RONN: The Navigating Hunk



They worked as a team to facilitate well-wishers and visitors. They are the ones who set up the tents in Menin's yard to protect the sympathizers from rain and sun, as well as the tables and chairs. So Ronn stayed in their town for a few days while Richard, Menin's husband, was buried, accompanied by his brother Rocc, who was probably worried that something bad would happen to him as a result of Richard's death. However, there was no threat to Ronn's life from Richard's family, and they even spoke with his parents and apologized for their son's association with him, because they knew Ronn and his family well, particularly his father, who was a former Chief of Police.

"We apologize for our son's behavior in the seminar you conducted before he died," Richard's father said to Ronn after his son was buried; his wife was present and listening to their conversation.

"It's none of my business, I've known Richard since secondary school, he's kind, he's just spoiled and always looking for attention, maybe because he's the only child and he's also looking for the attention of a brother," Ronn explained.

"I am really guilty of my son, because I always compared you to him, so his anger and resentment turned towards you," Ronn was taken aback by Richard's father's admission. "I always pretended to him that you are better, especially now that you have a high position in the Navy, that you are a very good son, that you are a very good son, I always reminded him of the behaviors you have that he doesn't have, so my son rebelled even more, that he poured out his anger on his wife, it is not a secret to me that you and Menin used to be lovers," it continued.

"Because of that, that was one of the conditions that Richard asked for in order for him to come to his senses, a condition that I would not have given because it was contrary to being human and loving a person, because I know Menin loves you and not my son, but he was forced to marry my daughter because of the crisis that happened to their family," said Richard's father humbly, Ronn simply listened silently, Richard's mother was also present.

"As a parent, I hope you understand because you are also a parent who will do everything for the happiness and well-being of his child. We were very lucky to have Menin as our daughter-in-law, even though she had a very bad experience with our son. She is an exemplary wife and mother of their children, because we never once heard her complain about the life and hardships suffered at the hands of our son. So, we took action to hopefully change Richard's treatment of Menin, we threatened him to go abroad and live there if Richard didn't change his treatment of his wife. By God's mercy, it was effective, from then until his death, Richard was never laid a hand on Menin by her husband. Menin is very grateful for what happened and we are also very grateful that he (Richard) has changed, he no longer gets drunk, and if he is drunk, he goes straight to bed and sleeps", said Richard's father sadly.

"Even with us, he has been very gentle and has been helping us in organizing our businesses which surprised us and sometimes we doubted that there might be favors to be asked, but there was none, we are very happy with what is happening to him and his family. But my mistake was that I didn't have time last week before your Class Reunion event came, I saw your records and I saw your position in the Navy and I was so excited that I didn't realize that my son was behind me while my wife and I were talking. "It was too late for me to realize that I had hurt my son again," Richard's father cried. "Since that day, our son has been quiet, but he still helps in the business, but he doesn't smile anymore, he's always quiet by the side and deep in thought." One day, after sorting out the cargo to be delivered, he told us that he was going home, much to our surprise...he said goodbye but he hugged and kissed us, which he never used to do", the couple began to cry, because they didn't believe they could suppress their emotions, Menin came to them and hugged them, and they began to cry as well.

It turned out that she had been in the back of the living room listening to her father-in-law's statements about her late husband, she could not stop herself anymore so she sympathized with the loss of their son and her husband, because they were very grateful to her, which she considered real parents because she is a complete orphan. Ronn was just dumbfounded by what Richard's father confessed, the unexpected events in human life are the ones you wouldn't think would cause sadness or happiness to others. Sometimes a father's admiration for another child will cause hatred or misfortune for his own child, so sometimes it is better to just keep any feelings in the heart to yourself in order to somehow avoid any suffering for others.

Menin's in-laws said their goodbyes, and the couple hugged before leaving, even Ronn hugged them too, a sign of their trust and gratitude. The two of them were left in the living room, and just like when they were younger, Ronn remained silent and Menin was always the first to speak, but this time was different.

Ronn began sparingly, "Forgive me for my sin." "I'm sorry I looked at you so badly, and I didn't even pay attention to your letters that my aunt just hid in the safety closet," Ronn told the ex-girlfriend who was listening.

"What I feel now is pity and anger or hatred, pity for what happened to you, because I was one of the causes of your suffering and suffering, I should have been your shoulder during the times you and your family are suffering," Ronn continued. "Anger, I hate myself for my selfish attitude."

"I no longer have those emotions, as I said the other day when I shared my life experiences, those experiences became a tool for me to be strong not only as a woman but as a daughter, wife and mother of my children", Menin's words are straight and without hesitation, very different from her former famous girlfriend whose words are modest and numbered, now there is an elegance in every word drawn from the past experiences of life.

"I've forgiven you for a long time, maybe we weren't really meant for each other, so I'm also asking for forgiveness if I did something wrong to you when we were lovers", Menin's every word has meaning and Ronn can senses it.

"As I previously stated, I was selfish, and it's not your fault; I was simply carried away by jealousy and a lack of trust in others; what I didn't realize at the time was that I was the one who should not be trusted," Ronn responded.

