Chapter 4 Hiring (part 2)

"Timeline Maintenance Corporation"

Hearing this, the myth asked "What is that? Are you guys like the Time Police?"

Rookie - Yes and no. It is not our job to solve the crime, although we can take some extra work in our free time. Our job is to correct the discrepancy that can cause trouble in the multiverse and ensure that things are not smuggled from one multiverse to another.

Myth: Wait..clear my doubts before saying anything else?

"Sure, go ahead and ask," said the rookie.

the myth asked

First: Why are you telling me all this?

Second: How did I get here?

Third: How can I go back?

Rookie: Wow that's a lot and how's. Let's start with your first question.

The reason why I am telling you all this is because we are interested to recruit you to join us as our field operative.

How did you get here - Do you remember this?

The rookie showed him the strange crystal.

Myth - So, you are telling me that I am here because of the experiment I did on this crystal. Wow that's some high tech crystal.

Rookie - Well, I don't know why. But there may be some kind of discrepancy during your experiment and then you end up in a wormhole. You're lucky we found you in time, otherwise you could even die and This crystal is not high tech, its very ancient, very ancient.

How ancient Myth asked.

Much older than TMC. Older than any man alive.

Then, how did this crystal end up in my planet.

My best guess is "someone might be smuggling it out but due to some accident it will end up on your planet.

I think the job of your people is to ensure that such smuggling does not happen.

Yes, as for the answer to your previous question is concerned, you must have guessed the answer already" said Rookie.

Myth - Although I have already guessed it but I still want to know the reason.

Rookie - See there is a rule in TMC that says high level civilization is not allowed to contact low level civilization and now because here you are. So, you can forget about going back anytime. I know it's wrong but rules are rules. But if you join us you will get to travel in different multiverses for free, isn't it great. So, what have you decided?

Myth - Can you give me some time to think?

Sure, you have a day to think." said the rookie.