To the Wolves

"This… is amazing.", Felix couldn't stop a little bit of awe creeping into his tone.

The room was twice the size of his room back home and lavishly furnished with exquisite furniture. A tall four-poster bed took center stage, covered in a silk duvet. The large windows looked out to the garden, making for an excellent view.

Deston chuckled, "Isn't it? The Duke certainly doesn't spare any luxury."

Felix nodded in wonder, his eyes widening as they travel across the room.

"Well, I should leave you to rest. A maid will be sent to bring you to the dining hall for lunch. It should be in another… 30 minutes or so?", mused Deston, looking at his wristwatch.

"Right. Of course. I'll just. Stay here.", said Felix, dropping onto the bed dazedly.

Deston chuckled, "Right. You do that.", he said, walking out of the room.

Felix was left alone for the first time in what seemed to be ages. To be honest, he still felt as if he was dreaming. The string of unusual events had left him breathless and it was now that the true significance of the event struck.

 He was married. Or to be married. To a man who apparently seems to hate his guts and thinks that he's attempting to do something? Felix felt the tendrils of a headache coming his way. The intrusive questions took a toll on him and Felix fell asleep for what felt to be a couple of short minutes when he was woken up by a sharp rap on the door.

"Come in!", he called, busily trying to seem as if he had not been sleeping.

Johanna stepped in, "Now, I rarely escort people so count yourself lucky. You have my company for the next few minutes. Let's go! Lunch is awaiting!"

"Right, yes. I wouldn't want to keep you from lunch anyway. Will you be partaking in lunch with me?"

Johanna snorted, "Eat with all those stuffy, uninteresting folks? Count me out. I'd rather eat in the kitchen. At least then I get to hear about the salacious affair Tina had with the grocery boy."

Felix felt his cheeks redden. "Of course. Um, shall we go?"

"Why not?", chuckled Johanna, opening the door with a flourish. "After you, young Felix", she said in an overly pretentious imitation of Deston.

Felix chuckled as well, leaving the room.

After a confusing series of turns and corridors, Felix found himself at the entrance of the dining hall. There was a long oak table spanning the length of the hall but it was sparsely populated with just Andrew and three others seated at the front of it and the head chair empty.

" Darn. Looks like the Duke passed on this one too. He must be having one of his bouts of nausea again.", muttered Johanna.

Felix looked at her, "Why Darn though?"

Johanna cringed, "Well, um, you'll see."

"Johanna, my dear! And a visitor! My, a

you're a sight for sore eyes, aren't you?", said the man sitting by Andrew, his eyes roving over Felix.

" Keep that sweet seduction away from him, Damon. Felix is already spoken for. By your own brother, I might add. He's his husband.", interjected Johanna before Felix could get his wits together.

"Husband?", exclaimed Damon, " My, my, Ethan. Have you started a harem unbeknownst to me?", he asked, his eyes comically widening as he took a sip of wine.

"No, your other brother, Andrew."

Damon choked before regaining his composure. "Then you must be an enigma for sure. Sit down then. The food is getting cold."

"Yes, sit down.", said Ethan who had so far remained silent while Andrew steadfastly glowered at his plate.

Felix sat down while Johanna took her leave.

" Now," said the woman by Ethan's side, "Let me pour you some wine."

Felix smiled anxiously. They seemed to be kind.

Now, why did he feel as if he was just left to the wolves.