Prologue 4: File: Nathen Overbeck

National Security Agency Archives

File: Operation Black Alpes

Year: 2066

Location: *Redacted*, Alpes, Switzerland

Mission Objective: Extract Dr * DATA CURRPTED* Wolfe from the safe house of *Redacted*.

Agents: Henry and Martha Overbeck.

Mission Log: The first half of the mission made it clear that the knowledge of the operation was leaked. Considering there were more guards than expected. Not to mention the unnatural response time of their reinforcements. Not to mention that shit hit the fan when *DATA CORRUPTED* showed up. One hit from that arm of his was enough to send the truck flying down the cliff. It was strange as if they didn't want the target back, just wanted to keep whatever he had information from us. Well, they succeeded in that, once the truck came to a stop after rolling, the target was dead. Agent Henery had a broken femur and dislocated shoulder, getting him out of that wreck was a task in itself. We managed to make it to the extraction point. But-----

*Data Corrupted*

Additional Notes: Agents Henry and Martha Overbeck were lost during a siege by the First Sons on the NSA building in California.

*Time Skip*

Beacon Academy; San Fransisco:

A teen dressed in black denim jeans, a leather jacket and a white shirt walks through the halls of Beacon Academy, with earphones in. N: "Back in black, I hit the sack, I've been too long I'm glad to be back. Yes, I'm."

PA: "Will Nathen Drake, Jhon Maston, Arthur Morgan and Dutch Vander Lin please report to my office.

That would be Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon, and a bit of a prankster.

But it wasn't like the old professor to call the top 4 students at Beacon out of the blue. It was probably an assignment and an important one at that.

There was an elevator to Ozpin's office. Reaching the elevator Dutch was just getting in.

D: "Nate."

N: "Dutch."

The elevator ride went in silence. Reaching the office floor, Jhon and Arthur were already outside. Now would be a good time to mention the relationship between the 4 boys. While they were the top students at Beacon, they weren't friends but weren't enemies either, they just respected that the others were as good as them and just happily co-exist.

In the modestly large office, sat a man with steel grey hair, wearing a black jacket, grey shirt, green scarf and black round glasses which seemed to be more of a fashion statement rather than useful.

O: "Now, I have gathered you all for a very important assignment. I'm sure you have heard of the First Sons and their leader Kesler."

A: "Well, he is well known, but not for the right reasons."

O: "Well, we have solid information that he is here in San Fransisco. Along with the Ray Sphere."

J: "WHY? It's not like any big power plants can power that damn thing?"

N: "Yeah, it needs at least 4 BIG nuclear reactors to power it. You would think he would go to Chornobyl for that?"

O: "You see, that maniac thought the better idea would be to use Argent energy."

D: "What is the name of God is Argent energy?"

O: "Basically what Hell runs on."

A: "So what, he plans on opening a portal to hell in San Fran and drawing its power to use his suicidal bomb?"

??: "That's exactly what he plans to do."

From behind a feminine voice spoke up

O: "Agent Moya from NSA and Mojar Winter Schnee will be helping you through the assignment."

There was a collective eye roll, nobody and I mean NOBODY liked working with either.

N: "Professor, with all due respect, those 2 are bitchs and then some."

M: "I didn't expect anything different from an Overbeck, honestly Oz why do you even have him here?"

If Nate wanted to just blow her head off with the family double-barrel he always kept on him. What made it so special? It was chambered in 10 Gauge, and the select system was removed, so both barrels fire simultaneously.

O: "Moya, you won't insult my students, much less in front of me. Now you 4 go and prepare for the assignment. Dustoff in 20 minutes."

*Time Skip*

The 4 had arrived at the LZ from where they were leaving. There they saw a familiar face.

N: " Cpt. Price! What are you doing here?"

P: "Well, your principal didn't want you going in with the snitch, so we are going in with you boys."

A: "Better the Task Force 141 than her."

P: "Alright so listen up, here's what we are going to do, The Task Force is going to go for the Ray Sphere, we're expecting only scientists there. You 4 are going to take a break for the Hell portal. Expect heavy resistance and probably Kesler too. Entry is going to be quiet so it ain't red hot as soon as we're boots on the ground. Now since you boys can't keep it down silent for too long, so you're going to go first and start the ruckus."

D: "So we're the diversion?"

P: "Exactly, we're going to go for the Sphere and grab all the intel we can."

