
After I sent Ron away, we all again focused on our own things.

"I'm going inside my trunk to change into uniform and you guys can go after I come out."

One of us has to stay outside in case someone approaches our coach. Changing my clothes I came back outside and again started to watch movies while waiting for others to come out.

Just then I felt someone coming towards our compartment and using my mage sight I recognised that magical presence easily. It was Draco Malfoy.

This guy is much more horrible than his name. I mean seriously Lucius, couldn't find a batter name for your spawn.

A used my wand and put on a anti scrying magic taught to us by Ela. Draco and his two cronies stopped and then returned to their seats.

"I have already took care of Draco Malfoy. Now just trolley witch remains." I said seeing others getting out in their uniform.

And as if waiting for my words she too appeared. " Any sweet for you, dear?"

Rejecting her politely and seeing the door close we finally relaxed and waited to reach our destination. After some hours the train finally stopped.

We all alighted one by one after storing our trunk in our spatial rings. It was announced that we have to leave out trunks here and house elves will place them in our dorm room so for the sake of pretending we left fake trunks with not so important items inside it. We can't be sure that Dumbledore will not try something funny with our things afterall.

"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! All right there, Harry? C'mon, follow me – any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me!" Hagrid shouted in his booming voice.

Regarding Hagrid, Ela told us that Hagrid is not inherently bad but he is just a blind follower of Dumbledore. According to him Dumbledore is a god like man who can do no wrong.

Harry casually greeted him and then we all walked a shady, dark and narrow path that led to a fleet of small boats, which sailed themselves across the Black Lake before arriving at a small landing stage near the base of Hogwarts Castle.

We followed Hagrid to a huge door. The door swung open at once. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald-green robes stood there. She had a very stern face and Harry's first thought was that this was not someone to cross. "The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid. "Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." She pulled the door wide. The entrance hall was big. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor into a small, empty chamber off the hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. 'The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your House, sleep in your House dormitory, and spend free time in your House common room. "The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rulebreaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting.

I shall return when we are ready for you," said Professor McGonagall. "Please wait quietly." She left the chamber.

Suddenly About twenty ghosts had just streamed through the back wall. Pearly-white and slightly transparent, they glided across the room talking to one another and hardly glancing at the first years. They seemed to be arguing. What looked like a fat little monk was saying: "Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance —" "My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost — I say, what are you all doing here?" A ghost wearing a ruff and tights had suddenly noticed the first years. Nobody answered. "New students!" said the Fat Friar, smiling around at them. "About to be Sorted, I suppose?" A few people nodded mutely. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!" said the Friar. "My old House, you know." "Move along now," said a sharp voice. "The Sorting Ceremony's about to start." Professor McGonagall had returned. One by one, the ghosts floated away through the opposite wall. "Now, form a line," Professor McGonagall told the first years, "and follow me."

Professor McGonagall led us to the great hall where she silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she put a pointed wizard's hat. This hat was patched and frayed and extremely dirty. The hat twitched. A rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth — and the hat began to sing in its ugly voice.

Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted.

We all waited to hear our names.

"Bones, Susan!" Susan placed the hat on her head confidently.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat again, and Susan scuttled off to sit next to Hannah.

"Granger, Hermione!" Hermione almost ran to the stool and jammed the hat eagerly on her head. Some habits just dont change I guess.


Dumbledore suddenly sat up straight. Haha old man. Its just the start of your nightmares.

"Greengrass, Astoria! "


"Greengrass, Daphne! "


"Longbottom, Neville! "


"Lovegood, Luna! " it was finally my turn. I walked to the sorting hat and elegantly put it on my head without caring about the stares of Dumbledore and Snape.

'Hmm, Difficult. You have a great thirst for knowledge, Revenclaw will definitely prosper with a student like you. but, You are also very loyal to your friends and family. The thing that defines your character is your love for someone. It is so great that all other things are dwarfed by it. So it is, you truly belong to-'

"HUFFLEPUFF! " Going to my new house table I took a seat next to Tracy Davis( yes she is also in Hufflepuff with us) and looked forward to Dumbledore's expression during Harry's sorting.

"Potter, Harry!" As Harry stepped forward, whispers suddenly broke out like little hissing fires all over the hall.

"Potter, did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?" After a hatstall of 2 minutes the sorting hat announced the result.


We all looked at Dumbledore from the corner of our eyes and oh boy! he was making a face as if he had just tasted shit.

"How is it possible? " "He should be a Gryffindor" "It must be a mistake" all the weasleys were shocked and furious with the result.

Controlling his expression Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet. He was beaming at the students, his arms opened wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there. "Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

Ignoring everything else Me and Harry used a illusion of us eating from the table.

"So we guessed right, han." Harry commented looking at all the food in front of us.

'Dont talk aloud. Just talk using telepathy we must not be overconfident.' Daphne told us to which we all nodded.

'But seriously, potioning our food? It must be reason that no one complained about his outrageous warnings and actions.'

'Doesn't matter. We will eat with other they must be waiting for us.'

'and tomorrow Ela and others will come and take care of these things.'

'hmm. Let's secretly store some of these and give it to Ela. It might be usefull to them' I suggest and we store these foods in our spatial storage discreetly.

'Did he try to read your mind Luna?' Harry asked and everyone looked at me.

'Not him. It was Snape(Grindelwald) who tried to enter my mind. I just showed him some fake not so important memories and looked away from his eyes.'

'Dumbledore did try it with me and I did the same.' We all nodded already expecting it.

At last, the desserts too disappeared, and Dumbledore got to his feet again. The hall fell silent. "Ahem — just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. "First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." Dumbledore's twinkling eyes flashed in the direction of the Weasley twins.

"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. "Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their House teams should contact Madam Hooch. "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

'Did we have to record it? ' Hermione asked.

'No, Bree must have already done it'

'As always. You are very sharp Luna. Dont worry I have already recorded everything. Everyone is waiting for you at the dinner table.' We suddenly heard Bree's voice in our head. Seriously Bree can already be considered to have achieved Omniscience and Omnipresence.

We followed Gabriel Truman and another girl, Hufflepuff house prefects to our common room. The entrance to the common room was located in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridors, concealed behind a stack of barrels. In order to reveal the entrance, no password was required. Instead, one had to tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", which would make the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that would lead to the basement when crawled through...

Going to our cosy dorm beds we went inside our trunks after putting an illusion of us sleeping.