Xander's baby

    Isabelle lift her brows in mock concern."Are you sure? You're not mad at me"

     " I am..."

     "Sir" Jan interjected suddenly, Isabelle flinch in surprise. "We're in front of Yungier'S mall" Xander arm tighten around Isabelle small waist, she caress his cheek sure he was having the same thought as her at the moment.

    "Can't I come with? He's dangerous Isabelle"

     "This is my last chance, But you can do something for me"

     " What is that?"

      "Get the CD from Bron" Isabelle utter,he squint and shook his head in confusion. " Bronsilaw"

      "Does he have anything to do with you being locked up?"

     "Yeah, but I need the CD more than vengeance,it could be anywhere and I need to get my hands on it before I get to Triplicate,Please"

   "Get out"Xander ordered.


     "Aren't I your slave?" Isabelle grin and kiss him on the cheek fondly. "Just leave before I change my mind"He open the door and peered out for anything suspicious. "Take care of yourself, Jan will take you there"

      " No"

      "I insist"Xander get out of the car, he loosen his tie and crouch to talk to Jan. "Take care of my wife"

     "Sure Sir"


     A purple Bugatti sped past Aukey car and for a minute he felt like abandoning everything and Chase it but he couldn't,his hands were messy with blood, there's a breathing human in his backseat and he just discovered something really consuming,so he had to relax, he had to wait, he had to be calm.

     "Chief" Aukey lean back on his seat and press a button,the door of the next seat open Automatically and the person right at the door jumped in.

     "So much for I owe you my life, you're a minute fucking late"

     " A minute,just a minute"Hans scoff back and dramatically stretch out his hands.

     "You work at the army,you should know about punctuality" 

     " Are we here to talk about punctuality or here to talk about the man you've in your car?,for Christsake are you after your family now?"Aukey shrug and lit up a cigarette. " You'd die Young"

      "Thanks but I wanna die Young,mind you I don't consider Gary a family member because that man is irritating,but I do consider someone my new family member"Hans mouth drop,the brown envelope in his hand fall down. "Why are you reacting like I don't have a heart?".

      Hans pick the envelope up and gasp."Woah, I'm shocked you have any,Who is this person?"

      "A baby"

      " What? You've a child with someone?Wait are you dating someone?Who?why was I kept in the dark?I thought you cared about me"Hans burst out in rage.

     " You do act like gay"

     "Tell me, Whose child is it?"

     "Xander's baby" Hans froze. "Not confirmed yet but I think it's true anyway, she's emotional lately"

     "My cousin?You mean Isabelle?"

      "Yeah,who else?I believe she's pregnant"

      "That's not possible now"


       "If the news get out Emeryk is going to go mad and you know that's not safe for the people we want to free from him"Hans said,his expression changed to worry. "This isn't alright"

      "I need your help, I've to kill triplicate myself today"

      " What?"

      "I have to protect both her and the baby,I don't know what her husband plan is but leaving her with him is dangerous, take care of the guy"

      " What?".

      "Fucking stop that" Aukey yell. "Stop the what and do what I said,I don't need you to do anything more than that,did you get Bron?"

      " Ye...yes"

     "The CD?"

      " No"Aukey eye Hans,he look away and massage his eyebrows. "Xander attacked my men and got it but her phone is with me"Aukey sigh.

      "Take the body out"He said,Hans roll his eyes but nodded. "I'll go after what I wanted to"


     Greta heart pump as she got out of the purple Bugatti,she has done this before...infact thousands of time,be an impersonator to halt time before the real danger comes but this time she was freezing,if things didn't go to well she'd have to kill or be killed and she doesn't want any bloodshed.

    Aurelian took her hands to help her out of the car,the mansion was larger and bigger to the eyes,light brim from the top to bottom,the room's in the houses was visible and no one would think of the oddest staring into the dream landscape of every living being, Right beside it is a casino,larger than the house but more equipped and guarded.

