RONN: The Navigating Hunk



When the month of their Class Reunion arrived, he informed the office to leave for two weeks, which would be enough time for vacation and attendance at their batch reunion. His family was not present because his wife was six months pregnant and the twins were still in school because they had not taken a vacation from school. So he traveled home alone to their province, taking a direct flight and then a jeep to the port where the passenger boat docked to their location. He slept again after traveling for more than an hour to relax his body and observe the sea that guided him and shaped his personality.

Huge waves greeted Ronn's ship as they patrolled the northern part of the country. A massive wave hit them and capsized their ship, and they immediately jumped into the sea to avoid sinking. He discovered a piece of the container and created buoyancy, but he was sunk by one of his companions. He chased the swimmer and also pulled the container, they pulled the buoy, he was surprised because the man's face looked familiar, he tried to shake his head and he couldn't be wrong he knew the man. "Aaahhh!" He was yelled at by a shark that bit his leg. He stood up, his foot was trampled by descending passengers, one of whom he mistook for a shark who bit his leg, and the passenger who stepped on his foot apologized. He also got out of the jeep he was riding in, and as the passenger boat approached, his cousin, the boat's crew member, waved at him, and he waved back.

They had a good time chatting while loading his belongings on the boat; they were almost the same age as his cousin, but he appears to be ten years younger because of his cousin's job, which is always in the sun and contributes to his addiction to alcohol and cigarettes. They talked about their lives; he has eight children and even joked that he was about to complete a basketball team; he simply laughed. There appears to be no other hobby in their area, so they spend the night with their wives, increasing the number of children. "You're still great, cousin, it doesn't appear you're getting older," his cousin said.

"No, we're getting older and that's unavoidable; my two eldest are already in High School, so it means we're getting older," Ronn replied with a smile to his cousin.

"We're both the same, my eldest is in high school as well, but I'm referring to your looks, it's as if you're always a young man," he laughed.

"At first glance, it looks exactly like that," he joked.

He said goodbye to him first to take care of the grocery store purchases or anyone else from the island. Ronn, on the other hand, decided to start his day at the cafeteria, where always delicious paksiw or sautéed fish is prepared, and then the rice is delicious because the new harvest is eaten, which is quite sticky. After breakfast, he purchased ten kilos of rare beef, as well as vegetable ingredients and other vegetable products. He returned to the boat and simply sat there, watching the people at their respective jobs, whether laborers or producers unloading or loading goods and passenger goods for which they, passengers, travelers, were responsible. This was the scene every day at the harbor, with a festival-like crowd at times, and as the passenger boats left, it returned to a quiet scene.

While on the boat, Ronn couldn't get the scene of his dream out of his mind; he hadn't dreamed of the constant content of his dream in a long time, and now it's returned, and he has no idea what his dream meant or how he ended up on the ship with a familiar person? He was perplexed as to why his dream had returned. He was looking at the sea, but his mind was elsewhere, and he couldn't make sense of the dream. Unlike in the past, he shrugged off every dream, but this time was different because he knew someone who was with him in the dream and he couldn't ignore it, but he wanted clarity and meaning from his dream. They had docked in their village without his knowledge; his attention was only drawn when the engine stopped and they arrived at their destination's port.

His brother Rocc and their cousin, who is always by his side, are nearby. He greeted them with a smile, and they greeted and hugged each other, feeling each other's excitement. His cousin and brother had already carried his luggage, which contained the beef he had purchased.

"I thought you were coming home next week?" asked the brother as they walked home.

"I got up for a week to make the vacation worthwhile," Ronn said in response to his brother's inquiry.

"I assumed you were with the kids and your wife," Rocc said.

"Our kids are still in school, and Ellih can't travel because she's six months pregnant; she was bullied again," Ronn smiled.

"Wow! "Congratulations, Big Bro, it looks like you're going to chase Menin," Rocc teased his brother, smiling.

"Menin?" Ronn's open-ended question.

"Yes, Menin has a plan to have a dozen children; she already has seven and may be pregnant again this time," Rocc explained.

His parents and siblings greeted him cheerfully; he arrived just in time with the catch of squid in the glow last night; they were catched by Rocc and would have been sold if he hadn't arrived today. Ronn watched his younger sister grill the squid after greetings, while Rocc handled the beef he was carrying.

"When are you going to the 'Baklad' = Fishpen?" he inquired of Rocc.

