Exploration II

As my body touches the water its transforms, becoming more aquatic with gills on each neck, webbing between all fingers, tails gain 2 fins like an eel, my skin colour becoming darker looking like wet concrete, my eyes have a clear film to see clearly in water(like crocodiles), my body gains visible muscle, now making me look lean rather than lanky and my profile becomes slightly bigger(meaning he's a bit taller and wider, compared to before where he looked kinda lanky). All these changes taking place as soon as I touched the water with no delay of movements or needing to get use to it, it just feels like I have more freedom to move, which is pretty obvious as I am in water but whatever.


After swimming throughout this massive maze-like cave system for what could have been days, without doubling back, and still having a lot of places I have not explored, I finally find a small place to settle down, it is just a massive dome the size of a football stadium, compared to some other areas that were the size of an airport its what I would call a small place, with stalagmites and stalactites, but it feels like a comfy and quiet get away spot. Being the scary monster in the dark really boost's my confidence or something as before as a human I would be absolutely terrorfied of being in a pitch black cave where there is only one exit and entrance, which is in the center of the cave and only the size of half a meter wide by half a meter long, which continues to be that small for about 500m,then it starts to open up, luckily I can shapeshift my body slimmer to easily get in and out but still.

Anyway now that I found a good spot to claim as my territory I register it in the system(this is just so people know that this cave is owned by him, like how humans can own a house, so now the area is his and anyone that tries to claim it will be told that it is already owned, also items placed in the territory by the owner cannot be taken by citizens of serenity without the owners express permission. This does not have any major effects in the story, its just his house, that's it.) now with that out of the way I decide to look at the mission board.






Checking the three categories attack is not just go and attack, it's more like scouting the surrounding area, bounties, escort missions and other missions where there is a high chance of conflict.

Defence is also not just defend the area but missions where you patrol the city, break up fights, explore the city and kinda just doing stuff within the city,

Resources is where it gets interesting because when it says resources it means there's a mission to collect nearly anything from collecting stone and placing it in specific areas in the city, to collecting 3 still pumping hearts of children(age 1-5 years) who have witnessed their parents be eaten alive slowly by the harvester(whoever accepts the mission) and place them in the middle of the city on top of the altar. There's multiple of these missions as they belong to different species, but are still just the same.

Deciding to go with something that sounds fun, I choose my first mission.



---[A.58:Scout the West area for any non-natural structures, if they are within 50km of the city then destroy them, if there are any hostiles eliminate them.

Citizens wanted:3

Citizens active:4

Accept: Y/N]


Swimming out of what imma call the 'underworld' which only takes half an hour as I use a entrance that was the closest, I run to the west, passing a couple citizens as I do, while passing through the city I notice that there are some small gatherings of citizens showing of their new bodies and abilities, like this one guy who is showing off how he can melt stuff, by picking up rubble off the ground and literally just holding it in his hand, while everyone around just goes "wow that was so cool", I mean really?, the guys not special cause before him I saw 5 different people do the exact same thing; deciding to check how much time passed while I was looking for a home in the underworld, I wasn't really surprised seeing the result.


[Age: 3days]


As I reach the end of the city, I spot two citizens I'm 'familiar' with looking like their waiting for someone, deciding to say hi, I slow down and walk towards them.

"HEY guys what's up, no hard feelings right?"

As they turn and see me both of them freeze, while the crocodile goes a bit pale? I think, it's hard to tell but I can see them shaking so yeah, guess being killed or eaten alive would leave a mental scar. After getting close enough that we don't have to yell at each other the monkey-dog speaks up.

"who are you?"

"um, well, the guy that killed you. No hard feelings right?, I mean you both were half dead already. Anyway what are you two waiting for?"

"none of your business" the crocodile spits out.

"okay, jeez man sorry okay, just think of it like pk'ing, it makes it easier."


" hey look man, you two were already fighting and it looked pretty close, so I thought you would run, and then it would waste my time cause I would've hunted you down either way. But I guess when it comes to us citizens, if your not my enemy I can make sure your dead before eating. Anyway cya got some exploring to do"