N: "Sounds good to me."

*Time Skip *

Again, it seemed like there was a mole in the assignment, more than expected guards. Well, it didn't matter when the diversion started. Most of the force moved towards the 4 Beacon students. The last door to the Portal sector itself was the hard one. But all it took was a quick fix with some Dynamite. The last push was hard though as the guards from the sectors behind them started gunning for them.

N: "Dammit, we're pinned, can't move if we have a small army on our tail."

D: "Not if we all move, Nate you go ahead and deal with the bastard, well hold 'em off. And don't you dare try to reason with me?"

N: "OK!"

With that, Nate took off into the area that housed the Portal generator.

N: "Ok, now to shut this thing off."

Suddenly the doors behind him sealed themselves up.

K: " *slow clap with a sound of metal against leather.* Hehe, well well well, an Overbeck has come to stop me hmm? Hahaha, oh the irony, 11 years ago, your parents tried to stop me, they failed."

N: "Geez, a smart brain with unlimited funding, it's either a curse or a boon."

K: "Hmm and which am I according to you?"

N: "Well if you were a boon, you wouldn't be my problem. *Loads SS* "

M: " Stan-- *BANG*"


K: "How'd you know?"

N: "She made it easy. Now are we gonna stand here all day, or are we going to fight?"

K: "My pleasure."

*Time Skip *

The fact that Nate had already unlocked his Gung Ho! perk, made the fight heavily stacked against Kesler. For every slug Nate landed on the psychopath, he healed his wounds. After an exhaustive 15 minutes, Kesler was on his last legs.

K: "*Pant, Pant, Pant* You.. you put up a good fight, Nathan Overbeck, I'll give you that, but alas I can't let you get away with destroying my work. So goodbye"

With that, he overloaded the Portal causing it to blow up.

Dutch's POV: All I remember was fighting the First Sons guards with Arthur, Jhon and the Task Force. When a huge blast blew up, no, vaporized the ceiling. The Portal must have overloaded, it blew it up sure, but it also took Nate with it.


Nate's POV: That goddam maniac's a goddam maniac! He blew up the portal, and now I'm falling? OH SNAP I'M FALLING. I fell through a black cloud of ash and the landscape below was strange, to say the least. Lava rivers, craters, and ash geysers. The view had to take a back seat as I WAS STILL FALLING! I landed on top of a hill or big crater and rolled to the bottom. I swear I probably looked like a cartoon character. After I finally came to a stop and regained my bearings, I checked if I had all my gear. N: "Alright. Rifle? Check. Shotgun? Check. Double Barrel? Also, Check. Now, where am I? Wait, wait. A hell portal blew up and now I'm in what probably earth looks like after the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and created the moon. *Sign* I'm in hell, aren't I?". My train of thought was disrupted by distant growling, what sounded like coming from multiple sources, which were closing in. N: "SCRAP!" Taking cover behind a rock, equipping the shotgun. A moment later some strange creatures came scrambling about. If there were 2 words I could describe them in, it would be NIGHTMARE FUEL. These things looked like they could rip apart an A1M1 Abrahams.

From what I could count, there were 5 - 6 looking around, probably for me. They were sniffing around like hunting dogs and they probably found me already. GGGRRREEEAAATTT. Oh did I mention these things throw FUCKING FIREBALLS? It was a pain to doge but not as challenging as bullets since they tumble through the air like an under-barrel grenade launcher.

*15 Minutes later*

Finally! Damn, these things took 3 shells at point-blank to put down. Better keep moving, if there are more of these things, which there probably are, I don't want to be waiting around for them.


Sarvente's POV: Well, this is certainly a unique situation. According to father and king Novik of the Night Sentinels, there was a human in a live one at that. One who hadn't died but rather, how do I put this, 'teleported' to hell. Strange. Never heard of that ever happening before. Now, I with a fireteam of Sentinels were looking for a human. We know where he entered, so it wasn't going to be too difficult to find him. That is if he is still alive.

*Time Skip to the group reaching the landing spot.*

Well, this is interesting. Whoever is it that dropped in was armed with human weapons. Not only that, they were skilled enough to take on 6 imps. Well, this made them easier to track, any activity leaves a trail of argent. And this person was strong. So basically they left a bread crumb trail for us. Though, it led straight towards the Spider Masterminds' territory.