"Later after lunch, the sea is still deep," Rocc, who was busy cutting the beef, replied.

"When will that end?" Ronn asked again, not knowing how to fish with a 'baklad' or fish pen; he was used to fishing with nets.

Rocc joked to his brother, "Depending on the catch fish, we're sure jackpot now that you came."

"That's for sure, how's the generator not failing?" Ronn inquired of his brother.

"It's still good because I always clean and look after it," Rocc boasted. Even though Rocc is constantly drunk, he is careful with the equipment, particularly the motor boat and generator.

"It appears that a lot of people have fixed up their houses here with us," Ronn observed.

"Yes, there are many who have generators and Betamax; I forgot to send you a telegram to buy you CDs or DVDs with movies and music," Rocc explained.

"You should have sent me a message last month; I have a lot of used DVDs there, movies we've already seen; let me know and I'll send them here," Ronn said. He noticed that their house already has a television, 14 inches and black and white, and he decided that the next time he comes home, he will buy something larger and colored so that he can watch movies with his family here. There is also a storage room or safety room for the generator so that it is not too noisy inside the house because it is isolated, as well as fishing and planting equipment. Because the grilled squid and fish were already cooked, their youngest sister called him, and he ate very little at the port because he was confident he would get fresh fish.

"Big Brother! "Please eat, the dish is ready," his youngest sister said.

"OK, thank you! I'll follow," he said to his sister.

He tasted the food, grilled squid and fish, then stewed crab, stewed sweet potato, and mashed banana, and he missed the food he grew up with. And he'll never forget the flavor of such a simple dish. He invited his parents and siblings, but they had already eaten, so he ate by himself. While he was eating, their youngest sister Jess was telling a story, so she had a little fun with the food and seemed to be able to eat more because the fresh food was especially delicious and the sister never stopped telling stories. It was also her senior year of high school, and she was preparing for college at the time.

"What courses do you intend to take in college?" he inquired of his younger sister.

"Criminology, Big Bro," she said flatly.

"Criminology? Why? " He inquired of her sister once more.

The youngest responds, "Why Big Brother?"

"Why study criminology?" "You could study nursing or education," he advised his younger sister.

"Big Bro, my dream is to be a police officer; I have no interest in teaching or caring for the sick like a Nurse," Jess responded to her older brother.

"Are you not afraid?" he asked his sister.

"Where should I be scared, Big Bro?" What about criminals? They should be afraid of me because I will not stop chasing and punishing them," his sister boasted. He just smiles and picks the youngest; it's good that she's not afraid to express herself; they didn't want to be obeyed back then, but he didn't resent his father, but he was very grateful for it because he married a sensible woman and had a baby nasty and kind twins, and with more to come, he smiles remembering what he went through before marrying Ellih, the princess.

"Why aren't they with my sister-in-law and nieces and nephews?" the youngest sister's carving

"They still have class, and your sister-in-law can't travel because she's six months pregnant," he replied with a smile to his sister.

"Wow! Really? "Perhaps it'll be twins again, your child will be six instantly after your sister-in-three law's births," Jessica replied cheerfully.

"We can't say," he replied to his sister, "especially since Eniego and Naiana are eight years apart."

"Seriously, you don't expect my sister-in-law to get pregnant, it's eight years apart, it's still okay, especially with the cutest and most beautiful of my nieces and nephews," Jess said as she put Ronn's food away with a smile. Ronn left the house and decided to go for a walk on the beach; later, he considered bathing in the sea. He can't bathe in the sea because it's too shallow, so he goes for a walk while relaxing his body with his stomach super full. Even at almost ten o'clock in the morning, breathing in the fresh air that touches his face feels so good.

Rocc and his cousins went to sea after lunch to see if there were many fish in the 'baklad' or fish pen; if there were few or empty fish, they would return home immediately, but today it appears that they will have to wait until dusk because of the number of fish entering the fish pen. Rocc closed it after driving the fish to "Pagsagaran," then they took the fish inside the "Karit-an = innermost or house of the baklad," which means the jackpot is their catch now because it is full at the "Karit-an" and they may not be able to afford to take the fish to "Pagsagaran" today. They will not be able to take the fish to "Pagsagaran" because their boat is almost full of fish, and even the reserve boat, so they have decided to return home and just watch the baklad tonight. The catch fish must still be delivered to the market because it may be damaged if not delivered promptly.

