Felix - Runes - Fraus - Chapter 146

The rain heavily pounded the ground as it was just like it wanted to beat the ground with its drops.

Felix looked outside from the half-empty caravan and took a deep breath.

As my father said, I always need to look out and open my eyes for any kind of opportunity. "

I need to build some funds for myself.

Luckily for Felix, when he lived in the village, There was an old woman called Ederne who lived in a big city before retiring to the small village. She knew how to read and write, and because she thought that Felix was a smart kid, she taught him how to read and write.

After learning to read, Felix used most of his money to read books in the small library in the village.

He knew that to make his plans complete. He needed coins, and for coins he needed to make something and find something to do.
