'You're such an idiot ♡'


Degradation, NC/r4pe, breeding, creampie x2, missionary to mating press, lazy dog, overstimulation both F&M, slut calling, hooking up, neck 'n lip biting, sloppy seconds, fingering with three fingers, slight stretching that isn't mentioned much, sweetheart and dear is used, zero aftercare, Fem Reader with she/her pronouns and female anatomy, He knows where the clit, sudden personality change.

Half background/set-up half porn/pay off

If I missed any please say so!!

This shit Is M rated







Letting out a soft whimper you shift yourself around on the bar stool you' sat on, thoughts that had used to be pure nothingness hazily melting into lewd and inappropriate thoughts of a particular person across the bar. The only thing fuelling them to continue on being the multiple shots of alcohol you'd down earlier.

And being drunk while overly horny wasn't that good of a mix, especially since it meant it didn't take long for you to start gathering up the courage to ask them if they wanted to hook up, I mean it's not like you'll see each other again, it's Just a small fling (You probably wouldn't fully remember the night anyways)

"Jesus, But What if I were found out I just asked a married person to fuck!"

"But I'm sure.. No one who's married or in a relationship wouldn't be here.. But still!" You whine shifting so that your legs press together to the side, while you lay your head on your free hand. The other one was busy holding a small shot glass of some sort of alcohol, you Couldn't remember what it was other than that it was strong.

Because of the change in position the hot pink dress you wore tightened around your chest and thighs, Sighing you gently shale your head, dismissing any pessimistic thoughts you may have had. Before taking a large swig of what was left in the shot glass you'd been subconsciously sipping throughout the entire time of your procrastination.

Carefully (well as careful you CAN be) you 'jump' out of the tall stool, shakily landing on your white heels a light stomp could be heard when you landed.

Steadily you walked towards him, and the closer you got the more the details on his face showed..

And wow, he was pretty...

He wore a plain dark-blue shirt and what you assumed jeans of some sort as well since you couldn't see his legs from under the table he sat at.

His eyes matched his shirt, however was a much lighter shade then his shirt

His hair also seemed to be a dark-brown with a red undertone, or maybe that was the district's lights? They are pretty bright...

But before you could properly realize what you were about to do you were already at his table, well more like near his side.

'Yup, hes wearing jeans' really the only thought you had as you stared anywhere but his face he didn't seem to notice you for a few seconds, mainly because you had frozen In place realizing how much of an idiot you were being. Has he always been this tall anyways?

Softly gulping you take in the full realization of what you were about to do

'FUCK, I did not think this over! How creepy would I sound of I just casually asked of he wanted to fuck. ME a total strang-'

but before you could retreat back to the spot you've been drinking at, you were caught off from a soft gentle voice, his pretty blue eyes practically staring you down "Sweetheart, Helloo?" He asks waving a hand in your face.

"a-ah! Uhm.. I was wondering if.." You stutter out, trying to come up with an excuse

'Jesus he's so pretty' was all you thought as he looks at you so infatuated with you and just by you walking up to him, you can feel his gaze scan you up and down a few good times, stopping in certain spots that you you couldn't place, before looking back to your face and asking "If I could?"

"If you could... Help me.. Find my hotel?" You hated how unsure you sounded of yourself, 'Jesus Christ you couldn't even go through with it.' You berated yourself, before bringing yourself back to the moment.

He seemed rather content with your answer however you did feel like he hit you with a 'I wasn't born yesterday.' look before sighing gently,and saying "Of course I could! you gave me a deer in headlights look for a bit so I knew something was going on." He says almost happy about the fact you were lost, chuckling a bit before sitting up and wow.. He was tall, like 5'11 maybe even 6', "Well, do you know the name of your hotel?" He asks glancing at his phone for a quick second before looking back at you, "Hm? Oh- Oh yeah! Uhm lets see... I think I go to the Odyssey Resort!" you respond, taking a few steps to be a bit closer to him mainly just to take a glance at his Phone.

