Predators and Pumpkin: day ELEVEN

1️⃣1️⃣ 𝔽𝕆𝕌ℝ: Do you think birds communicate with humans? They do!

My next story goes this way…

I go for walks at the park with my husband and son. We never take bird seeds with us, nor extra food to feed the wild life in the park. There's a posted sign: DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE.

There are fines to be applied if against the law.

Every time we go for a walk on the trail, even tried different trails, the same bird comes to us, like preaching us. There's no nest close by, no mating season to think of….. nothing.

Out of nowhere, a black tiny bird, not a hummingbird, not a red wing, weird crispy feather bird came to stop me, yelling at me, aggressive but not attacking me. More of: hey stop! Listen to me! I'm talking to you! His attitude for a moment remind me my dad. My dad's ashes are in a special place in that marina….