The Spirit Hands - The Hands Of Clones - Chapter 94

Before starting, he needs to wait for the Gemini Clones to comprehend Spirit Hands. It will increase his battle power and many other things tremendously, with the mastery of the use of Spirit Hands increasing with time. 

11 Gemini clones will be able to summon and conjure 22 hands that can attack, defend, hold, throw, carry, fly, and pick things up with their will.

This is an ability that he could not miss and not that he wanted to miss it anyway. Who would want to miss an ability and star application technique like this? 

For the time being, it is best for me to go outside and look for places to buy. "Fraus,"

  with this simple thought in his mind, went downstairs, ate something, and left the inn. 

The sunlight shines upon his face, lighting the area around him and the scenery in general.