
(Please readers comment and vote,and also don't forget to make a preview)

"I don't have a girlish voice"He complained sullenly, Isabelle burst into laughter.

"What kind of proposal?" Sasha asked curiously ignoring the whining Micah and Isabelle laughter, she really didn't understand what Isabelle is talking about, she only exclaimed when she heard Xander name, she didn't know Isabelle would meet him so soon and he didn't do anything to her.

Isabelle blushed,she doesn't know how to say it without sounding weird but she gathered her wit.

"it's a marriage proposal"


The cup Jamie was holding fell and broke into pieces,Micah suddenly have a cough.

Sasha stared at the phone completely befuddled,after a minute she smiled and screamed.


"How did you do it?" Jamie and Micah asked simultaneously,Jamie covered her mouth realizing she was supposed to be in college according to Sasha's lie.

"I thought you went to college Jamie?" Isabelle ask feigning anger.

" Um...well,I just came.. came back from college" She stuttered lamely.


"Oh quit it,I know you're aware I didn't go"She said getting annoyed.

" Sasha told her not to go today... Isabelle are you sure about what you said?"Micah ask all he's interested in is to hear about Isabelle proposal.

"Did you remember him and everything?" Micah ask.

" Yes"Micah and Jamie nodded, excited that they don't have to hide a thing from her again now that she remembers.

"Sis,I thought you're an idiot but you exceeded my expectation"Jamie said happily not realizing what she said.

"Am not an idiot Jamie" Isabelle yelled.


" Am sorry,just stupefied" she said apologetically.

They continue asking Isabelle questions about how she got her memories back and how much she remembers,not noticing Sasha was calling her Gramps to start preparing to come to Poland to attend their only grandson wedding.

Isabelle eventually ended the call,she sighed in relief thinking that the call went perfectly well than she thought,she walked towards the car that is waiting for her outside the Mack mansion.

"It's now or never" She mumbles to herself as she entered the car the driver drove he to the packing lot of the Mack securities and stopped.

"Ma'am we're there" Jan dabrowski smiled telling her.

Isabelle nodded and got out,her nervousness skyrocketed as she got out of the car.

"Thank you Jan" She walked towards the company not waiting for his answer he smiled and prayed for everything to go well.

Isabelle closed her eyes,she is at the Mack securities to ask him to marry her, she knows it's shameful but what option does she have, many life are at stake, too many for her to ignore.

"Dzien dobry ma'am (Good day ma'am)" The receptionist greeted politely in Polish, Isabelle greeted back with a grin.

She took a deep breath as she walk on the glass floor,she walked towards the elevator still greeting anyone she met on her way, part of her missed coming to work even though it's just been a day.

She got on the elevator and surprisingly some men are already on it, she smiled at them, something caught her eyes so she turned to look at the men again.

She froze.

'Gun... gun... holy shit it's a gun' Her mind screamed at her.

She quickly removed her eyes from them so they won't notice she's staring.

'Think..think.. Isabelle just think... how am I going to get away from this men'She thought gulping every minute.

She look again and she saw one of the men beard coming off he immediately fixed it, her eyes calculated the men and they were five in numbers.

'Oh great, they're five in fucking Numbers,I can't fight them,I can try,no I can't'She kept arguing with her inner thought.

"Is your name Isabelle?" She heard a gentle but deeply strong voice.

"Yes..yes--Am--am Isabelle,my name is Isa--belle" She stuttered cursing herself for been so unfortunate.

The man whose beard was coming off earlier pointed at her pendant and she sighed in relief.

'Maybe they're one of the security men,but I haven't seen them before,and if they're how did they get on this elevator, there's a personal one for them and if they're not then how did his people get into the building'Isabelle closed her eyes, she bend her head to look at the pendant.

it was a golden chain given to her by her mother on her 10th birthday with a gold pendant encrusted in her name large and visible "ISABELLE M." the M. stands for her other name Morella.

Even with theguns on them she tried to stir some conversation with them.

'Maybe they're not harmless'She thought.

"It was given to me by my mother" She told them and they all nod.

'They're definitely grumpy'Isabelle face crumpled.


Isabelle breath again in relief as The elevator opened but before she could go out she felt something on her nose she tried to scream but nothing came out she watched as the elevator door close in horror.

Isabelle fainted and the men removed the rag they use to held her nose.

"Sir, we've got her" The man whose beard was coming off earlier said holding a phone to his ear.

"Get everything and kill her Elias"

"Okay sir" Elias replied, he smiled seeing her put into a sack.

He pressed the button to the lastfloor.

"Underground basement,here we come" He laughed devilishly.

[What do you guys think?That Xander is involved in her kidnapping, the masked man or someone else?

Pls guys tell me what you think,your opinion will suggest what I'll be uploading next]

Stay tuned.