"Okay, I actually know where that place is! But.. it'd take a bit would you mind if we took a shortcut?" He asks, a short pause before he quickly back peddles in how weird that may have sounded, "I mean you don't have to! It's just that we'd get there more quickly then walking, n-not to pressure you! There are a lot of creeps 'n Freaks y'know?" He says glancing at the door, "Yeah I know, but can we just.. Go please?" You ask, hooking your arm around his mainly so your drunk ass doesn't get lost in the streets and gets kidnapped like an idiot.

He seemed a little shocked by your sudden clinginess but 'shrugged' it off, probably chalking it up to alcohol since you seemed flushed from the moment you talked to him.

"Hmh! let's go dear." He says softly gently pulling you along and out the bar, you didn't really pay attention to where you guys were going he didn't seem like a bad person anyways.. He was also talking about something, about other bars and his house? Something along those lines anyways, You really only responded with little nods and shakes of your head.

'Jesus.. How many drinks DID I have? Everything seems so red and blurry'

You thought to yourself silently, shifting your focus to the guy besides you. "U-uhm.. So what's your name? I never really got it.." You softly spoke while still holding onto his arm, he seemed a bit put off by your question especially since he stayed quiet for a few seconds before glancing at you, "You can just call me.. Pyke.. " he almost seemed unsure about his answer but whatever.

"Pyke? That's.. A nice name, it fits you, being cute and all..." You didn't even process the fact you called him cute, or that he had a small smirk when he heard it.

"So... Have you been here before?" He asks, he seemed to have changed his arm position but you barely noticed it. "No actually.. This is my first time here, I guess I'm a tourist? It's only for a few weeks though and I kinda got lost looking for the bar my friends told me about" You say bluntly, a little embarrassed when you realized that you knowing full well what this district was and could've done to you still managed to get lost and actually stayed in a bar.

"Oh yeah! I guess that explains it, you were pretty quiet earlier when I mentioned some popular bars around here as if you didn't even know they exist-" you didn't hear what he said after that, your focus immediately went to his hand that he placed on your hip earlier. He did just gently squeeze it, even though it was more closer to your ass then you'd like. It was so subtle too.. Has his hand always been there anyways?

'I mean I guess I don't mind.. I was the one who wanted fuck him in the first place so..'

"Do you.. Have a gun or anything like that?" What the- "Not to come off weird just you seem pretty convinced nothing is going to happen to you.."

"Well first off, no I don't have a gun or anything but I doubt anything would happen even in a place like this!" You say with more enthusiasm in your voice then what was probably needed

"Yeah, It's not that people here are necessarily bad people.. Just when I saw you I thought you were a, uhm.. Nevermind just that people may mistake you for something else and you could get hurt, badly." You were so focused on what he was saying until you felt his hand on your hip gently snake down and push your butt to push you further ahead of him

"But more importantly.. We're here!" He announces a small smile on his face staring at the hotel looking up at the resort, taking a step back to take in the tall building more.

"O-oh, yeah thank you.. Uhm, if you don't mind can you maybe stay?" You almost whispered the last part out, you spent like ten minutes listening to him rant, you're not leaving without screwing him.

"Just that I' had too much to drink and stiff and I could get help being put into bed and y-yknow" you rambled out, he stares at you before chuckling to himself it probably would've even turned into full blown laughter if it was someone else,

"Haa.. Sure but I don't see why you'd place so much trust in some stranger.."

He says, pushing you forward by your shoulders into the hotel, "U-uhm lets see.. " taking out a key card you check the room number on the top of it, "I'm room.. 450? " it was hard to tell with the sudden change in color you experienced.. Red to basically black with the exceptions of store lights and now basically a bright white.

He lets out a small hum in content as he stares over your shoulders to look at the card, before picking you princess style up and walking you up the stairs and to your hotel room, it was a quiet rrid, "U-uhm, why'd you pick me up?" You ask breaking the silence

Gently setting you back down on shaky legs so you could open the room, he did become a little more.. Impatient? He pushed you into the room less gently then earlier and basically pushed you into the bed the same way in front of the door, "Thank you.. Ha, I barely realized how tired I am you mumble under your breath.

