I, Your Father, am a Big Spender

Though he used to just 'pop up' in the past, Wu entered the Council room normally since he had Sarada accompanying him. Her presence garnered a lot of attention, but the first to speak was Hiruzen, saying, "Thank you for coming, Lord Senju. I know it isn't easy for you to make time for things like this."

Returning a smile, Wu ruffled Sarada's hair as he said, "You can thank my Disciple-turned-Secretary for that. She's extremely competent at her job and holds me accountable."

Though she couldn't prevent a smile from adorning her face, Sarada did her best to appear calm and professional as she pushed up her glasses and said, "Good afternoon, Sandaime-sama. And it's a pleasure to meet the rest of you."

Noticing the Uchiha crest on Sarada's blouse, Choza, a massive, rotund, red-haired man and Head of the Akimichi Clan, remarked, "You're one of those time travelers. I believe your name was Uchiha Sarada...?"

Nodding her head in affirmation, Sarada replied, "It's nice to meet you, Lord Akimichi."


Directing his perennially narrowed eyes to Wu, Choza asked, "Have the Senju Clan and the Uchiha formed an alliance?"

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Wu maintained his smile as he replied, "You could say that. Instead, I would rather you explain why you went out of your way to call me here. The last I checked, I hadn't turned twenty yet."

In Choza's stead, Hiruzen answered, "In light of recent events, we have unanimously agreed to let you take your seat on the Council early. You're already involved in regional and international politics, and we'll need your input regarding any countermeasures we develop against the Otsutsuki..."

Returning a slight nod, Wu mused, "Make's sense." before taking one of the empty seats at the rectangular wooden table. Once he had, Hiruzen opened the meeting by saying, "Now that everyone has gathered, there are three matters of utmost importance to discuss. First and foremost is the upcoming Chunin Exams. It's been more than two years since we last held the event, and this time, each of the Five Great Shinobi Nations have agreed to send teams to participate..."

Directing his silvery-grey eyes to Wu, Hiruzen appended, "There is also a request for Lord Senju Wu. The Kages of Kumo and Iwa are curious to see the progress of the students they have 'entrusted' to you. Suna expressed a similar interest, so we would like everyone training within the Senju Clan Compound to participate in an Exhibition. If you consent, it would give us a lot of leverage in future discussions related to the Otsutsuki..."

As most of his girls were still Genin, Wu didn't mind giving them a chance to shine, answering, "So long as you nominally agree to promote each of them Jonin in the wake of the Exhibition. With one exception, nearly all of my students could fodder the average Jonin. A few could even go toe-to-toe with the Five Kage, so having them remain as Genin is senseless..."

Though everyone knew the capabilities of Wu, or at least they believed they did, his claim that nearly everyone in the Senju Clan Compound was at the rank of Jonin left a few of the Clan Heads speechless. The only two who weren't even remotely shocked were Inoichi and Hiashi, the Heads of the Yamanaka and Hyuga Clans.

Nodding his head in approval, Hiruzen replied, "We will need to discuss the specifics of each of their promotions, but I can guarantee we will at least vest them the rank of Tokubetsu Jonin. Whether or not they qualify as actual Jonin will depend on their ability to lead and supervise others."

As Jonin were typically the Commanders in charge of Chunin-led squads during times of war, it was important for anyone bearing the title to have at least a basic grasp of military tactics and leadership. That was one of the reasons the Tokubetsu Jonin rank existed. It was for specialists and those who had the skills of a Jonin but lacked the capabilities of a good leader.

"That's acceptable," responded Wu, adding, " Please continue." as if he were the one in charge of the meeting. His behavior earned him frowns from the elderly Homura and Koharu, but as they had already had most of their power stripped from them in the wake of Danzo's fiasco, they didn't say anything. They were just decorations that clung to power by trying to ride Hiruzen's coattails.

Not minding Wu's behavior in the slightest, Hiruzen adopted a smile as he stated, "The remaining matters to discuss are Uchiha Sasako's nomination as the provisional Head of the Uchiha Clan. After that, we will discuss the village's finances and the allocation of funds..."

Realizing the true reason he had been asked to join the Council early, Wu rolled his eyes and said, "The Senju Clan already pays more taxes than any other Clan. However, I'm willing to supply the village peaches totaling one hundred years of vitality if you let me skip out on discussions related to the budget. I genuinely don't care about such 'mundane' things..."

As the value of peaches had risen from around 3 million Ryo per year to approximately 3.2 million Ryo, Hiruzen didn't hesitate to respond, "That is more than fair. You're a very busy young man, so matters such as this are doubtlessly an inconvenience. If you would prefer to send a proxy in the future, you are welcome to do so."

Rising from his seat, Wu adopted a marginally amused smile as he met Hiruzen's gaze and remarked, "Still baiting me, even after all this time. I can't wait to seat Sakura as your replacement..."