      The upper deck was quite unlike the other floors,there were soft noises,cool music and welcoming laughters but again no one would think that this is the den of a serial killer.

     "Ma'am, I'll take it from here" A young man in a black suit stop Aurelian from taking any steps further,Greta heart grip in fear.

      "I'm sorry but I can't leave my..."

      " Aren't you a chauffuer?" The young man ask rudely. "I'll take care of your madam...but I won't let you come in that's what I was instructed"

      " Hey,you better..."

      "Leave" Greta managed to find her voice, she'd to behave exactly as Isabelle at this moment, Aurelian grit his teeth. "Leave,and you"She cock her head properly scrutinizing the man "Why no respect?"

      " Excuse me"The man raise his brows sharply.

      "Is this how you're ordered to treat your customers? Because this place is well visited doesn't mean you've acquired it all,do you know who I am?"

      "I don't care... you're a customer not the owner so act like one...I mean accordingly"

     " Let me punch this guy"Aurelian groan.

      " I said leave"Greta yell, Aurelian roll his eyes and step back,She snicker realizing the camera is now on them. "I'm Isabelle Augustyn by the way" The young man swallow. "Heard of my name before?" 

      "Ma'am I am..."

      "Didn't know I'm gonna bring purple in?well I love colors and it seems you and your boss are color blind so I've to at least change the odd combination of color since we're still on earth not in...hell"

     The young man fall to the ground. "I'm very sorry madam,I swear I didn't recognize you and..."

      "I'll go in now,be right here when I come back"Greta address her supposed chauffuer ignoring the man completely, Aurelian bow and rush back into the car, Isabelle heave about to take a step when she heard a terrifying voice.

      "Isabelle,How nice of you to be here?" Greta lift her gaze up and shiver.


      Isabelle force herself into a black off shoulder gown,black net high heels,black lipstick and straighten her curly wig,This was always her code... Black, people believe it's hell arriving, they believe it's death even Americans believe it's a scary color and who was she to be an angel in a devil's den.

      "Have you gotten what I asked?" Isabelle ask jumping into the backseat.

      "Yes ma'am"

     "Good,how do I look? devilish?" Jan shift uncomfortably in his seat. " Just tell me...the truth"

     "You look stunning and sexy ma'am not devilish"

    Isabelle pout. "Well I get being seductive will do for today, where's it?"

    Jan hand her a brown envelope. "Here ma'am, Sir is on the phone" Isabelle frown and take both the gadget in his hand.

     "Still mad?"

     "There's a problem" Isabelle glance at Jan subconsciously and noticed for the first time in the car that there's someone else,someone at the driver seat. "Someone else is at the casino"

     "Who is that?"Isabelle voice thicken,she suddenly snicker in anger and fear. "Don't tell me Bodgan sent someone in"

     "He did,my men inside told me you arrived...in red and you told me you were going in with black"Isabelle shut her eyes close. " Whoever it is...is in grave danger,I recognize you easily even if you're in a crossdressing dress so this can't work"

     " Triplicate knows me more than you do Xander,I stayed with him remember...he knows everything"

     " Change into red,if things goes well you could do a change up and I sent a purple Bugatti to the mall, okay?"

     " Thanks"Isabelle said and hung up. "Who's the guy?" She eye Jan.

     " Oh Philip, he's a new recruited army officer, you're in safe hands Ma'am".

     "Sure"Isabelle murmur dryly. "Seems we've to change and be a real seductress"


       "What?What do you mean? Isabelle is in red?"Aukey barked.

     "YES SIR"The voice on the phone shake. "She came in with Triplicate uncle a while ago"

      "Hold on,what?Boyce is in Poland,he was in the prison,how did he...Fuck!! nothing is right,nothing is fucking right,listen to me carefully Dripps, I'm almost there but if things go wrong before I get there I want you to do what you're there to do and more"

     "YES SIR"