He's much quieter too, just taking in the room before placing his gaze back on you when you finished pulling off your heels, "Yeah.. This is a nice room you have!" He says really only focusing on your hands and body and less then what you were saying, "Thanks, and thanks for walking!" You say, leaning back on the bed

'Oh my' was the only thought you had when he sat down near you

"Mhm, it's the least I could do, you looked like someone was about to kill you when waiting for a response from me, and plus your drunk so you basically trusting me with what's essentially your life was something I couldn't ignore!" He says, placing a hand on his side, which is in reality your thigh.

It's quiet not the comfortable quiet you two shared earlier but a tense quiet that felt like it lasted for hours which in reality was probably a few seconds before you could fill the silence in with a light hum, 'it must've been an accident' after all your thigh was basically pressing up against his, his hand would've touched it unintentionally.. So why is he not moving it away from it.

"U-uh, Pyke?" You ask motioning to his hand on your thigh, he lets out a soft hum in response glancing at his hand before lightly squeezing it, well hey.

At least he probably returns the same feelings you have for him

He didn't't really make any effort to move it off, just commenting about how soft your skin was and how cute are, did he actually say it?

"U-uhm.. Thank you.." You said hesitating on actually saying anything on his weird "compliment"

"W-woah- hey what are you-" You immediately pulled your legs to the side slightly when you felt his hand snaked up your thigh and pressed against the lining of your panties.

He's gotten really quiet, not even a response other then a small huff in amusement, leaning into your ear and whispering "You're... You're such an idiot ♡" Before leaning back to chuckle into his hand, almost turning into a full cackle.

His other hand firmly holding your thigh down, "A cute, dumb little whore for me to mess with.." He says barely above a whisper, You couldn't really formulate a response to the sudden change in attitude, whatever you wanting to say only coming out in unintelligible stuttering and mumbling. And despite the whole situation, the pooling heat in between your thighs that was building up didn't make less regretful of your idiotic actions.

Lifting his hand from his face he gently strokes your face lifting your chin up, before leaning in and giving you a soft kiss your soft pillowy lip pressing against his, the bottom fat of yours occasionally getting lost in his teeth as he pushes your body deeper into the mattress being careful enough to not crush you in his weight but enough weight pit on you that even if you wanted to stop it'd be practically impossible, and for a second the kiss remained one sided until you finally pushed back against his body, you didn't actually knew what to do with your hands especially with how grabby and giddy he got at your response in kissing him back, practically tearing your underwear off so you just settled them on his shoulders.

Suddenly, he pulls away,not only to get a better look at your panting face, but to unbuckle his belt easier. And softly breathing in he says "You taste so sweet y'know? Much sweeter than I' ever could imagine.." Snaking a hand that used to rest a hand down to your thigh be grabs it and drags you towards him, the motion causing your already lifted dress to push to your stomach, as he stares at your wet pussy he lets out a satisfied "Fuck--" gently pushing a finger against your pussy lips collecting all the natural lube your arousal caused, the motion causing you to shiver from his cold finger.

Continuing this he finally pushes into your pussy at a slow pace, drinking in all of your whines and whimpers when hw finally bottomed out, " Hm, do you like being used like the filthy degenerate you are?" He says in an almost Baby-voice as he slowly pushes his finger in and out of your velvety walls, pouting you whine out "No- Fuck, I'm not a whore" trying to ignore the feeling of your own body clinging onto him so desperate, clenching every time he curls his finger or prods at a spot a inside of you, continuing for a short while until he finally hit a spot that caused your hips to slightly jerk upwards towards him, the feeling almost feeling like touching your clothes but with the warm feeling and 'stretching' that came along with it.

Chuckling to himself he says softly "Oh there we go, looks like I found the right spot ♡" he says before prodding and grinding his finger against that same spot, almost as if it was to force a response out of you and which it did, just not one with words and instead a dragged out hazy moans.

Only humming in delight to your cooperativeness but then again you were drunk, slowly he pulls the finger he had in you out before adding a second one, pushing inside of you slowly. having one grind against your g-spot while the other curls inside you. Listening to your soft moans, whimpers 'n gasps as he steadily increases his pace.

