
Chapter 2 - July

It's been a week now and I've been working out pretty well and starting a balance diet of Grill chicken and a big bowl of Carrots, cucumbers and Jicama.My everyday routine is waking up at 7:30 am, I go with uncle and dog to the hills.The hills is an area about 5 minutes from my home.The story is a farmer owns it and leaves it open to the public as a park almost but there is no trees and it's filled with cows roaming the premises.So we arrived and entered, what I start off is running 4 laps around the track.It's a triangular formation and it goes up and down so it tires me.After finishing the run I get back home and get to boxing for twenty minutes straight with my uncle.Doing all sorts of training he comes up with, he then leaves.The next portions is 10 minutes of straight up bullying my punching bag.I swear deadly but I try not to enjoy water until after finishing everything.

Next is doing thirty-five clap push-ups then a 3 minute plank, sixty push-ups, sixty sit-ups.I do bicycle kicks, One hundred stomach crunches and lastly 50 Diamond push-ups.It takes a toll on my body everyday but I do it.I lift weights for 3 minutes straight on each hand then I move on to jump roping for 3 minutes straight.I finish it off with doing box jumps with a chair.It usually takes up to An hour and thirty minutes.I feel painful in the end of the day but I only look forward to Sundays, my day offs.

This is a whole routine I'm planning to stick to for these 2 months.I weigh roughly 210 pounds and am about 5'4.You can look at a baby bear and you'd see no difference.The main goal is 140 pounds which is a bit of stretch right ? I mean it'll be a long journey but when I hope to get back to America I will get a gym membership.So now it's the 4th of July.Somehow celebrated here by these delinquent children throwing those god awful fireworks that scare my dog.My dog name is M&M, like the candy, kinda childish right ?

Got him back in 2015 and it's now Summer 2020.A summer of misfortune and discomfort.

"Aye you wanna go for a walk ? " asked uncle Dolby as he enters my room.I was laying in bed and watching a movie on the tv, it was Dog Day Afternoon. "Sure, can we take the dog ?" I asked as I got up. "Of course, that fat little rats gonna need it." Responds my uncle jokingly as we both exit the room and head downstairs.We walk out through 2 doors, keep that in mind.We walk through the first door as the dog follows.My uncle gets the second door open as I put a Leash on M&M.We exit as my uncle locks the door behind us, M&M is anxious to run off.As we walk a neighborhood dog approaches, her name is duchess .Kind of a special dog due to its twitch it has, her left side of the brain twitches from her back.I don't know how that's scientifically possible but it is.It's still has a sweet heart, it's always in a good mood.So ditched arrives as she pounces on M&M, they are happily play fighting but I try to restrain him.My uncle and I walk up the same path leading to the local basketball court down the street.

"So what you gonna do in life ?" Says Dolby as i reply "we'll I don't know yet…." I said but I secretly did know.I want be a boxer, but that's just a dream.

"What you mean you don't know, you gotta be ready now….you're gonna be 18 soon and you're gonna have to face this world kid…." He said as we made it to a stop point for cars to pas by.We stand and wait for the cars as he leads on "you want something from the store ?" He asked as we past it. "No I'm alright…" I responded as were about to turn the corner.We turn and make it to the basketball court, I let free of M&M and let him run around with duchess.My uncle and I sit on a bench as we watch the kids playing basketball.

"You ever wonder what can happen in the span of happiness?" Asked my uncle.I thought about it and replied, "no ". He faces me as he says "well happiness is just a construct of that over there…" he says as he points at a couple making out. "You see they look happy right, but probably have no hopes, their wrapped together like string but will be going nowhere …" he says as I am intrigued by the conversation. "Well that's Alisha very spiritual…..maybe in life I wanna be a pharmacist…." I say as he smiles with joy "a pharmacist, well that's a good paying job…..yea your mother would love that…" he says as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lighter.Hw smokes as he turns to me and says "I'll quit one day…" he says as looks away into the streets as he continues to smoke.Well I fall fond to basketball and look at these kids who are playing their hearts out.

