
Chapter 9 - February

February 11, a day of celebration and the results will vary.The day is Mother's birthday, it's also another uncles birthday too, they always forget that.They share it, what's that called ? I don't know.Well it's a nice cool day as the sun is out for now but the fun begins when the night awakens.

Mother is on the phone with my other uncle, wishing him a happy birthday as he sadly is working that day.That poor guy, his whole family he has is chaotic and he works hard to keep it neutral.Well I walk out of my room after finishing up my workout and am about to go shower as my mother snaps her fingers to me and stops me.I stand there as she says "yea he right here…." she says as I whisper "why ?" as she whispers back "do it now…" she demands as I get the phone and say to my uncle, "hello…." To which he says "Glenn, how is it huh ?" He ask as I respond "it's fun…..you know and uhhh happy birthday, hope you have a good day…" I quickly point at the shower, signaling mother to start the shower for me.She gets up and goes quickly as my uncle responds "oh I will….trust me I will but hey you take care of your mother today you here….I know she's gonna get in trouble somehow…." He says jokingly as we both laugh.Mother rushes back out the shower and sits on the bed.I slowly pass her the phone as I say "alright goodbye I have to go shower right now….again happy birthday…." I say as mother takes the phone and talks with him.I rush into the shower and hurry quickly into the shower, it caught me by surprise.The coldness, I've haven't showered in it in a while so I jumped.I manned up and got back in and took the cold water as I shower quickly.

As I finished up mother had finished talking on the phone and had been preparing to get ready as she has a designated location for the birthday party.It's right in front of our home, crazy right ? Well she is all dressed up in a red dress and has done her hair in a Bob haircut.I get out the shower and rush to my room to change.She is downstairs with my Dolby, checking to see if everything is ready.Now the night is soon to begin, the worst night of my life.

Its a calm night, the parties started and people around the community have arrived.I am in the living room with M&M watching the tv, it's playing Forrest Gump, it's on the scene when he's in the bootcamp with bubba talking about shrimp, one of the greatest movies of all time.

Well it's calm for now until the dog has a moment.He starts to bark in pain and whimpers as he starts to walk cartoonishly.It looks silly but it's very sad due to the pain he's in.I don't now what to do since Dolby and Mother are partying outside,I still fear the outside.I panic as I try to comfort the dog, "it's alright, you're alright buddy…" I say to him as I start to tear up a bit.Dolby walks in, angered and serious as he walks past me, I'm still confused and crying. "I don't think he's okay…" I say as he looks at me nonchalantly and takes a bottle of Hennessy that they had in fridge and puts it in a bag. "The dogs dying, it's old….get used to it…." He says as he exits out but before he leaves he tells me "go get your mother out of there, shes gotta get home…." He says calmly as he closes the door and exits.I didn't know where he went that night but I was focused now.I cleaned the tears and took away that fear again.I leave M&M laying there, I go for the building where the parties located.I walk in as people look at me weird, I hated it as the band mother hired us playing some song I don't really know, I understand the lyrics just don't know it that well.I see my mother sitting on a chair, crying as her friends are cheering her up, they're all drunk.I get my moms hand and say "Cmon let's go…." I say as she gets up and slaps my hand "I can walk…" she yells as she makes it to the entrance.The party still continues but we've made a scene.She catches her balance as we walk out, I finally get her on my shoulder and walk her home.It was just a couple seconds to make it home but it felt like an eternity of agony and embarrassment.I get to the front door which I've left open, we enter and I close the door up again.I get her up the stairs as I still look at the laying on the floor in pain.I get her to her room as she lays down and still crying a bit, I now try to go back downstairs to check on M&M but Mother calls my name. "Glenn, wait….listen….." she says as I turn to here, holding back emotion, I'm expressionless.

"Don't ever do this, don't do what I do here…don't ever drink it's not fun when you're older…..god how I look at you….you probably hate me…" she sobs as I stand there awkwardly.

She lays back down and gets to sleep, I stand there for a moment trying to take this all in.I walk downstairs and look at the dog and still don't know what to do.I didn't want to call no one back in America because then they ask for mother and I have to say everything.God idiotically went upstairs to sleep, I tried to hope the next morning was any different.From this point on I was a different man, I just couldn't believe this all happened tonight.

It's the next day and I feel that it'll be a bastard hour.I go quickly to check on M&M but mothers already on it as her and Dolby have him laid down to place a needle in him.I think the worse "Hey wait no, you're not killing him !" I yell as I rush at Dolby who's holding the needle.I hold him by his shirt while mother tries to get me off. Dolby calmly says "It's not gonna kill him, it'll help him…" he says as I let go.I stand next to them nod as Dolby readys the syringe and tells the dog "Hold still now, this'll hurt for a second but it'll help you a lot…" he says as he pricks the needle in the dog, M&M growls angrily as Dolby takes the needle out and goes to throw it away.I see on the Living room table is a bottle that had a little liquid in it.Mother lays on the couch on her phone as Dolby comes back in and takes away the bottle "gotta be careful with this, it's worth a lot of money and it's very hard to get for him…" he says as he puts away in the fridge.He comes back as I take knee next to M&M and pet him.Dolby sits on the couch and says to mother "we gotta do that once a month to keep him at bay, help him get back on his feet…it gives him a boost to be more energetic…." He says as I ask "Like a steroid ?" To which sighs and says "kinda but it'll help him walk normally and feel fine." He says as mother gets up and ignores the situation and heads upstairs.It's just me and Dolby now, it's silent as the footsteps of mother upstairs are heard. "Well what record did you decide on ?" E asks me as we start to see the dog get up a bit a walk around the room as if nothings happen.It shocks me but I get back to the question "Uhh I was thinking one by a band called The Animals…" I say as he says "Ahh, the ones that made the house of the rising sun ?" He ask as I reply, "yea them….well I was thinking if you can get me there Record called "Animalisms" " I ask as he gets up and says "alright….I will then….and look at this fat bastard back at it again…." He says jokingly as he goes back into his room.I now look at the dog who is walking up the stairs more quickly as if he's aged younger.I follow him up as he runs into mothers room and lays aside her bed.I look at mother as she sleeps again, it's crazy how she always sleeps a lot, probably that old age.

I've told you this before that my whole family had problems but we have one solution.Just forget about it, if something tragic occurred one day or something traumatic, the next day they act like nothing has happened.There might be other families like this in this world but it's always an occurring theme with mine, yesterday felt awful and no one mentions it happened.I hate that about this family, y'all are lucky I don't mention the family in America, such an awful environment.I guess it's from generations of neglect and abuse that had lead to these moments in life.We do have our human side and we teen to show love to one another but it's a battlefield of hate all around.Every family has it, relatives talking smack about other relatives and also feeling jealousy and envy to others who've succeeded, a parasite of egos runs in the family.

Well I do hope March is more calm, I Hope Dolby gets me that record.