The Suitor

"Your presence is required at the dining hall, young master."

Felix looked up from his book to see Butler Adams looming over him, his face set in a permanent frown of disapproval. It was rare to be called down to the dining hall these days. Ever since he had declared his intention not to ever wed a woman, he was banished to his room to ponder over this great affront to the Aldenhall name, "I don't believe that I was given fair notice. For what is my presence so urgently required?"

The Butler frowned, "I believe a suitor has come to ask for your sister's hand in marriage and the whole family is required to attend the final banquet before your sister leaves to their residence."

"Ah, I see. What a joyous occasion, I have been reinstated to the family.", he huffed, letting his book fall closed. "It wouldn't be proper to keep them waiting, I suppose. Let us go and wish the best to my dear sister.", he said, standing up and trudging to the door. Felix walked down the stairs, closely followed by the butler and paused at the entrance to the hall. It was customary to wait until you're beckoned when in the presence of the head of the house. Normally of course, he wouldn't have given a bullocks about what was and wasn't customary but in presence of a suitor, he definitely did not want to be the cause of a failed pairing. The banquet was small, he recognized just a couple of his father's friends inside and a man with black hair falling to his nape, most likely the suitor.

"Ah, Felix. Come, meet your soon to be brother-in-law's secretary." his father said, barely veiling his distaste at his son with an all too wide smile.

Felix walked to him, raising an eyebrow at the word 'secretary'. "Secretary? Is this suitor too busy to ask for his partner's hand in


His father grimaced, clearly regretting calling Felix down in the first place. "Well, well! Young men are busy these days. Why would he come from Gatre all the way to Alden just to talk and drink tea?" he said with a forced joviality.

The secretary met Felix's eyes with a dispassionate glance. "I come representing not the to be husband but his grandfather. This is to be a marriage of convenience. I see not why either Duke Hart or his grandson should be bothered to meet your family in person."

Felix's eyes glinted, not just for the thinly veiled insult but in rage at the name 'Hart'. "Duke Hart? Do you mean to say that Micah is to be wed to his youngest son, Andrew?! How could you do such a thing? He's said to be the cruelest man on Heim! They say his first lover died of heartbreak, not the flu!"

His father drew up, in rage at Felix's supposed impudence when a bang echoed through the room.

"Micah. She is gone!", heaved the maid, her face red from exertion.

His father's face paled in shock and even the eternally calm secretary's eyes widened.

"What do you mean she is gone?", the secretary asked, striding towards the maid.

"The- there is a note, she has eloped with the baker's son."

Shock rang through the room and left whispers in its wake. His father's

face reddened with rage and he began apologizing profusely to the secretary. "No, no, do not take this to heart. I will go myself and bring her back, she is wild, you see and was misled by this crook. I will bring her back and leave now itself."

The secretary raised his hand, effectively cutting off the elder Aldentree's words. "No, if she left the moment she went upstairs and then got on the train, she could be halfway across the country by now. There is no use in looking for her. Either way, no woman whose heart was taken by one man would settle for anyone else other."

His father opened his mouth but was immediately cut off again, "No, that

would not do. But I was told to bring someone of marrying age with Aldentree blood. Well, the gender was never specified and I believe the young master favors men. I'll take him", said the secretary, pointing at Felix.

Felix followed the finger to its target and realized that he was pointing at him indeed. "Ah. Me. Wait, no, me? I am not getting married to the ice statue of Gatre. I refuse."

His father grabbed his arm and propelled him out of the hall before tugging him behind a tree. "No. No, you do not. You said you won't

marry the girl I proposed to you. I accepted. Then, you said you will not marry a woman. I accepted that too, despite the tremendous damage it did to our reputation. Now you say you will not marry this man? I will not accept this. He is a rich man and he would not hurt you. What else would you want? Marrying him would raise our family's status. I will have one

of my children marry Andrew. If not Micah, then you. Or do you want me to go and wrench her from her lover?"

"So you are aware of what that'll do to her and still, you use that to threaten me.", Felix said, his voice shaking with rage.

"Be it so. I have not just you and Micah to worry for but our entire family and I have decided that this is the best option. Take in all that I have told you and give me a response. Will you marry Andrew or will it be Micah who has to?"

Felix paused, his hands shaking from the stress of the sudden decision that had been thrust upon him, "I... I will marry him."

A slow clap interrupted whatever response his father had been about to

say, "Excellent news!" said the secretary, striding towards them.

His father spluttered at the sudden intrusion. "Ah, Mr. Deston. You have come to meet us."

The secretary or Mr. Deston smiled and waved his hand in an uncaring gesture. "Well. Unlike some other people, I do have a schedule and I refuse to let whatever family conflict this is to keep me from sticking to it. We'll be leaving at exactly 8 in the night to catch the train. You have two hours so I suppose you should hurry. Felix, isn't it? Well, get on it, young Felix. Time is ticking.", the secretary said, unabashedly and turning to his father, "I have some mail to be sent to inform the Duke of this unprecedented change so I'll be taking over your office as of now."

Felix looked on as his father spluttered a mix of apologies and invitations to the secretary. He turned and went up the stairs.

Well. Whatever happens it'll certainly be a change, he sighed.