Rocc chose the ones his older brother would take to dried fish; they were given three containers to choose from. Rocc and they rinsed and traveled with their two cousins after selecting and loading the market items on the boat; they only carried the coffee in a thermos and the bread that Ronn brought for their snack. Ronn, on the other hand, was preoccupied with cleaning the fish that would be brought to them; he used to ensure that the dried fish was not salty or crushed. There are two large basins that will hold fresh fish, and the fish will be soaked in sea water with a little salt before being exposed to the sun the next day.

When Ronn finished, his brother arrived with two cousins who delivered fish at seven o'clock. More than two tons of fish have been sold, and if Ronn's reserve fish are included, it's possible that more than three tons will be caught in the fish pen, and Rocc said there are many more in the plot, so they'll keep an eye on it tonight. The three were carrying three cases of beer on guard, as expected, but they said they wouldn't get drunk because it was just beer and they needed to pick up the fish before morning so it could be delivered to the market early. After dinner, the three of them decided to go to sea; they invited him to come, but he declined because he was still tired from the trip; in fact, he didn't want to have a drink with them because he couldn't handle his dried fish the next day.

While relaxing in the living room with boiled peanuts served to them by his youngest sister, talking while he and his father played Chess and his mother and youngest sister watched. His father's skill at chess did not fade, and Ronn continued to lose; what he knew of their siblings was that no one had beaten his father at chess; he was and still was the grand master. They have a brother who has been a school chess player since elementary school and has always been a champion in that field. He has no idea if his brother, Gean, who is arguably the smartest of their siblings and is studying Law in college, has ever beaten his father at playing Chess.

"How is Gean now, has he ever won a game of chess from you?" he inquired of his father.

"We can't match that boy's skill at Chess," the father said modestly, without bragging but with pride in his son who is studying law.

"Well, is he willing to take on the role of lawyer?" he added. "Isn't it his dream to be a cop?" Ronn inquired of his father about his brother.

"I just forced him, it's a shame that... that boy's talent if he just goes to the police, a few long discussions before he agreed to take up a lawyer," his father said, smiling. "I only have two options for him: get a Law or Medicine degree and then come here and cultivate our land," the father cheerfully stated. "Then he decided to become a lawyer, perhaps because he was forced to, rather than just farming here," the father smiled.

"I'm really obsessed with his talent; being a top honor student from elementary to high school isn't a joke," Ronn said of his brother.

"Not only he was excellent in high school, but he was also a Cum Laude in college before enrolling in law," his father stated proudly. "I was looking up at the people there when I hung the medal on him, and his talent and dedication to learning was truly amazing, Jess!" Please take a picture of your Big Brother Gean at his graduation! ", the father told his youngest daughter.

"All right, just a second and I'll take it," Jess said in response to her father's command. "Here's Big Brother Gean's album," Jess said as she handed the album to Ronn.

"Wow! Oh, a bunch of medals! " Ronn's incredible statement about his brother's album.

"When he graduated from High School, he probably received seventeen medals, because they added the Athlete of the Year award and Leadership Award as SGO President and Corps Commander of C.A.T., I didn't hang his medals there because I'm sure my rheumatism will hurt on the ascent to hang the medal, so your mother hung the medals," the father happily recalled the details of his brother's medals.

"His talent is truly remarkable; I can't imagine he was the only one who made it difficult for me to think of moves in Chess when we returned here; I'm sure no one here dared to make fun of him while playing Chess," he said with a smile. Ronn.

"Nothing really, because no one dares to fight anymore, I'm the one who doesn't want us to play because I might get a headache thinking about strategy, I've always watched him play and his playing strategy is really unique," he said, his son smiling.

"That's why, how many times have I fallen into his traps, feeding some of his important pieces, it's a trap, a different kind," Ronn shook his head and smiled. "How many years until he graduates from law?" Ronn inquired of his father.

"Oh, three more years, he just started this year, he's in his second year of school, it's a shame and he didn't take a vacation now that you've returned," the father said.

"Perhaps I can go home for his graduation so I can be proud of my smartest brother," Ronn expressed admiration and pleasure.

"All right, we'll send you a mail when he graduates," his father assured him.