We fail to pay attention to the dogs, they've run off to fight these 2 pit bulls."Oh shit…." Says my uncle as he throws away his cigarette and runs up to stop the dogs from fighting.I follow as I get ahold of M&M and he gets ahold of Duchess, the pit Bull bit me on my arm.It fucking hurts, I scream in agony as I react quick and kick the pit Bull in face.I did feel bad but the little bastard bit me.My uncle puts the leash back in M&M and we start to walk away.We walk up the street leading home as Duchess follows.My uncle grips M&M's leash and drags him along, "that's a very bad dog...you alright kid ?" He asks me as I see I'm bleeding a bit but nothing to dangerous. "Yea just gotta clean up." I say as we get home and enter, mothers sitting in the living room as she hears my uncle frustrated and mumbling.

"Everything alright- oh god Glenn, come here, let's put rubbing alcohol on that to clean and what the hell happened Dolby ?" She asks angrily as she pours rubbing alcohol on my arm and gets paper towels.I scream in its shear pain as my uncle legs go of the dogs leash and let's him free in the home." Well this son of a bitch and the other one outside got in a little fight with 2 other dogs….we try to stop it and one of those dogs bit Glenn but hey Glenn fought back…" says my uncle a little excited as my mom cleans up the bite mark." What do you mean ?" She ask as I clam down from the pain. "Glenn kicked that dog in its face" he says as my mother smacks me On the bite mark and says "don't do that, poor dog probably starving out there…" she says as it hurt now.

Can you believe that, her son gets hurt by a dog and she feels sympathy for it."Ma was I suppose to let it take my whole arm ?" I say as she says stubbornly "no, but don't be so aggressive to them….we'll go shower now…" she says as I walk up the stairs and look at M&M angered, little bastards eating.I make into the shower, it would a claustrophobics worst nightmare.The water doesn't let out right so you have to have a bucket to pour it in.I turn the water On as it pours out little droplets but a main piece pours out a whole stream, that's where the bucket comes in.I have the bucket at a right angle for the stream to poor water in, but that gives me 5 minute to shower up my upper body before the bucket gets full, can't waste water.Show I finish up and turn off the water then use the bucket of water for my feet.I get out and change, I get back in my room and live on this god awful July weather of rain and thunder.Mexico is a bipolar type when it comes to weather, one minute it's sunny and next it's flooding the streets with rain.

I remember a time now, It was late July and was about to be August next week.My mother got me a sketch book and told me "draw your imagination " which I didn't get at first but I went for it.It's been month here now, for my birthday we are having a party at a friend of my mothers house.Just me and my mother, my uncle will be working that day.So anyways I get on this sketchbook and try to draw my shitty interpretation of the last supper which came out okay, not perfect.As I drew I here my mom downstairs on the phone, arguing like always but this time she started crying as she hangs up.Well I go downstairs and ask "what's wrong ?" As she turns as she clears her tears and says "nothing son….just your sister….." I'm intrigued as I go downstairs and sit next to her.I feel ashamed to say but I'm not good at comforting people, I try to avoid being in that situation.

"What about her ?" I asks as she responds with sobs "that husband of hers, they were fighting again and I Guess he hit her and she's crying to me….but I told her just leave him but no….." she says as she cries in my arms.I start to cry a bit but clear up and say "well I don't know mom, that's your daughter…..but she'll change one day….I know it…." I say as she stops crying and clears her throat.

"Yes you're right but I just don't get how your sibling can be so dumb…..Your brother always arguing with the girlfriend about his kids, your sister arguing over money….and your other sister fighting over her kids from time to time….." she says as she gets up and starts to walk upstairs as I follow her.

"That's why you….you take your time to find a girl that'll love you and don't have kids so young…."She says as she enters her room and closes the door.I just listened and stood outside the door, confused.Confused at her philosophy, I'm too perplexed to give it a thought.