Suddenly a dragged out "Darling~" broke the 'silence' that was filled with your cries of pleasure, his focus finally shifts from his soaked hands and your twitching hips to your flustered almost teary eyed face, and because of how absorbed you were in his fingers fucking you, you only give him a weak hum that broke into a soft gasp."You're so wet, and only after I fingered you for a few minutes, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I stuffed you with three fingers right?" He says already prepping to add a third finger, however you, finally realizing what he said immediately pushed your hips away from his hands with a hand working to push his away, whimpering denials to his 'suggestion' that was more like a Waring of what he wanted to do..

Sighing in disappointed he grabs your leg and drags you back, holding you down with a hand holding your hips as he grinds his thumb against your clothes, earning soft, sweet whimpers from you. The burning feeling in your stomach finally tying itself into a knot, making you whine as you try to push his finger away. Before all of a sudden you feel his finger, finally push into you, unlike last time where he actually got your insides accustomed to having two fingers in you he just roughly 'jams' them inside you, reflexively causing your hips to stutter and shake.

A soft "fuck" leaving your mouth as you feel all three of his fingers work in you a thumb placed on your clothes, two scissoring and grinding into that gooey spot that made you cry while one curls inside you, it really wasn't long until your legs were pushed upwards, spilling pussy juices dampening the sheet underneath you. Whines and cries escaping your mouth before finally, the knot that became tighter and tighter broke.

Your body feeling the Blurriness as you come from what seems both vaginal and clitoral stimulation as your body twitches 'n spasms, his fingers still fucking you through your orgasm. More of his focus being on your clit as he rubs it with more vigor, and when you finally came down from your high he didn't stop, the twitching and clamping legs didn't stop him from continuing to fuck you, "Fuck-- Stop plEase" you say a crack in the middle of it as your body clenches on his fingers.

Almost pushing you to the edge of another orgasm. Almost before suddenly when you think you'll feel the same crash of pleasure you instead feel his fingers slip out of your pussy, clenching around nothing

"oh, such a shame that you' wanted to keep cumming but darling, you're probably so so used.. I mean, you were so happy and willing for a stranger to fuck you.." Finally he focuses his attention to his wet hands, before

Chuckling softly and letting it drip back onto you. Shifting his position so that he remained above you he leaned in and softly whispered into your ear

"Dear, turn around for me." But before you could even comprehend what he said to you he already flipped you around, "I might as well say.. But since it looks like we don't have much lube besides you, it may sting a bit."

"Geez.. Thanks for the obvious warning.." You mumble under your breath, rubbing your slicked thighs together. Shooting back he says "Oh shut up, your the one who wanted to fuck a stranger.."

Grabbing your hips he pushes your ass against his dick grinding against you, and you could feel the pre-cum in his boxers, it'd be almost gross if it weren't his sweet soft moans and how greedily he was to bite and suck at your neck, the sensation causing your back to and in turn pushing your ass further into his cock

His hand is hurriedly working to pull down his boxers so he can fully feel your softness against himself.

Mumbling sweet praises for once into your neck as he grinds into your hips, the feeling of his semi-hard cock becoming erect and just fucking in between your ass.

The lube from your pussy coating your thighs, ass, and pussy. Lifting his head back up, he lets out a dragged out "Fuck" clearly thinking about saying something about but chooses not to.

On your end however he barely gave you any simulation only focusing on himself the most, and while his dick would slip into your thighs and hit your clit you barely got any simulation, "Mhmm.. Pyke--" you whines out trying to single out the fact he's only focusing on how he feels, "Sh-shit.. god damn it, Fuck.." He mumbles under his breath before pushing your ass up and spreading them slightly, using his thumb to push his cock into your pussy lips, sliding in between them a few times before finally pushing into you in an agonizingly slow pace, making you feel each in every vein on his cock.

A dragged out whine of satisfaction came from you as you further stuffed your face in the pillow, the warm-ish sensation of his cock filling you up inside, along with the slight stutters in his hips as he sweared softly.

And just as slowly as he pushed into you he slowly dragged his length out of your pussy a soft wet 'pop' being heard when only the tip remained. "Haa--, look at that. Your pussy is practically clinging to me!" He exclaims, almost amazed about the fact.

