothing wrong with trying to master something you really want, it is sometimes a necessary way to gradually establish new habits. The justification for trying is especially important with long-standing bad habits. An attempt could be preparation for a decision when you are struggling for the subconscious to receive a new habit, a new behavior. Trying is part of the volitional element in you which is extremely important but it differs from a decision which is a powerful force towards the safe achievement of the ultimate goal. If you have habits that you want to change and that have been with you for a long time, you need to try to get out of your comfort zone and confront the harmful habit from your subconscious that keeps you in that state. This means you should keep trying until you are ready to finally depend on a decision that will inspire you to erase the harmful habit forever. The decision is a really strong knowledge and the power to change a harmful habit that certainly leads to the desired and new!
What is the biggest challenge?
Permanent high energy is impossible! Due to the polarity of the negative and the positive, negative emotions will often look for a way to conquer you. Moments of negative emotions are in fact triggers based on some unwanted outcome, defeat or unfulfilled expectations. Highly spiritually built people have no or very little expectations of others and are also much happier and retain positive energy. You are one of them now, congratulations! 'Ordinary' people also have the added task of living up to unfulfilled expectations of others. Expectation is a really powerful fuel to evoke a negative emotion or a worse mood. Either way, the biggest challenge is finding the inner strength in overcoming a bad mood or the presence of a negative emotion to proceed through a given decision. Suppressing unwanted emotions creates resistance and increases stress which leads to more difficult mental states. You have to experience every emotion literally in its full action, allow it in its intensity, understand its appearance and duration. How you deal with the duration of such emotions, or how you endure the presence of unwanted emotions, shapes your cognition, your level of consciousness, and your character. You cannot predict the sequence of events, the sudden reactions of people around you, or the breakup of a relationship, marriage, death, etc. These are phenomena in terms of a test of your endurance to better you. If you pass the test you passed you are capable of going on, life goes on. Most people stifle their significant decisions by the occurrence of such unwanted life events. Weakness will overcome a man without motive. Motive always overcomes weakness.
How to empower yourself ...
Answer yourself the following questions How do you deal with unpleasant phenomena in your life? How do you react? What is your interaction with yourself and with others at that moment? How much do you need to recover? With the answers you realize your weakness or strength. Most people see the greatest relief in support or talking to friends, family, etc. Comfort and faith in God are actually a powerful solution, but why do most people with such support still remain weak in conflict with life. Have you ever wondered how some people act as leaders by giving support to others without ever having it themselves? First of all, by overcoming and applying methods one and two of this book, you gain the power to rely on yourself for the most part and on other people to a lesser extent. The more you manage to rely on yourself and your own strength in you the easier it will be to overcome difficult periods. Finding strong strength in you is finding a connection with God. People cannot give you as much comfort as the original life force in you can. By finding the clearest possible knowledge of who you are, and your personal life purposes, you find an understanding of life or its approach to you. You are thus a strong support to yourself and then to others with more capacity of strength and love in you. Others will see you evidently as a strong man, a leader who helps others. This book is a handbook, go back to ways one and two and make yourself a leader. All of the above does not mean that you do not need the support of friends and your family and that you do not experience all the unwanted emotions, but you get a greater capacity of your own strength for self-healing than anyone else can give you. As such, you can only recognize support from people like you, while such support and understanding is logical and you cannot ask from those who are much weaker than you.A man whose consciousness of a leader works through cognition and personal purpose knows that no matter how unjust, difficult and painfully emotional the moment that befell him is not constant and not victorious over him. He understands the completeness of life, seeks the reasonable best of all, and the pursuit of the goal of fulfilling his own purpose is indelible. These life challenges often place hopelessness and inner surrender in man and long after such events. This happens because such emotions are suppressed, not experienced. Repressed emotions are the result of fear of recognition and life afterwards. But one should know that it is precisely by acknowledging and experiencing emotion that incredible creative potentials for the new life he wants are created. You will keep a clearly specified decision in this way in force even during difficult periods. You need to know that you can still give and endure no matter how persistent the storm of defeat befalls you. Never give up. Let us now analyze determination over time. The days and even the years that come and go without bringing what you really expect are a test for the brave. Sometimes the extra defeats that happen to you are seemingly indications that it's all over for you. To the weak, this will appear as a paradox to everything they have decided that represents their dreams and desires. When we