Exhaling an amused chuckle, Hiruzen caressed his pointy beard as he mused, "I do what I must to ensure the village's future. Still, I am very grateful for how 'understanding' you are. You've been a great ally to the village, and I have no doubt you will continue to watch over it into the far future..."

Adopting a marginally more serious expression, Hiruzen added, "Still, I would like to retire. Once you believe Sakura is ready, let me know, and I will gladly test her qualifications. If she's willing, she can also shadow me for a while to get a feel for the duties and responsibilities of a Kage."

As this was the first time most of the Clan Heads were hearing about Hiruzen's plan to pass on his hat, the atmosphere within the Council Hall became tense. Homura and Koharu looked like they had swallowed bugs, but Hiashi was comparably calm as he informed, "I've heard of the Sakura girl. Haruno Sakura, to be exact. She has been training under Senju-dono since she was eight years old and became the official apprentice of Lady Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin, two years ago. During her recent mission to the Land of Snow, she managed to defeat the Chief Shinobi of Yukigakure on her own. With a bit of polish, I believe she will make a fine Hokage."

Though they hadn't gathered to discuss Sakura's nomination as Hokage, Inoichi took the initiative to add, "I have also witnessed Sakura's growth over the years. During her days at the Academy, she got perfect scores in all classes pertaining to theory, and her Chakra Control is unlike anything I've ever witnessed. She is nearly immune to Genjutsu and can break free from the Yamanaka Clan's hereditary Jutsu through sheer force of will..."

As if the matter was already decided, Hiruzen nodded in approval before offering his own praise, stating, "Sakura is on pace to surpass Tsunade as a Medic-Nin, and has even exhibited an aptitude for Senjutsu. Even if she didn't have the direct backing of Lord Senju, I would still nominate her as my successor..."

Hearing Hiruzen's words, specifically the part about Sakura having the backing of Wu, most of the initial doubts surrounding Sakura's unofficial nomination were quelled. At this point, every major player in Konoha knew that Wu's power and authority exceeded even the position of the Hokage. He was one of the village's greatest Sponsors, and his might was graded at the level of an entire nation. Unless he abruptly started behaving like a tyrant, no one dared to stand in opposition to him. It simply wasn't worth it...

Completely disregarding the fact they hadn't gathered to discuss Sakura's candidacy for the position of Hokage, Hiruzen practically pounced on the opportunity to formalize her nomination. The hat atop his head had been burning a hole in it for more than forty years, so he was getting desperate to pass the responsibility to someone else. Sakura wasn't his first option, but as there was no chance of Wu accepting the hat, she was one of the best alternatives.




After leaving the Council Hall early, Wu dragged his feet as he made his way toward the Uzumaki Clan Compound. Sarada followed close behind him, her eyes practically sparkling after witnessing how he dealt with the most 'powerful' people in the village. She had always known Wu's position was high, but seeing him throw his weight around without care created a mess in her panties...

Feeling the petite Uchiha's gaze boring a hole into the back of his head, Wu abruptly stopped in front of the entrance to a clothing store. There were still 2-3 hours until the predestined encounter at the Uzumaki Clan Compound, so he turned to the sparkly-eyed Uchiha and asked, "Want to purchase some new lingerie...?"

Though she nearly shouted in the affirmative, Sarada adopted a wry smile as she revealed, "We would need to purchase anything I try on..."

With personal funds that rivaled a nation's treasury, Wu adopted a smile as he mused, "I would purchase the whole store just for the opportunity to see you change outfits a few hundred times..."

Feeling a twinge in her chest, Sarada's Sharingan abruptly activated as she squeezed her thighs together. Whenever Wu complimented her, she felt as though a migration of butterflies was occurring in her stomach. At the same time, her pussy clenched so hard she couldn't stand straight...

Lending Sarada his chest, Wu gave her a few pats on the back to help her calm down before guiding her into the store. Shortly after their entry, the sign indicating that the store was open was promptly turned over. After that, all the employees left as Wu had made good on his promise by literally purchasing their entire inventory. Fortunately, it was a woman's clothing store, so he was fairly certain he could find some use for even the plus-sized clothing.

After recovering from her initial stupor, Sarada spent the better part of two and a half hours alternating between giving Wu a strip tease and a private fashion show. She couldn't have imagined herself doing such a thing a few months prior, but now she didn't hesitate to model for Wu, even seizing the initiative to grind against his cock and give him a thigh job to determine which pair of panties he enjoyed the most...

After soiling more than thirty pairs of panties, Wu permitted Sarada to give him a blowjob before having her wash up in the employee shower. She eagerly performed the former and relished the latter as they took turns washing each other's bodies. When he gently massaged her lower abdomen while holding her from behind, she practically gushed when he brought his lips to her ear and professed his love for her. She was content simply being an outlet for his sexual desires, so the notion of being 'loved' was enough to make her climax on the spot, her Mangekyou whirring to life as the memory of his soft yet smoldering confession was burned into her brain, heart, and body...




(A/N: Sarada has fallen so thoroughly into the MC's clutches, she can't possibly hope to escape xD...)