*MAJOR Time Skip*

We followed the Argent trail for nearly an hour, and it revealed something else as well. Whoever this is, has experience fighting powerful creatures, and they were carrying a variety of human weaponry. We found several Cacodemon bodies, riddled with smaller holes, several through the eyes. Unlike the Imps, their bodies were blown wide open with smaller blasts. This brings us to the current sight in front of me. This person was taking on 2 Hell knights and 4 Pinkies. And they seemed to be struggling.

Nate's POV: "OH CRAP!" DAMN, why can't life be easy for me? Those little bastards which charged towards you were easy enough to deal with. But these bigger assholes were a pain to deal with. Not to mention, they have a keen liking for hopping all over the place. One of them got the drop on me and whacked me a good 15 ft. It came jumping towards me, I pulled out SS but before I could fire some girl in combat armour cut him in HALF with a sabre-ESC sword. Looked around to see some big guys in futuristic knight armour dealing with the others.

Third Person: Before Nate could get up, Sarvenet pointed her sabre right in his face.

S: "Who are you and sate your business."

N: "Nathen Overbeck, Becon student. As for my business? Well, that's a long story."

Sarvenet lowered her blade a bit now pointing at his chest, it glowed for a second.

S: "Alright, continue."

N: "So basically I and 3 others along with a world-class military group were sent to disrupt the work of a secret society, bent on a 'Forced evolution of the human race, which comes at the cost of 100,000s of innocent lives. They were trying to power their newest toy from Argent energy. So they opened a portal to hell. I and the 3 others were sent to close it. The others held their ground whole I went to close it. But their deranged leader decided to overload it. So now I'm here."

S looked sceptically at Nate. Her blade glowed once more.

S: "Alright I believe you." She haltered her sabre and stuck out her hand to help Nate up.

N: " You know, I never got your name."

S: "Sarvente"

N: "Pleasure to meet you."

S: "* Silently shakes hand* Captain! we found the target. Open the portal. Your coming with us."

N: " Ok? But where and why?"

S: " Since you are technically still alive and in hell, you made quite the ruckus. As for the where to see the Ruler of Hell."

N: "Oh. Wait. WHAT?"

S: "Just get in. *Shoves him through and follows.*"

Location: the City of Immora, capital of Hell.

Right now Nate was being taken to The Dark Lord's palace, through the capital. Needless to say, it garnered some attention. N: 'God, the looks are nearly unbearable. Gosh, wish I had my glasses.' Soon they came up to a giant black and red palace that looked as if its architect was count Dracula himself. There was a MASSIVE multi-lock door, looking as if it was ripped straight out of Hogwarts. Sarvente stepped up to the door and drew her sabre. It pulsated twice, and the locks opened themselves. All Nate could do was stare In awe with his mouth hung open. It took a Sentinel bumping him to get him to snap out. As they entered the palace, the insides were a whole lot different from what he had expected. Instead of a stereotypical hell depiction, rather a typical colonial palace with a darker colour scheme. After entering the palace, Sarvente dismissed the Sentinels and took Nate personally to the Grand Hall.

Sarvente's POV: I was outside the Grand Hall when Deag Grav came out.

S: "Deag Grav? What brings you here?" DG: "Same as it always, this blasted war." S: "This war is a curse." DG: "Indeed. *Looks over to Nate* A human? And a live one at that! What happened Princess?" S: "It's a long story."

Meanwhile, Nathen looked like he was having his brain cooked to perfection by the MASSIVE exposition dump. His saviour was the princess of hell and there was a war going on. Huh, guess you learn something new every day. After the Deag left I took him inside, and I suppose the sight of the 'Dark Lord' and a ghostly king made him snap out of his trance.