"I became selfish; I almost cursed all the girls I shouldn't have, and I had no right to do so," Ronn explained calmly.

"If I hadn't been on the verge of death a few times and someone had the patience to take care of me and make me realize that my view of women, especially you, was incorrect, maybe I wouldn't have appreciated the importance of you women in the world and in thsi world," Ronn said.

"God has given you the right woman to guide you so that you will be aware of your wrong attitude, you are very lucky to have a wife like her", there is a little pain in Menin's chest, especially since her experience with her deceased husband is the opposite.

"She really fell from the sky, because until now if it wasn't for her explanation and clarification, I wouldn't be able to attend our gathering, but she never stopped making me understand that I have to face what I'm avoiding to, to have calmness and understanding especially to the person I hurt", explained Ronn.

"Adviced as a friend if you still consider me a friend, don't let her experience the mistake because of your wrong idea, try to understand any doubts in your mind before you decide to do what you do, because it's difficult to find the right person to guide you," Menin's emotional advice to her ex-girlfriend.

"Thank you for your advice, I will be very careful not to make that mistake again, yes I admit I almost did it again, but that time I tried to be calm and know what I was going to do, that mistake became my guide so that I don't make the same mistake again, I ask for your understanding and forgiveness," Ronn gently apologized to Menin.

"As I previously stated, I forgave you a long time ago, and what I always pray for is to guide you and keep you safe, not only because you were my boyfriend once, but because you have been a good person and friend to me," Menin said cheerfully. Ronn extended his hand to his adolescent and ex-girlfriend, Menin reached for Ronn's hand, and they hugged as friends. Menin introduced Ronn to the children as a childhood friend and former classmate, and Menin's eldest child, Merill, was taken with Ronn's good looks.

"Wow! Your childhood friend is so handsome, Mama", she said honestly and without hesitation.

"Your firstborn is a joker", Ronn smiled politely, but he was still embarrassed by that compliment, even though she was still young and the daughter of his ex-girlfriend.

"That's not a joke, I'm just wondering, didn't you flirt with my mom when you were younger?", she asked Ronn very innocently, her beauty reflected at a young age like her mother. Ronn couldn't answer and didn't know what to answer, thankfully Menin was quick.

"Aren't you attracted to my beautiful mom, which is why you didn't court her?" Menin's eldest asked again, to whom she flashed her eyes before saying goodbye.

"Isn't it?" she inquired, before turning with a smile. When Menin's daughter returned, she already had a snack with her next sister, who looked like her mother in beauty, so Ronn was taken aback to see Menin's second daughter, it was as if the mother and daughter are twin, Menin noticed that so Ronn changed her gaze in a different direction.

Menin's children are three girls and three boys, she doesn't know if the youngest is a girl or a boy.

"Your children are all beautiful, they inherit it from you", Ronn hinted, Menin knew that Ronn was referring to her firstborn who looked like Richard, the second looked like her and the following ones were almost mixture of genes.

"My eldest is fourteen years old so we can count on her for household chores and she is our very strict cashier at the store. How are your children doing, I heard that they are twins? ", Menin inquired Ronn reassuringly.

"Our two children are twins and my wife is six months pregnant; we don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet", Ronn cheerfully stated.

"Wow! It's adorable that all of your children are twins; perhaps your youngest is as well", Menin applauded. They're back to their old habits from when they were younger, Menin said with a smile, and they have feelings for each other, but it's still a little awkward.

"It's fun to have twins because even though they're twins, they always have different preferences or opinions on things," Ronn said, adding that "my two oldest twins are twelve years old, and the next one is ten."

"Wow! That means you only recently followed again? The gap is too long." "Menin inquired.

"Yes, we were busy with our jobs, and we didn't have enough time for each other," Ronn admitted.

"That's not something you should keep doing; you should always make time for each other, especially since we don't hold our lives," Menin reminded Ronn.

"Thank you for the reminder; I'll remember that and pay attention," Ronn replied.

Menin and Ronn's feelings for each other softened as a result of that clarification, and the resentment they had harbored for a long time vanished or diminished. Their lives and minds became more open to life's events. They were busy talking, as if their old friendship had been shattered by a misunderstanding. Their expressions are clear, indicating that they are ready to embark on a new chapter in their lives, not as lovers but as childhood and close friends. Menin's sister, Salli, came in and interrupted their conversation; she had been visiting friends and former classmates early this morning. She returned home after learning that her brother-in-law had died, and she had been busy assisting guests and sympathizers on the brother-in-law's so they had not spoken.

When she saw Ronn again, she froze in her tracks, the nervousness in her chest increasing as if she were still a teenager. There is excitement in seeing and talking to her sister's ex-boyfriend again; in her opinion, her sister's ex-boyfriend figure has not faded or he has become even more handsome in her eyes; even if her nephew has not touched her hand, she cannot stop fantasizing. She shook her head, trying to shake off the excitement and strange feeling she had been carrying for a long time.