Chapter 28: Out of the box(part 2)

Another beautiful morning, Sun is shyly peeking through the clouds, light breeze is making the greenery around a beautiful mansion dance on its command.

Outside the mansion there is a set of a beautiful table and chair and two middle aged men are sitting on it, with two cup of steaming tea in a beautiful white porcelain cup is placed in front of them.

One of them is wearing black suit and reading a newspaper, This was Gellart grindelwarld. The man sitting opposite of him was Albus Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore with a smiling and helpless expression said "Do you want to talk now?"

No, Replied Gellart with a cold expression.

Helpless albus said "How long are you going to act like this, From the very day we arrived here you are acting like this."

After stopping for few moments he continued lightly this might be our last chance to talk once we leave this place and go to outside world we will became enemies and then the only thing talking would be our wands.

Sighing Gellart put down the newspaper and said "what is the use of saying anything, Once we leave this place our memories of this place would be sealed."

"Then, isn't it better; we cannot stop what is happening in the outside, The only thing we can do is to let our regret and hard feelings out" said Albus.

Hearing this Gellart closed his eyes and after few moments he opened them . the only difference is that now his eyes no longer look firm instead, it looked lost and angry, His broad shoulders that used to looks like a vast sky is now drooping.

"Why, why go against me I am not your enemy, I am doing all this for our race, you betrayed me Albus, those who were close to betrayed me. Instead of picking my side you chose those filthy, ungrateful muggles. You clearly know that if things continue the way they are going sooner or later we will be wiped out by the muggles. Why keep holding; Join me Albus and we will unite the world together" said Gellart.

"As I always said Gellart, I was never against you, The only thing that I was against is your way of doing things, it is madness. You are not bringing salvation for anyone, The only thing you are bringing is bloodshed and chaos. You think you are uniting the wizarding world but you are wrong. Instead of uniting you had divided the whole wizarding world into many different groups. Do you really think those pure blood family are helping you because of some great cause, they are helping you because they see profit in you" said Albus with angry expression.

Suddenly Gellart expression calmed down and he said in a relaxed manner "Do you think I don't know that. See Albus this is where you are wrong, Do you think they are using me; No I am using them. My wishes is their commands and Do you think if you won't help then I won't succeed. Wrong, I no longer need you, whether you help or not it doesn't matter because no one can stop me, I would succeed at all cost. By the end of the sentence his expression had became ruthless.

By now both of their tea had gotten cold.

Suddenly a light tremmer could be seen coming on the surface of the tea. Both men's attention fell on this, Next moment with a loud boom one of the window of the mansion shattered with pieces of glass flying everywhere, by now Albus has taken out his wand and with a wave of his wand all the pieces of the glass started flying in the reverse as if someone is reversing the time of the window and after few moments the window returned to it's old state.

By now Gellart has disappeared from his chair seeing this Albus smiled dryly and with a helpless expression he also disappeared from his place, Next moment he appeared in a newly built alchemy room which by now looked like a ruin and in the middle of the room stood a blue shield like dome. Gellart was also present in the room.

After seeing the condition of the room Gellart frowned and snapped his finger, With just a snap the whole room got repaired by itself and all the things returned to their original places.

Cough..Cough a coughing sound could be heard coming from the dome and then the dome collapses into tiny dot which after some moments also disappeared.

What happened? asked Albus.

Cough..cough myth's scientists syndrome is acting up who knows what he had added in that concoction; damn almost lost a hand there. replied stuart. On the other hand myth had a excited experience ha ha ha ha ha I succeeded, I did it.

Meanwhile Albus started looking here and there and after seeing the state of the room a shocked expression appeared on his face he murmured under his breath " It destroyed the enchantment".

Near by standing Gellart also heard this and a calculative expression passed in his eyes but after thinking for a bit Gellart shook his head.

Cough cough myth I have to say that you have a impressive talent when it comes to wrecking things, over the year I have seen multiple explosive alchemy devices but your's is a bit different tell me the recipe maybe you have discovered a new recipe, if it is a new recipe then you can get contribution point in the exchange of it.

Hearing this myth asked contribution point what is this?

It's a TMC currency you can buy anything with it.

After that myth told him the whole recipe it turned out that indeed it was a new recipe and thanks to that myth had earned 1000 contribution point for it even before joining the TMC officially he had earned himself a little fortune.

{Writer's monologue:- Today is the first time that I have wrote a chapter of 1000 words}