Third Person POV: The kings looked up to see the princess leading a human boy, who didn't look much older than her into the Hall. S: "Father." D: "Sarvente." S: "We found our stowaway human." N: "I take offence to that.". Davoth approached Nate, revealing his massive proportions, standing at 7'5", and 800 pounds of pure, supernatural muscle. D: "State your name boy." N: "Nathen 'Nate' Overbeck, Student of Beacon academy of combat." D: "So, 'Nate' how did a living human-like you ended up in Hell?" S: "An organization opened a portal to hell to draw Argent energy for their weapon. He and 3 others were sent to shut it down. The organization's leader overloaded the portal and he got sent here." N: "Nice job summarizing it." KN: "Is that so, hmm? Well, that poses a new challenge." The ghostly King Novik said. N: "Not to be intrusive, but from what I heard from the conversation between Sarvenet and, I'm probably butchering the pronunciation, Deag Grav, there is a 'war' going on in hell." S: "You were still listening to all that? You looked your brain got hard-boiled!" N: "Hey, you don't become one of the top 4 students of Beacon by zoning out during important moments." D: "What is this Beacon Academy you talk of?" N: "Basically, a school where a few select children are admitted who possess extreme combat prowess." S: "Huh, that explains your combat ability. Taking on 6 Imps, 3 Cacodemons, 4 Pinkies and 2 Hell knights, who mind you have been enhanced by the Spider Mastermind, within an hour of entering Hell.". There was a look of astonishment on Davoth's face, but a look of realization on King Norvik's. N: "Wait, that was only an HOUR?" S: "Yup." D: "As for the war, yes there is a war being waged. By the Spider Mastermind. She wishes to take over all realms of existence, that being Hell, Earth and Heaven." N: "What is it with overthrowers and taking over everything?" KN: "Davoth, I need to talk to the boy, I think he maybe HIM." D: "Don't be ridiculous Novik. Sure he has exceptional combat skills, but that doesn't make him HIM." KN: "It doesn't seem like it but think, the prophecy said that HE would present himself during the darkest hour. of the realms." D: "Coincidence?" KN: "I think not." *BOOM* *RUMBLE* *SCREECHING*

D: "WHAT IS GOING ON?" Sentinal: "King Novik, Dark Lord, it's the Spider Mastermind's forces. They have begun an attack on the eastern wing." D: "PERSEPHONE!" S: "MOTHER!" NK: "Knight! Gather the forces, and lead them to flank the attackers." Sentinal: "Yes My Lord." N: "Ok, how can I help." S: "NO! You're going to stay safe and stay put." N: "Not to be offensive but there is a saying, 'Better to fight for something than live for nothing.'" D: "I suppose there is no point in arguing. Alright, but stay close." N: "Copy."

*Time skip through a prolonged journey with different Demons littered across the palace.*

Nate's POV: After fighting through hordes of cannon fodder and foot soldier, we finally reach the eastern wing. By GOD was it a mess. A massive hole in the wall, with Demons pouring in everywhere. A giant brain spider-like thing with a canon tail. The damn thing was near impossible to hit without taking a beating. But for some reason, it decided to shift its focus from me to Sarvente, damn near hit her. This distraction was enough for me to close the gap and get a clean shot at its armour and punch through. Thought hen it started to pulsate in blue light and I just felt, angry. Like I wanted to grab its stupid twig pincers and shove them into its eyes. And suddenly that's what I did, I dashed forward and killed it by shoving its pincers into its face.

[Look at the first one ]

It stumbled back and fell back out of the hole. N: "Keep the change ya filthy animal." { Kudos to those who got the reference. }

S: "Really? A movie reference?" N: "I'm surprised you got it." ??? "AAAHHH!" S" MOTHER!" Turning around I saw a giant, around the upper end of 80 feet, demon holding a woman, its other hand being a massive cannon.

N: "Holy shit what is THAT?" S: "That's a Cyberdemon. one of the strongest in Spider Mastermind's army." D: "Stay back." Davoth, or the Dark Lord, pulled out what looked like a typical English sword but made from, what I'm guessing is, Argent energy.

Oh and yeah he was dressed in armour that made him look huge.

*Third Person POV* The cyber demon charged recklessly. Davoth ducked right and cut the hand holding Persephone. The demon yells in pain and fires from its cannon arm. While this fight was going on, Nate and Sarvente were own little war. Surrounded by Revenents and Pain Elementals, both flying demons with ranged attacks, so were a bit of a pain to deal with. Though being constantly moving and taking advantage of the elevation change proved to be useful. Alas, as all good things come to an end. So when a missed projectile from the Cyber demon hit the floor near them, the ground moved from under them, literally.

*Nate's POV* I. AM, GETTING. REALLY. FUCKING. TIRED. OF. FALLING. The blast, was like a small death, almost wishing it was. When we finally hit the ground, felt like almost every bone in my body was broken, thankfully some, including my neck and arms, were spared. Looking around Sarv was out cold. Wait, did I just give her a nickname? Ahh, Nate pull yourself together, found some of those canon fodder demons stumbling nearby. Just taking out some of these stupid things was enough to heal me completely. Finally, being able to stand, think I should scout ahead, but can't leave Sarvente alone, not in her condition.