talk about time, if you want to persevere in your decisions, forget to look at time in the same way as everyone else.Time is an illusion and do not limit yourself or measure yourself by time. The moment you decide and give yourself infinite time, it will be easier and faster for you to achieve what you want. You do not absorb the thought of the passage of time because time is infinite for you. In the following ways of fulfilling the desire, self-belief and perseverance are an unavoidable way that you must master on the way to success. Such a character and personalities are for the most part built by persistent work on oneself. We are born by the same biological process endowed with a mind that begins to be filled with information according to experience and knowledge. Some of us have advantages already in growing up due to many factors, and one of them is certainly the emotionally healthy family of the educated orientation, where such a role is primarily taken over by parents. However, there are a large number of people who have become happy and achieved notable successes without the stated benefits. What does that say? Such people first of all decided that they wanted change and adapted the awareness of their own cognition and purpose, and then strongly established the plan. Sometimes difficult conditions, an unhealthy emotional family, not finding the necessary support can wear a mask of mercy for a person. Very often such people are not deprived in immense ambition and a burning desire to turn things in the right direction. Either way the man who has decided to succeed must sign a pact with defeats as inevitable encounters. Successful people are not afraid to take a step back as a result of defeat or an unsuccessful attempt. Meeting defeat is a stepping stone to success for a man who understands.
What trait is prevalent in the realization of a desire? Definitely determination with incredible extreme perseverance! Persistence is the result of an unwavering decision and therefore it does not matter what is happening at the moment and what indicators of failure are present, a motivated determined man continues and believes in the process of arranging events, opportunities, happiness and circumstances in realizing an imagined wish or its manifesto in reality. The decision to achieve a wish or goal establishes an imaginary line or guide to the same, realizing a number of benefits and new qualities for such a person, such as; patience, self-confidence and a sense of strength and power. Simply when you make a properly conscious decision, your subconscious very quickly receives a new mission of a given goal.
Hope It's just an unfulfilled wish, isn't it? After all you read think? What is hope if you get the necessary recipe for mental orientation and action to make the object of hope come true! I have no justifying words for the term 'only hope' instead I emphasize to you the creative power of decision, perseverance and faith in fulfilling everything you want. As the last hope dies, unwavering determination, faith and perseverance make your wishes come true know it! To decide so strongly and let the desire of the universe through visualization will create your growing belief in the possible. Actions, behaviors and emotions are certainly the creators of your new reality. Book 7 of Ways to Fulfill Desire constantly emphasizes to you the essential importance of your mental circuitry, forcing a change of thought as the axis of your new life. The belief that your dominant thoughts create will sooner or later achieve the result of such a reality. Thoughts, whether positive or negative are powerful creators of your belief and reality. Do you often say I can't do that? Your belief has been declared and you are convinced that you cannot do that. If you say it is possible, you think positively. If you say I can for sure and I see it as finished congratulations you have decided.
The process of making an unwavering decision That process must always go through an interview with yourself. If someone really wants to stop consuming cigarettes before making a decision, he will first make the mind aware of all the evident evidence of the harmfulness of nicotine for human health, and then become active through their own knowledge and purpose in life. By following this book and actively applying it you are forever free from the bait called 'vice'. Your knowledge asks you 'do you want to live life in its original sense? Did you realize why you were here? Your purpose asks you 'You have decided strongly what is your desire and goal in just one life given to you? You can only benefit others if you use yourself, right? Create that kind of thoughtful decision and choose the momentum of transition to implementation through unwavering performance. By the decision you have ceased to know vices. Any True decision is not suffering or renunciation but the result of satisfaction with one's own knowledge of the right direction of life. You have a goal — you have a desire, you are aware of its realization. Have you already started towards that !? Know that living life in its original sense (healthy emotional and physical circuit) is by no means compatible with any of the harmful habits! Decisions are important segments of creating your own life in the direction you envisioned. In order not to understand the decision as a strict way of life, I state that you make decisions of healthy changes, you do not make a decision that will make life less fun or strict reforms of perfectionism. On the contrary, the habits you have created before do not belong to living a happy and fulfilled life so the decision to change such habits is inevitable in order for life to truly embrace you. Use the power of decision in order for life to truly embrace you. Use the power of decision in changing your life referred to for positive purposes, then in realizing true desire, creating healthy living habits as well as in achieving personal and professional development.