Before immediately slamming his hips back into it, forcing you to choke out a moan into the pillow you tried stuffing your face into. And with the pace he set up was rough steady pace, each deep thrust forcing a Lew moan to escape from your throat and thanks to the position rubbed that gooey spot that drives you insane. "Look at you, going crazy over some dick.. Fuck-- Taking my dick all in you like the cock-hungry whore you are-" a small groan escaping his voice in the end of his sentence, stopping deep in you he shifts so that one hand grabbed your neck and forced you out of the pillow, while the other was used for support.

"L-look at you, practically drooling just by me fucking you for a few minutes, haa. " he says before slowly pulling out of you and slamming back into you again this time much more aggressively, and at a quicker pace. Causing you to yell out a loud "Shit-" before immediately being cut off by him with "Fuck I bet you like this.. Being choked while having your pussy be fucked.." his hips slapping against you, the wet sound of your wetness and his pre-cum mixed together causing the once dry slap to be wet. The speed he'd taken was fast 'n rough, your ass lightly bruising in the areas you'd made contact with as his grip on your neck became tighter and his hips stuttered into yours.

your voice cracked when you could feel his teeth grazing your neck, and while you knew you'd probably cum if he kept going a little longer the way his hips was stuttering and slapping against you along with the barely noticeable twitches of his dick you'd doubt he'd care to go long enough to let you cum, and just as you thought you feel his hips stutter for one last time before slamming deep into your pussy, the hand that once helped keep his balance now wrapped around your hips pulling you deeper into him.

It was Warm, almost hot the feeling of his semen filling you up in what you guessed clear-ish white strings that didn't seem to stop for a while but in reality was only a couple seconds (30 to be exact) his body shaking against yours. "Fuck--" you here him finally breath out from his earlier collection of lewd moans. Before he finally pulled out, an almost disgustingly wet 'pop' being heard when he pulled his dick out of you fully. Your body still clenching and unclenching , pushing out the 'large' sum of cum he'd stuff you full with. Letting out a little whine with a pout you can feel the slight soreness of your ass, and you were about to go take a shower but before you could you feel Pyke toss you back onto the bed flip you on your back, "No-No-, I'm nowhere near finished sweetheart.. I'm going to fuck you full of my cum, like the little cum dumpster you are.. " he says, his eyes already staring at your leaking pussy.

"Now.. Let's continue" he says softly, pushing your legs up, while he definitely was sensitive you could tell by the stutter of his hips and how much whiner he'd gotten when he pushed his cock into your pussy. The cum providing extra lube, he set slow a pace the warm semen being pushed both out and back in a wet fap sound being heard each time his hips met with yours, his thumb slowly rubbing on your clit. Letting out soft almost whiney moans every time your body reflexively clenches around him.

His stuttering hips, causing his sensitive tip to grind against that gooey spot in your puss. Whimpery moans being muffled by the sloppy kiss he gave you, your bottom lip being bruised lightly as he nipped at it, his hands pushing your legs further upwards to the point that he was practically squatting into you, your legs only being kept up by his own legs as he slams himself into you, cum from the last round spilling out in large amount only to be fucked back into you. "Fu-uck, I'm.. I'm going to breed you s-stiff you full." He manages to say through his whimpery moans, his thumb still working at your overstimulated clit that was starting to build up another orgasm.

His balls slapping against your ass, the knot in your stomach tightening until it suddenly snapped your Vevelty walls clenching around him as you feel his twitching, stuttering hips slapped against yours one final time practically pushing against your cervix filling you up with clear-ish warmness, his cries breaking through his throat as his hips while closer pushed in and out of you.

Softly breathing you can feel his twitching body pull off of you, your legs still opened having his more clear cum leak out of you. Moving an arm over your eyes to catch your breath, 'Jesus.. I'm more tired than I thought.' You silently thought listening to him rummage through stuff before throwing a towel on you along with some clean clothes. While you assume he dresses himself up, "Well, bye dear ♡" he whispers in your ear, before he quietly with a slight pep in his step walked out on you.

What a jerk


Words : 4566 LET'S GOO

I'm never writing porn again lmao/j

but uhhh I'm writing a pegging with male Y/N with aftercare and a ton of fluff so????

Also missionary turning into a mating press>> fight me if you disagree