What is that?




Ow, that hurt. Whatever hit me, send me a good 5 feet. looking up I saw, Kesler? N: "Kesler? How you were near death when the portal blew up.?" K: "Silly child, I DID die. But I landed in the grace of the Mastermind. We stuck a deal. I lend her my strengths in taking over Hell and Heaven, she leaves earth for me and an unlimited supply of Argent energy." N: *stands up* "Yup definitely a curse." K: "How charming, now STAND STILL."


Ggaahh, how'd he get so fast? He's too fast. I don't even have time to recover. *ZAP* *CLANK*. OOFF that felt like the money shot. I fell to my knees from the pain. K: "You know, you are the only one who ever possed a real challenge. And getting rid of you should be my priority, but."

Kesler's POV:

K: But, a chain is as strong as its weakest link. And the Princess is the weakest link in the Dark Lords." I was ready to fry her when someone grabbed my hand and made me miss. This, SOMEONE, happened to be this insufferable boy. K: "AAgh, STAY OUT OF MY WAY."

Third Person POV:

Kesler sent Nate flying and continued to shock him. N: "AAAHHHH." K: "You know, I gave your parents a quick death, but I won't give you the same luxury." That sentence, that one sentence made something snap in Nate. He felt the pain fade away, replaced by 11 years of anger, hatred and pain. His screams of pain were replaced by battle cries fueled by anger. N: "AAAHHHGGG". In a fit of rage, he charged Kesler. K: "What the-- EEhhgg!". Nate grabs him by his metal hand, and rips the prosthetic off, proceeding to crush it. Before Kesler could register what had happened, Nate grabbed him by the collar of his trench coat and head-butted him to the point where was bleeding from his forehead and his nose was crushed. *Painful roars* Overhead, Nate could see the Cyberdemon, on the brink of death. If it were to fall, it would die for sure, and it had enough mass to crush anyone underneath it. N: "Adios. Asshole." With a final punch, Nate knocked Kesler out, into the path of the falling giant.

King Novik's POV: I saw the entire fight happen. From, Kesler beating Nathen, to him saving Sarvente from being electrocuted. To Nate completely overpower him. I suppose I stand corrected, he is the Doom Slayer, as the testaments said, he'll come to the realms during their darkest times. But, he isn't prepared, not just yet. He still needs the armour and the blessing of the divinity machine. *Thud*. Hhmm? Oh, he collapsed. No surprise there. Hehehe, he's still all but a child. KN: "Sentinals, take the princess and our guest to the infirmary wing." Knight: "Yes my Lord."

*Time Skip* I was sitting in the Grand Hall with Persephone and Davoth, retelling everything I saw. P: " So you think that our Earthly visitor is HIM?" KN: "Yes, Persephone, from what I saw, he is. An iron will to live and rage that would decimate anything in its path. But he is different from what I imagined him to be like." D: " Aside from the fact that he's a 15-year-old?" KN: "Yes, his anger isn't uncontrolled. He doesn't go berserk over the smallest things. He's methodical, his anger only ever truly comes out when he wants to protect someone or revenge for a fallen loved one."

* In the Infirmary Wing*

Third Person POV: Sarvente had recovered quickly. Being a demon, constant exposure to controlled Argent energy allowed her to heal quicker. Nate however was a whole other can of worms. For starters, he wasn't as badly wounded as expected. Aside from a few bruises and 1st-degree burns, nothing was damaged both internally and externally. Not to mention he was recovering faster than any normal person would. Sarvente had woken up and was looking around and was shocked to see Nate alive. S: "Nathen! He lived?" P: "Yes he did, and through more than what you expect." S: "MOTHER!" P: "Hello daughter, good to see you have recovered fully." S: "And I'm glad to see you are ok, but what do you mean by 'trough more than I expected?" P: "Well..."