Their chit-chat and chess game ended happily, and the clumsiness in his heart that had existed since his father sent him to Navy training was gone. His good wife gave him the mentality to forget any grievance, resentment, or anger in his heart. His wife was the one he relied on, the guide he regarded as an angel who provided him with the light and happiness he now has. Along with their love and trust in each other and the joy brought by their children, the princess gave him a new and meaningful perspective that he should and is pursuing today.

They went to their town with his brother Rocc one day before Ronn's Class Reunion and stayed in their old house; they still have other things that their caretaker uses, and he is also the caretaker of their farmland. He greeted them warmly and welcomed them just in time, and he hadn't yet left for their land, so they had to make the journey early. It also takes about an hour to get from their barangay to their town by motor boat. Their caretaker had planned to return the next day, so they were unable to leave; the house was handed over to them, and there was still freshly harvested rice and bananas from their land. They would only have a problem with the dish, but because they are well-known and friends of the local fishermen, Rocc can easily obtain something for their dish. Because there is already electricity in town, there is also light in their old house, and Ronn has lost his fear of having to stay there for two days with a torch.

Dagul came to their house as soon as they arrived, excited because they hadn't seen the people who lived here since they left town. Dagul is also getting older; he was unable to continue his studies in college due to scarcity, particularly after their father retired; his father also lost his job and occasionally sold newspapers until he died of a chronic illness. Ronn apologized to the childhood friends for what their family had gone through, but Dagul remained cheerful.

"Sir, I don't think you're getting older; we're the same age, but I look like your father in my eyes," Dagul teased.

"There you are again, Gul, didn't I tell you not to call me Sir, we're young and friends, I'm still it, nothing has changed and nothing will change," Ronn smiled as he approached his friend.

"Sir, even though we're friends, that's what I call you because I'm proud of you to everyone, I'm proud that I have a friend who is a Navy officer, because the people here also have a lot of respect for me," Dagul boasted.

"Shish! "You will not call me Sir as long as we are the only ones talking," he smiled to his friend. "How is life treating you, how many children does your wife have?" he inquired of his friend.

"Three Ronn, that's right because life is hard here and my wife can't have another child, Dr. Aragdon said, his wife's life may be in danger if she's still pregnant," Dagul expressed concern.

"Those three are fine; what matters is that we have children," he joked to his friend, smiling. "How many juniors do you have?" he inquired of his companion.

"Two boys and the youngest girl," he proudly replied.

"Wow! "It's not a loss; someone will take your surname," Ronn said cheerfully.

"You Ronn, how many eldest children do you have, children?" Dagul joked.

"I have two eldest Guls who are twins. "It doesn't matter that we already have four children, two twins, and my wife is pregnant," Ronn responded.

"Wow, Ronn! Congratulations!" Dagul laughed, "I thought you were already married twice because I heard you had two eldest children." Ronn laughed as well at what his friend said.

"Your ex-girlfriend Menin has seven children and is probably pregnant right now," Dagul speculated. "Richard is very horny; he wants to get Menin pregnant almost every year, and then she is always beaten shut when he is drunk," Dagul lamented. Ronn groaned at what he heard, but he couldn't do anything because their lives were so dissimilar, and he had no right to intervene in the couple's problems.

"Why doesn't she sue the cops?" Ronn demanded angrily.

"That won't work here, Richard's family is the biggest businessmen here, they've bought almost all the land here, the bankrupt businesses, they've also bought, and even illegal activities like logging and fishing," Dagul explained. Ronn's chest tightened with rage.

"Does the Town Mayor do nothing here?" Who is the new Chief? " Ronn inquired of his friend once more.

"The Town mayor here is Richard's uncle, his mother's brother, and the Chief of Police is a friend of their family," Dagul added. They were both deafeningly quiet.

"When your father was Chief of Police, no one dared to do anything illegal here; now almost everything illegal has been introduced here, illegal fishing, cockfighting, gambling, and there is just a lack of bars for hostesses," Dagul explained.

"The Town Mayor has already served three terms here, and no one dares to fight because he uses money, money is the fight here every election, and then he threatens anyone who dares to run against the Town Mayor," Dagul lamented.

Ronn is also saddened by what is happening in their town, which was once peaceful but is now teeming with illegal activities. What his father had worked so hard to establish was now engulfed in evil. It's unfortunate, but what can he do? What could he sacrifice for his hometown, he wondered, especially now that he wasn't in this place and had a role to play in their Base, let alone his role as a father to his children and wife?