*Time Skip*

Sarvente's POV: Hearing the whole story was just shocking, to say the least. S: "He... did all that?" The most surprising was the fact that he saved me. Huh, guess the what goes around comes around. N: "Yup, and now we're even.". Turning to the right, Nate had regained consciousness. Wait did I call him Nate? N: "I don't think we have been formally introduced properly, Your Majesty. N--." P: "Oh, no need for that. My husband and King Novik had told me about you." N: "I see, speaking of which, I needed to talk to King Novik, something he said and what happened with Kesler." S: "Is this 'Kesler' the leader of the organization?" N: "Yes, can you tell he's a mad man?" S: "Definitely." N: "Though he honestly scared me, back on earth." P: "Why? Sure, from what I heard, he's a powerful foe, but I would say you 2 are equally matched." N: "The dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible. This I did." S: "T.E. Lawrence, didn't take you like the philosophical type?" N: "I surprised you got all that?" P: "Oh, lil' Sarvente was the type to learn more than fight when she was a child." S: "Mother!" P: "Anyhow, I came to see how you 2 were doing. Also Nathen, King Novik want to take you to Exultia." N: "Iam assuming it would be better to ask him what that place is? Alright, I'll take your leave. Sarvente, take care." With that he got up and left with mother.

Nate's POV: I made my way to the grand hall, led by Persephone. P: "I assume you have a lot of questions since your arrival?" N: "To honest? No, and those I did, most were answered." P: "Interesting." The rest of the walk was in silence. Entering the Grand Hall, I could see King Novik fully ready in his armour. KN: "Ahh Nathen! Good to see you have recovered." N: "King Novik. You had something to discuss with me?" KN: "Yes, but for that, we have to go to a place we sentinels call home." With that, a portal opened and I followed them through. Stepping through, was what I could describe as was Atlantis but on land. A beautiful city with a bluish hint in the atmosphere. N: "My god! This is a beautiful place." We were standing on an open level of a castle. The view was breathtaking, to say the least. KN: "Yes it is. Now follow me." After walking for a while, going do quite a few staircases, we reached a room sealed by an old wooden, which looked like you can bring it down with a kick, wrapped with chains. Though what was more interesting were the writings on the stone frame. Looked alien to me. As King Novik got close to it the chains rattled and tightened themselves. N: "What the --?" KN: "Now, Nathen I have a hypothesis, I want you to carefully approach the door." N: "Alright, but what is this?" KN: "Trust me, if the door opens, all the questions will be answered." If? Ok, so there's a chance that the same will happen. N: "Ok. Here goes nothing." I slowly stepped up to the door. The writings began to glow red. The chains loosen till they fall and the door slams open. N: "Ok, WHAT IS GOING ON?" KN: "That chamber holds the armour and weaponry of a great worrier. HE was destined to appear during the darkest times of all realms. The door would open to him or those who shared his bloodline." N: "But it doesn't make sense, I know I fight good but a full-on warrior that poses a threat to whatever scares the realms?" KN: "See I know that, but you might have a connection to him. Tell me Nathen do you know of any strong fighters in your family?" N: "No... No, I barely remember my parents even." KN: "I see, well step inside." Stepping inside the wall began mumbling and GOD MY HEAD HEART. SHIT, vision's blurring. After a second or two, I start seeing the writing on the walls in... English? What?

*Third person POV*

Suddenly Nate starts talking in a demonic voice.

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.

N: "What was that?" KN: "That was a slayer testament, see you are connected to the Doom Slayer." N: "Well, what next." King Novik silently points to a sarcophagus at the end of the chamber. N:" Oh, ok. I'm guessing I touch it?" Novik just nodded. Nate put his hand on the lid and it crumbled. Revealing a green suit of armour complete with a helmet. N: "Woah, so my ancestor wore this?" KN: "Well, ye--" Suddenly a Night came running down. SN: "King Novic, it's the Spider Mastermind, she's managed to get past the defences." KS: "What?! Nathen stay here. I know you want to fight, but this is too much for you. Night get my armour."

Now at this point, you and I both know that ol' Nathen can't stay away from a fight. N: "Dammit, I have to go but I need some heavier firepower." Nate looked over to the freshly revealed armour.

*In the Battlefield.*

The Night Sentinels were trying to hold back the attacking hordes of demons. King Novik had brought down 2 Barons of hell when a shock surged through the ground and hit him. KN: "AAAHHH!" SM: "King Novik, you and your sentinels will fall, as wi--" N: "HEY YA BIG UGLY." SM: "Wha--" A green ball of energy hit the Mastermind straight in the mouth, blew through her body, and killed her. Novik turned to see Nate, dressed in the Preator armour, holding the BFG 9000. Swapping it out for SS, a MAurouder yelled, "It's the SLAYER!"

N: "Naaa, I prefer DOOMGUY."